100字范文 > 尿糖 urine glucose英语短句 例句大全

尿糖 urine glucose英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-25 20:07:14


尿糖 urine glucose英语短句 例句大全

尿糖,urine glucose

1)urine glucose尿糖

1.Observations of changes inurine glucose and blood glucose induced by puerarin injection in patients with hypertension;葛根素注射液致高血压患者尿糖和血糖变化的观察

2.Correlation analysis betweenurine glucose and blood glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus;2型糖尿病患者血糖与尿糖相关性分析

3.Urine glucose qualitative analysis was made before and 2,4,6 hours after using the drug.目的观察静脉输入头孢唑啉钠后对尿糖定性的影响。

2)urinary glucose尿糖

1.The results of screening ofurinary glucose in the community population of Tianjin City;天津市社区人群中尿糖筛检结果



1.Excess sugar in the urine, often associated with diabetes mellitus.糖尿尿中反常量的糖,常与糖尿病有关

2.someone who has diabetes.患有糖尿病多尿症的人。

3."diabetic:Of, relating to, having, or resulting from diabetes.""糖尿病的:与糖尿病有关的,患有糖尿病的或糖尿病的后果."

4.Influence of family history on onset of diabetes mellitus in patients with newly diagnosed impaired fasting glucose糖尿病家族史在糖尿病发病中的地位

5.diabetic mononeuropathy糖尿病单一神经病变

6.diabetic polyneuropathy糖尿病多发神经病变

7.insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus胰岛素依赖型糖尿病

8.noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病

9.In 20 years, existing drugs for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer will be prescribed and new medicines will be developed for patients based on their genetic profiles, assuring the treatments are as effective as possible.在内,治疗糖尿

10.diabetic lipoidic necrobiosis糖尿病脂性渐进性坏死

11.4. Be particularly careful if you suffer from conditions including diabetes, obesity or heart disease; these can hamper the body"s cooling mechanism.4.如果你患有糖尿

12.European Association for the Study of Diabetes欧洲糖尿病研究学会

13.a dental, diabetic, fracture, etc clinic牙科、糖尿病科、 骨科

14.diabetic proliferative retinopathy糖尿病增殖性视网膜病

15.This reduces the chance of developing the disease, diabetes.来减少得糖尿病的几率。

16.a drug used to treat diabetes mellitus.用来治疗糖尿病的药物。

17.diabetic eye disease因糖尿病引致的眼疾

18.American Association of Diabetes Educators美国糖尿病教育家协会


urinary glucose尿糖

1.The results of screening ofurinary glucose in the community population of Tianjin City;天津市社区人群中尿糖筛检结果


4)non diabetic glycosuria非糖尿病性糖尿

5)diabetic glycosuria糖尿病性糖尿


1.Relationship between genetic polymorphism of internal organs amoxicillin and type 2diabetes mellitus;内脏素基因多态性与2型糖尿病的关系

2.Diabetes Clinical study of co-infection;糖尿病合并感染的临床探讨

3.Diagnosis and treatment of 17 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis complicated bydiabetes misdiagnosed lung cancer;17例糖尿病合并肺结核误诊为肺癌的诊治体会


尿糖尿糖glucose in urine尿中出现过量的葡萄糖及(或)其他糖。正常人尿内有微量的葡萄糖。24小时尿中糖量少于0.5g,一般
