100字范文 > 危防工作 Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention英语短句 例句大全

危防工作 Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-26 03:13:07


危防工作 Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention英语短句 例句大全

危防工作,Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention

1)Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention危防工作

1.Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention Department of of Maritime Safety Administration is responsible for the safety of ships,ports and human life,the protection of water environment,the facilitation of transportation and production,and it is the backbone to strengthen the safety in shipping process and pollution prevention management.本论文借鉴绩效评估、绩效管理的理念,对直属海事局现行的目标管理体制进行分析,探讨直属海事局危防工作指标体系和考核机制,促进直属海事局危防工作实现理念创新、职能转变、作风转变和工作方法转变,提升直属海事局危防工作能力和服务水平。


1.Research on Establishment of Index System and Evaluation Mechanism of Branch MSA"s Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention分支海事局危防工作指标体系构建和考核机制探讨

2.Study on Establishment of Index System and Assessment Mechanism of Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention Activities under Direct MSA直属海事局危防工作指标体系的构建和考核机制的探讨

3.The management work of fire safety in actively response to financial crisis试论金融危机下的消防安全管理工作

4.A Study of Prevention-Oriented Crisis Intervention in Institutions of Higher Learning;试论以预防为重点开展高校危机干预工作

5.How to Enhance the Fire Protection for Railway Freight of Dangerous Goods;加强铁路危险货物运输消防安全工作的思路

6.The Harmfulness and Prevention and Cure Measures of Extorting a Confession by Torture in Police Work;刑讯逼供对公安工作的危害及其防治措施

7.Prevention Technology of High-danger Area in Mining Face with Strong Bursting Liability强冲击倾向性煤层工作面高危区域的防治技术

8.Cut-through Practice and Prerentive Measures at Driving Face with Dangerous Rockburst冲击地压危险掘进工作面贯通实践及防范措施

9.Investigation and Prevention of Occupational Hazards in Chemical Working Places化工生产作业场所职业危害调查及预防对策

10.Study on design of supervision and management mode of protection against occupational hazards in Worksite作业场所职业危害防护工作监管模式的设计研究

11.protective clothing for hazardous chemical operation危险化学品作业防护服

12.hazardous work, conditions危险的工作、 情况

13.This Law shall not apply to prevention and control of noise hazards incurred in the course of production or business operation one is engaged in.因从事本职生产、经营工作受到噪声危害的防治,不适用本法。

14.Overhead protection shall be provided for individuals working on a scaffold exposed to overhead hazards.要为在脚手架顶部工作的人员提供防架空危险的保护。

15.The Study about HIV/AIDS High-risk Behavior s Prevention and Intervention among Commercial Sexy Workers in Ji nan;济南市女性性工作者艾滋病高危行为预防干预研究

16.The Occupational Risk Factors and Protection Measures of the International Travel Healthcare Center Members国际旅行卫生保健中心工作人员职业危险因素及防护措施

17.Probe into Gently Dipping Strata Roof Stratifugic Water Jeopardizing on Fully Mechanized Mining Face and Controlling缓倾斜地层顶板离层水对综采工作面的危害及防治探讨

18.Protective Measures to Occupational Risk Factors of Working Staffs in Central Sterile Supply Department:A Discussion医院供应室工作人员职业危险因素的防护措施探讨


MSA"s dangerous cargo control and pollution prevention海事危防工作

3)hazard pay危险工作工资

4)and safety precautions in winter冬防工作

5)therapy prophylactic防控工作

6)Work protection工作防护


