100字范文 > 液压绞车 hydraulic winch英语短句 例句大全

液压绞车 hydraulic winch英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-12 15:24:34


液压绞车 hydraulic winch英语短句 例句大全

液压绞车,hydraulic winch

1)hydraulic winch液压绞车

1.Simulation study on dynamic features ofhydraulic winch with MatlabSimulink;基于MatlabSimulink的液压绞车动态特性仿真研究

2.The analysis and research of low-pressure spillway valve for thehydraulic winch with synchronous auxiliary traction;同步助牵液压绞车低压溢流阀的研究

3.2metres,explosion-proofhydraulic winch of the JTY-1.2 m防爆液压绞车,并介绍了该绞车的工作原理和优点。


1.Study on Hydraulic Control System of Press Tension Device of Hydraulic Winch液压绞车张紧装置液压控制系统的研究

2.Study on the Automatically-Controlled Hydraulic Winch Take-up System of Belt Conveyor;带式输送机液压绞车自动张紧系统的研究

3.Design on Hydraulic Winch Automatic Tension Device of Long Distance Belt Conveyor长距离带式输送机液压绞车自动张紧装置设计

4.JD-55 Hydraulic Winch Systems to Enhance Multi-level TransformationJD-55绞车多级提升液压系统的改造

5.Design of the hydraulic system of the logging truck测井绞车液压传动系统的设计和创新

6.Test Stand for Hydraulic Disc Brake Winch and Compound Transmission Box液压盘式刹车绞车和并车传动箱试验装置

7.The main brake system utilizes either a band brake or a hydraulic disc brake.主绞车的主刹车系统既可采用带式刹车,亦可采用液压盘式刹车。

8.Analysis of the Characteristic of the Hydraulic System in the Brake Capstan for 3200 HP Tugboat3200马力拖轮制动绞车液压系统的性能分析

9.Explosion-proof Hoist Hydraulic Design of Condition Monitoring System防爆液压提升绞车状态监测系统设计研究

10.Energy Recycle in New Hydraulic Winch Test-bed新型液压能量回收绞车试验台的设计研究

11.The paper deals with the design of hydraulic rope-aligning device of dispatching winch used for mine transportation.针对调度绞车在现场使用中存在跳绳、绳的问题,提出了调度绞车液压排绳装置的设计研究。

12.The winch adopted valve-controlled proportional speed regulation hydraulic drive and PLC control to realize stepless speed change of the winch drum and coordinating control of the cable layer.管线绞车采用阀控比例调速液压驱动、LC控制,实现了卷筒的无级变速和排缆器的协调控制。


14.Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear(windlass、mooring winch).舵机(锚机、绞缆机)液压系统安全装置调整。

15.The Serialization Design of Marine Anchor & Mooring Equipment Hydraulic Drive System;船舶锚机绞缆机液压驱动系统系列化设计研究

16.Application of JD-BP-37-280T High-pressure Frequency Converter on Auxiliary Shaft WinchJD-BP-37-280T高压变频器在副井绞车中的应用

17.portable jack for vehicles (excl hydraulic)车辆用轻便液压千斤顶(液压的除外)

18.Rubber hose for automotive hydraulic brake systemGB7127-1986汽车液压制动胶管


hydraulic winder液压绞车

1.Based on thehydraulic winder simulation model,the simulation model of the compound system is built.针对矿用防爆液压绞车存在的实际应用问题,提出了一种新的变频液压容积调速和节流调速相结合的综合调速模式。

3)Hydraulic proof explosive winch液压防爆绞车

4)hydraulic pressure system of capstan绞车液压系统

1.Some experience on coping the malfunction ofhydraulic pressure system of capstan;处理绞车液压系统故障的一点体会

5)Marine hydraulic winch船用液压绞车

6)hydraulic reversing winch液压交换绞车


调度绞车调度绞车car spotting hoistd心Odu jiooc陌调度绞车(ear spotting hoist)用在井一牵引矿车和进行矿车编组工作的一种小型纹车。一般功率为10一40kw。主传动系统采用行星减速机构。其结构主要由机架、钢绳卷筒、闸带和操纵手柄组成(见图)。机器由一人操作,牵引钢丝绳工作端部有专用挂钩,另由一人摘挂使其进行牵引。由于该绞车动作简单,很容易实现遥控和自动控制。调度绞车(王荣祥任效乾)
