100字范文 > 安全与防污染 safety and pollution prevention英语短句 例句大全

安全与防污染 safety and pollution prevention英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-04 02:28:52


安全与防污染 safety and pollution prevention英语短句 例句大全

安全与防污染,safety and pollution prevention

1)safety and pollution prevention安全与防污染

1.About some issues existed in the present management of shipsafety and pollution prevention;浅析当前船舶安全与防污染管理存在的问题


1.Legal consideration on the jurisdiction concerning safely and pollution control relating to offshore oil platforms;关于海上石油平台安全与防污染管辖权的法律思考

2.Protection of drinking water sources and water pollution control in rural areas农村饮用水水源地安全保障与水污染防治

3.International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention国际油轮安全和防止污染会议

4.Strong measures will be taken to strengthen the building of the urban environmental infrastructure, regulate industrial structure and lay-out, shun the unpromising way of "first pollution, last treatment", strengthen the prevention and control of the pollution in major river valleys to ensure the security of the drinking water of the inhabitants.加强流域污染防治,保证居民饮水安全。

5.Guidelines on Management for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention关于船只安全作业管理和防止污染的指导方针

6.Intensifying marine pollution control to protect the country"s marine environment security.加强海洋污染防治工作,保护国家海洋环境安全;

7.On Status Quo and Safety Protection in Emissions Monitoring about Pollution Source试论废气污染源监测的现状及安全防护

8.Contamination and Food Safety of Cyanobac Terial Toxins in Eutrophic Freshwater富营养化水体藻毒素污染与食品安全

9.Water Environment Pollution and Control Countermeasures in Huaihe River Near Anhui Province淮河安徽段水环境污染现状与防治对策

10.Investigation and Evaluation of Groundwater Pollution and Its Control Research for Anhui Province安徽省地下水污染调查评价与防治研究

11.Situation and Control Countermeasure of Rural Waste Pollution in Ning"an City浅谈宁安市农村垃圾污染现状与防治对策

12.Forging or altering the certificates of conformity with safe operations and with the pollution prevention system of the vessel owner or operator;伪造、变造船舶所有人、经营人安全营运与防污染管理体系审核的符合证明;

13.Transferring, trading, leasing, or using in other"s name the certificates of conformity with safe operations and with the pollution prevention system of the vessel owner or operator; or转让、买卖、租借、冒用船舶所有人、经营人安全营运与防污染管理体系审核的符合证明;

14.Engaging in navigation or other relevant activities without obtaining the certificates of conformity with safe operations and of conformity with the pollution prevention system;未取得船舶所有人、经营人安全营运与防污染管理体系符合证明从事航行或其他有关活动;

15.All this is of great significance to develop effective and safe new agricultural chemicals and prevent environmental pollution.这对开发高效、安全的新农药和预防环境污染有重大意义。

16.Tailings dam transfusion control is the key technology of ensuring dam body safety and preventing leakage from contaminating.尾矿坝渗流控制是确保坝体安全,防止渗漏污染的关键技术。

17.A Study on Numerical Analysis of Pollutant Transport of Municipal Solid Wastes and Design Method of Safety Lining System of Landfill;填埋场污染物运移数值分析及安全防渗系统设计方法探讨

18.PDAPS (Pollution Detection and Prevention System)污染探测与预防系统


tanker safety and pollution prevention油轮安全及污染防止

3)International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention国际油轮安全和防污染会议


5)safety and disaster resistant安全与防灾

6)safety and protection安全与防范


