100字范文 > 利水 promoting urination英语短句 例句大全

利水 promoting urination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-27 19:01:36


利水 promoting urination英语短句 例句大全

利水,promoting urination

1)promoting urination利水

1.Treatment of 36 cases of chronic cor pulmonale in acute seizure phase with therapy of replenishing qi, activating blood andpromoting urination;益气活血利水法治疗肺心病急性发作期36例临床观察


1.Specification for drilling in hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering水利水电工程钻探规程

2.Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric PowerResearch, IWHR水利水电科学研究院

3.The water conservancy project is getting off the ground水利工程正在顺利进行。

4.The dam harnesses the energy of the river.水坝利用水的能量。

5.Inter-African Committee for Hydraulic Studies非洲水利研究委员会(水利研委会)

6.Modernization of water conservancy in China and formation of new theories of water conservancy;中国水利现代化和新水利理论的形成

7.An Expert in Water Conservancy in the Yuan Dynasty, Ren Renfa and His A Collection of Essay son Water Conservancy;元代水利专家任仁发及其《水利集》

anization and Operation of "Irrigation andWater Conservancy Associations;“农田水利会”水利小组之组织与运作

9.Highlighting Spirits of Water Conservancy from the Perspective of Historical Celebrities;从历代水利名人治水实践谈水利精神的弘扬

10.Fully Utilzing Salty & Brackish Water to Improve the Water Enviroment in Cangzhou City充分利用咸水、微咸水改善沧州水环境

11.Promote water reform, develop water economy, accelerate development of water resources in Guangxi;推进水利改革 发展水利经济 努力加快广西水利事业大发展

12.navigational warning for Australia water澳大利亚水域航海警告

13.Ehrlich ascites cells欧利希氏腹水癌细胞

14.Then Mercury jumped into the river again.然后,墨丘利又跳进水里。

15.Liverpool Underwriters Association利物浦水上保险商协会

16.irrigate with water from a sluice.利用开闸放水来灌溉。

17.What it can do: help skin retain water.功效:利于皮肤保持水份。

18.make useless by the force of water.利用水的力量使……无用。


water[英]["w?:t?][美]["w?t?, "wɑt?]水利

1.Application of Video Monitor Based on Web Server in Water Industry;基于Web服务器的视频监控的在水利行业的应用

2.Research of Networked Water Geographic Information System;网络化水利地理信息系统研究

3.Discussion onwater informatization top-level design水利信息化顶层设计初探及进展

3)water resources水利

1.Reform and development idea and measures of state-owned enterprises inwater resources sector in China;中央水利国有企业改革发展思路措施研究

2.Approaches of ruralwater resources management in Yancheng City;盐城农村水利工作对策和思路

3.Promoting socialized water management for sustainable development ofwater resources;推进可持续发展水利加强水利社会管理浅议

4)water conservancy水利

1.Brief talk about the transformation of the cost arrangement of thewater conservancy construction items;水利建设项目造价管理范式转换的探讨

2.Construction management ideas inwater conservancy enterprises;浅谈水利企业施工管理理念

3.Analysis of effect of soil and water conservation on sustainable development ofwater conservancy;水土保持在水利可持续发展中的作用分析


1.Discussion on the technical level related tohydraulic business in China;浅议我国与水利行业有关的技术标准

2.Synthetic evaluation onhydraulic science and technology journal in China in 2000;2000年我国水利科技期刊综合评价

3.Scanninghydraulic scientific and technological information through Internet;利用Internet检索水利科技信息

6)Irrigation Works水利

1.Mistakes and Influence ofIrrigation Works in the Age of Han Wudi;汉武帝时期的水利失误与影响

2.Hainan Dao gains a long-run development in the Tang Dynasty, during which the irrigation works building, the stationing of troops or peasants to open up wasteland, the population s growing and the improvement of working techniques, all surpassing the past and taking the lead in the country.这一时期,淮南道水利工程的兴修、屯田的设置、人口的增加、生产技术的提高,或超出前代,或全国领先,致使淮南道农业迅速崛起,成为唐王朝的粮食主要供应地之一。

3.Finance plays a leading role in the investment of irrigation works, while it is impossible for the current public finance theory in west countries to solve the problem that how the government finance can play a positive role in it.水利在中国有着重要地位和悠久历史。


