100字范文 > 污染防控 pollution prevention and control英语短句 例句大全

污染防控 pollution prevention and control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-17 11:25:03


污染防控 pollution prevention and control英语短句 例句大全

污染防控,pollution prevention and control

1)pollution prevention and control污染防控

1.In China,energy-saving and emission reduction andpollution prevention and control is a major problem confronted by many industries nowadays and in the future.节能减排和污染防控是当前和今后一段时期许多行业面临的突出矛盾。


1.Plasmas Technology and Its Application in the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution等离子体技术及在污染防控中的应用

2.Building Oilfield Pollution Prevention System for Clean Production建立油田污染防控体系确保清洁生产

3.Research on the Comprehensive Countermeasures of Prevention and Mitigation for Urban Light Pollution;城市光污染防控与减缓的综合对策体系

4.Seminar on the Prevention and Control of Groundwater Pollution预防和控制地下水污染讨论会

5.Studies on the Prevention and Cure of the Contamination During Plant Tissue Culture;预防和控制植物组织培养污染的研究

6.Control of Exhaust Pollutant of Flame Proof Diesel Engine in Underground Coal Mmines煤矿井下防爆柴油机排气污染的控制

7.Preventing contamination in laboratory culture of k562 cellK562细胞实验室培养污染的防控

8.Control of Microbic Pollution to Acetic Acid Emulsion and Selection of Antimildew and Antiseptic Agents白乳胶微生物污染的控制及防腐防霉剂的选择

9.Declaration of Policy on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution including Transboundary关于防止和控制水污染包括越境污染的政策宣言

10.Twofold significance of ground water pollution prevention in China"s water pollution control地下水污染防治在我国水体污染控制与治理中的双重意义

11.Arctic Pollution Prevention Certificate《极地防污染证书》

12.1. Environmental Pollution Control(一)环境污染防治

13.Hazard,prevention and control of crocidolite contamination in Dayao county大姚县青石棉污染的危害及预防与控制

14.The Discussion of Evidence Contamination of Crime Scene and Countermeasures;浅谈现场勘查中物证的污染及防控对策

15.Trends in soil environmental pollution and the prevention-controlling-remediation strategies in China中国土壤环境污染态势及预防、控制和修复策略

16.Prevention and control of paroxysmal water pollution in heavy metals smelter重金属冶炼厂突发性水污染事故的预防与控制

17.Water Pollution Countermeasures and Optimization of Planning Control Research水污染的防治对策及控制优化规划研究

18.Effects of Environmental Pollutants on Cocoon Production and their Control Strategies环境污染对蚕茧生产的影响及其防控措施


anti-pollution control防污染控制

3)Preventing contamination污染的防控

1.Preventing contamination in laboratory culture of k562 cellK562细胞实验室培养污染的防控

4)contamination control污染控制,污染防治

5)sandy desertification prevention化学污染防控

6)air pollution/prevention and control空气污染/预防和控制


