100字范文 > 反复分批发酵法 repeated batch fermentation英语短句 例句大全

反复分批发酵法 repeated batch fermentation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-13 13:07:32


反复分批发酵法 repeated batch fermentation英语短句 例句大全

反复分批发酵法,repeated batch fermentation

1)repeated batch fermentation反复分批发酵法

1.Glycerol production byrepeated batch fermentation of Candida glycerinogenes产甘油假丝酵母反复分批发酵法生产甘油


1.Glycerol production by repeated batch fermentation of Candida glycerinogenes产甘油假丝酵母反复分批发酵法生产甘油

2.Study on fed batch fermentation kinetic models for astaxanthin by Phaffia rhodozyma法夫酵母分批发酵虾青素动力学研究

3.Optmization of Phaffia rhodozyma astaxanthin producing with batch culture红法夫酵母分批发酵产虾青素条件的优化

4.Consecutive very-high-gravity batch ethanol fermentation with self-flocculation yeast自絮凝酵母高浓度重复批次乙醇发酵

5.MethodsThe study was in flask and fermentation tank culture by batch and fed batch method.方法通过摇瓶培养和分批及补料分批发酵培养进行研究。

6.Fermentation Conditions Optimization and Kinetics Analysis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Batch Culture酿酒酵母分批发酵条件优化与发酵动力学研究

7.Study on Batch Fermentation Scale-up of Two Yoghurt Strains from 2.5-L to 15-L Fermentor酸奶菌株分批发酵放大研究——从2.5L到15L发酵罐

8.Study on Process of D-Ribose Production by Fed-Batch Fermentation;补料分批发酵生产D-核糖的过程研究

9.Kinetics of Streptomyces fradiae HTP6 in the Batch Fermentation Process费氏链霉菌HTP6分批发酵动力学

10.Study on Batch Fermentation Technology of Lactobacillus plantarum Lp-2植物乳杆菌Lp-2分批发酵工艺的研究

11.In this paper, functional Kefir yogurt starter was produced by Lactococcus and Lactobacillus isolated from Kefir grains.本文利用开菲尔粒中分离的乳球菌和乳杆菌采用混合发酵法研制开菲尔酸奶复合发酵剂。

12.Application Study of the Fed-batch Fermentation in Two-step Fermentation of Vitamin C;补料分批发酵工艺在维生素C二步发酵中的应用研究

13.Study on the Process of Separation and Purification of D-Ribose from the Fermentation Broth by Reactive Crystallizing;反应结晶法分离纯化发酵液中D-核糖的工艺研究

14.Effect of pH and Glucose Fed-Batch Fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on Production of GlutathionepH及流加葡萄糖对酵母分批发酵生产谷胱甘肽的影响

15.Kinetic models and effect of temperature on ethanol production in batch fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain温度对固定化酵母酒精分批发酵的影响及动力学模型

16.Screening of two strains of polyoxin high-yield bactria with anti-hybrid bacteria character from fomite fermentor lots多抗霉素染菌发酵罐批中分离抗杂菌高产菌株

17.Breeding of ε-polylysine-producing Strain and Studies on Batch Fermentation;ε-聚赖氨酸高产菌株选育及分批发酵的研究

18.Fed-batch fermentation of Monascus pigments in shakeing flask by Monascus purpureus JR红曲霉JR摇瓶分批补料发酵产红曲色素的研究


repeated batch fermentation反复分批发酵

1.Glycerol production by reusing free Candida glycerinogenes cells inrepeated batch fermentation was studied.研究了产甘油假丝酵母细胞回用生产甘油的反复分批发酵。

2.Glycerol production ofrepeated batch fermentation technology was investigated.研究了反复分批发酵法在耐高渗酵母生产甘油中的应用 ,通过对比可知 ,游离耐高渗酵母的反复分批发酵性能优于固定化耐高渗酵母的反复分批发酵 ,且在反复分批发酵 1 2个批次后 ,其发酵性能依然稳定。

3.Main factors affecting production of glycerol in shake flasks in a process ofrepeated batch fermentation were studied.对游离耐高渗酵母细胞反复分批发酵生产甘油的影响因素进行研究 ,结果表明 :反复分批发酵过程中所需的最优玉米浆浓度低于普通的分批发醇 ;较好的菌体反复利用时机确定为发酵液中残糖降至约 1% ,即细胞活性为 6 0 %时 ;在菌体的反复利用过程中残留在菌体中的代谢产物的累积会对甘油发酵产生抑制作用 ,每次菌体利用之前用无菌水洗涤菌体一遍可消除抑

3)Repeat fed-batch fermentation反复补料分批发酵

4)batch culture分批发酵

1.Inbatch culture for Kefiran production with Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens,the maximal values of average specific growth rate and average specific production rate of Kefiran were obtained at a higher temperature(33℃)in the first culture stage,afterwards,their maximums were obtained at a lower temperature(28℃).分析了温度对开菲尔基质乳杆菌Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens分批发酵生产胞外多糖Kefiran过程的影响,发现在发酵前期细胞平均比生长速率和Kefiran平均比合成速率达到最大值时的温度较高(33℃),在发酵后期二者达到最大值所需的温度较低(28℃),因此提出两阶段温度控制策略以提高Kefiran分批发酵的产量和发酵强度。

2.On the basis of analysis of batch fermentation results, the fed-batch culture for PHB production wascarried out in a 2 L fermentor with glucose-utilizing strain A.以能利用葡萄糖为碳源的真养产碱杆菌为生产菌株,在研究和分析了分批发酵结果的基础上,在2L台式罐上进行了PHB的流加发酵实验,研究结果表明:采用流加发酵法生产PHB,可大辐度地提高PHB的产量,发酵50h,细胞ρ(DW)和ρ(PHB)可分别达到50。

3.The hyaluronic acid (HA) production by batch and fedbatch cultures in flask and fermentor was studied, and the primary mechanism was discussed.在耗糖量相同的情况下,分批发酵比多次加料或流加发酵具有更高的HA产量和转化率;分批发酵初糖7% ,发酵24 h 左右,产HA3。

5)batch fermentation分批发酵

1.Kinetic models of sisomicin in abatch fermentation process;西索米星分批发酵过程动力学模型

2.Analysis ofbatch fermentation process of glutathione under different control modes of dissolved oxygen;不同溶氧控制方式下的谷胱甘肽分批发酵过程分析

3.Model constructing in microbial transglutaminase (MTG)batch fermentation;微生物谷氨酰胺转胺酶(MTG)分批发酵模型的建立

6)fermentor batch fermentation发酵罐分批发酵


反复①一遍又一遍;多次重复:~思考 ㄧ~实践。②颠过来倒过去;翻悔:~无常ㄧ说一是一,说二是二,决不~。③重复的情况:斗争往往会有~。
