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尿液 Urine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-29 10:33:34


尿液 Urine英语短句 例句大全



1.Determination of Enoxacin inUrine by Synchronous Fluorimetry;同步荧光光谱法测定尿液中依诺沙星含量

2.Determination of Xanthopterin in the HumanUrine by Paper Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection;纸色谱分离-荧光检测法测定人体尿液中的黄蝶呤

3.Determination of Seventeen Trace Elements in HumanUrine by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry;ICP-AES法同时测定尿液中17种元素含量方法研究


1.eteral regurgitation膀胱-输尿管尿液反流

2.a backflow of urine from the ureter into the renal pelvis.尿液从尿管回流到肾。

3.Excessive passage of urine, as in diabetes.多尿(症)过度的尿液排泄,如在多尿症中

4.any substance that tends to increase the flow or urine.增加尿液流量的物质。

5.inability to control the flow of urine and involuntary urination.无力控制尿液流动、不知不觉的撒尿。

6.The presence of excessive amounts of protein in the urine.蛋白尿症尿液中蛋白质过多

7.The presence of hemoglobin in the urine.血红蛋白尿尿液中出现血红蛋白

8.a backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter.尿液从膀胱回流到输尿管。

9.Effects of Bacteriuria on Erythrocytes by Urine Analyzer菌尿对尿液分析仪红细胞测定的影响

10.Effect of Urinary pH Value on the Composition of Urinary Nanocrystals尿液pH变化与尿液中纳米微晶组分的关系

11.Determination of buprenorphine in urine by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry;尿液中丁丙诺啡的液相色谱-质谱分析

12.Analysis of Multiple Cephalosporins in Blood and Urine by HPLC血液和尿液中多种头孢菌素的HPLC分析

13.Determination of methadone using liquid-liquid-liquid phase microextraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography液-液-液微萃取-高效液相色谱法测定人尿液中的美沙酮

14.Namely after our micturition, also can have liquid of one part make water, be cannot of eduction.即我们排尿后,也会有一部分尿液,是不能排出的。

15.Caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, increasing your urine production.它有轻微的利尿作用,会增加你的尿液分秘。

16.The Research on the Relationship between Human Urinary Trefoil Factor 1 and Urolithiasis人尿液三叶因子1(TFF1)与尿路结石的相关性研究

17.Study on the Diabetes and Bladder Cancer Diagnosis by Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Urine尿液荧光光谱用于糖尿病和膀胱癌诊断的研究

18.Determination of urine microalbumin testing in the use of diabetic nephropathy尿液微量白蛋白测定在糖尿病肾病的检测运用


human urine尿液

1.Determination of catecholamines inhuman urine by HPLC-FD;高效液相-荧光检测法测定尿液中儿茶酚胺类化合物的含量

2.Determination of triazolam inhuman urine by gas chromatograph-micro electron capture detector;气相色谱-微池电子捕获器检测尿液中的三唑仑

3.Absorption and removal of N,P and organic matters fromhuman urine by Spirulina platensis;用螺旋藻吸收去除尿液中氮、磷和有机物

3)urea (urine)尿素(尿液)

4)source-separated urine分离尿液

1.Morphological characteristics of aerobic nitrifying granules that were utilized to treat the dilutedsource-separated urine were investigated in two lab-scale sequencing batch reactors.在不同接种污泥条件下的序批式活性污泥系统(sequencing batch reactor,SBR)中,研究了分离尿液(source-separated urine,SSU)的处理情况和污泥特性。

5)urine separation尿液分离

bined with the problems in present municipal sanitary engineering and the advantages ofurine separation technology,the research purpose of the project and the research content of eight su.结合目前城市排水工程体系存在的问题及尿液分离技术的优点,介绍了该项目的研究目的,以及7个子项目和1个试点工程的研究内容;最后探讨了该项目的管理模式,并对其存在的主要问题进行了思考。

2.In recent years, the concept ofurine separation and source control for sanitation has arisen in some European countries; it can not only efficiently recover the plant nutrient elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus, but also simplify the subsequent wastewater treatment processes.基于尿液分离的源头控制卫生概念近年来在欧洲一些国家兴起,这不仅可有效回收氮、磷等植物营养元素,而且可简化后续污水处理工艺流程。

6)diluted urine稀释尿液

1.It can be used to determine the concentration of chloride ions in thediluted urines and the artificial urine.采用该电极测定了人造尿液和稀释尿液中氯离子的浓度。


尿液检查尿液检查examination of urine即尿的实验室检查,其内容包括:一般性状检查、化学性质检查、显微镜检查以及微生物学、寄生虫学、免疫学检查等。为了便于临床工作,将一些检查项目列为常规项目,故称“尿常规”。尿液检查是临床工作中最常用的检查之一。尿液的性状和组成,可反映机体的代谢及疾病,特别是泌尿系统疾病等情况。因此,尿液检查常用于检查泌尿系统疾病和疗效观察,也用于其他系统疾病的辅助诊断和安全用药的监护。
