100字范文 > 绞缆筒 winch head英语短句 例句大全

绞缆筒 winch head英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-25 16:54:42


绞缆筒 winch head英语短句 例句大全

绞缆筒,winch head

1)winch head绞缆筒

2)drum end绞缆筒;桶端

3)winding barrel绞车卷缆筒


5)intertwist the line绞缆


1.Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear(windlass、mooring winch).舵机(锚机、绞缆机)液压系统安全装置调整。

2.The Serialization Design of Marine Anchor & Mooring Equipment Hydraulic Drive System;船舶锚机绞缆机液压驱动系统系列化设计研究

3.pair twisted telephone cable for ship船用对绞式电话电缆

4.A group of pairs in a cable.一条电缆中的一组双绞线。

5.Marks a line in a network segment as a twisted pair cable.将网络段中的缆线标记为双绞线。

6.Sailors hove up the cable with windlass or capstan.水手们用绞盘或起锚机把缆绳拉起来。

7.Production-Line Automatic Control System of Unit-Twisterfor Telephone Cable电话电缆单位绞生产线自动控制系统

8.Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications Part 1: Generic specification数字通信用对绞或星绞多芯对称电缆第1部分:总规范

9.A short rope or gasket used for fastening something or securing rigging.绞收索用于系紧物品或帆缆的短绳或束帆索

10.High frequency symmetrical telecommunication cables with copper conductor star quads and lead sheathGB/T14135-1993铜芯星绞铅套高频对称通信电缆

11.The main spans are designed of box girders of equal heights and with a triple Planecable system of 7-5 mm φ strands in harp arrangement.由7φ5毫米钢绞线组成的三对斜缆呈竖琴形布置。

12.The Design of the Winding-pipe Machine Principal-axis Magnetism Supporting System;大型设备电缆绞机的磁悬浮支承系统设计

13.Inclined haul-off capstans of2500 double haul-off unit ensure the stranded wire running straightly.双主动牵引,倾斜的牵引,能保证绞合后的电缆直线运动。

14.A structural unit employed in cable, consisting of four separately insulated conductors twisted together.电缆使用的一种结构形式,它由四根各自绝缘的导线相互绞合而成。

15.The long row of righting cables stretched to winches on Ford Island.一长排使舰身复位的缆绳一直通到福特岛上的绞车。

16.Inclined haul-off capstans of 2500 double haul-off unit ensure the stranded wire running straightly.2500双主动牵引,倾斜的牵引,能保证绞合后的电缆直线运动。

17.Research and Design on the Traction and Proactive Release System for Underwater Winch;救生钟水下绞车牵引及主动放缆系统研究与设计

18.Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Capacitance Coupling Coefficient of the Star quad in Symmetrical Communications Cables对称通信电缆星绞四线组电容耦合系数影响因素分析


drum end绞缆筒;桶端

3)winding barrel绞车卷缆筒


5)intertwist the line绞缆

6)Heave away ... Line!绞……缆


