100字范文 > 公民品性 civic dispositions英语短句 例句大全

公民品性 civic dispositions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-07 07:24:41


公民品性 civic dispositions英语短句 例句大全

公民品性,civic dispositions

1)civic dispositions公民品性

1.The Americans identify three es-sential components for democratic civic education: civic knowledge, civic skills, andcivic dispositions.美国人认为,民主社会中公民教育的基本组成包括三个方面:公民知识、公民技能和公民品性。

2)citizen moral character公民性品格

1.The theory ofcitizen moral character demonstated impormant promoting function during the historic process of the formation ,development and change of rule of law in the west Europe .公民性品格在西方法治生成、发展、变迁的历史进程中显示了重要的推动作用,也即,公民性品格的塑造推动了法治秩序的生成,并构成了法治秩序的文化支撑,成为法治秩序的重要推动力量。


4)Civic Virtue公民品德

1.By locating the concept of civic virtue in a broader context of a regime with characteristics of social contract, Cooper summarizes the principle of civic virtue as the principle of “self interest rightly understood".当代美国公共行政学者特里·L·库柏在发展公共行政的民主伦理时 ,通过历史追溯而将公民品德概念置于更为广阔的带有社群主义倾向的民主社会和契约性政体之中 ,并总结出公民品德的总则 ,即“正确理解的自我利益”。

5)national character民族品性


1.The Loss and Restructuring of the National Character --Exploring Shen Congwen s Essays about West Hunan;民族品性的失落与重构——论沈从文湘西题材系列散文

2.The National Characteristics and Art Character of the Miao Feige(flying song)贵州“苗族飞歌”的民族个性与艺术品格

3.On nationhood,times and personality in art;论美术作品的民族性、时代性和个性

4.Brief Discussion on the Nationality and the Epoch Nature in Clarinet Works;略论单簧管作品中的民族性与时代性

5.On the Nationality of Ben Hua Written by Tie Ning;浅谈铁凝作品《笨花》的民族性建构

6.The Quest for Ethnic Identity;“我是谁?”:汤婷婷作品中民族属性的建构

7.A Comparative Study of the Humanity,Nationality and Time Spirit in Yemei and Chili"s Novels叶梅与池莉小说作品人性、民族性和时代性比较

8.Analyses on Causes of Alexander Borodin"s Works Nationality,Heroic and Epic包罗亭作品民族性、英雄性与史诗性成因探析

9.On nationality and tragic of Chaikovsky s instrumental music creations;论柴科夫斯基器乐作品创作的民族性与悲剧性

10.On the Quality and Style of the Nationality and Modernity of Chinese Children s Stories by the End of the Twentith Century;20世纪末中国童话的民族性与现代性品格

11.On National Traits and Modernity in Tan Xiaolin"s Musical Works论谭小麟音乐作品中的民族性及现代性

12.To give a German quality to.使…德意志化赋以德意志民族的性格和品质

13.The Metaphor Application of the National Graphics Symbol in Product Design;民族图形符号在产品设计中的隐喻性应用

14.Nationality of Zhao Yuanren s Vocals and It s Singing Expression;论赵元任声乐作品的民族性与演唱表达

15.About Nationality of Russian Current;论俄罗斯当代手风琴音乐作品的民族特性

16.The Diversity of Singing Style of Contemporary National Vocality Works;论当代民族声乐作品演唱风格的多样性

17.The Essence,Conduct,Fundamental Aim and Pattern of Ethos Education;论民族精神教育的本质、品性、旨归及范式

18.Body and Sex:Commercializing of Ethnic Minority Women of Southwest China;身体与性:西南边疆少数民族妇女的商品化问题


citizen moral character公民性品格

1.The theory ofcitizen moral character demonstated impormant promoting function during the historic process of the formation ,development and change of rule of law in the west Europe .公民性品格在西方法治生成、发展、变迁的历史进程中显示了重要的推动作用,也即,公民性品格的塑造推动了法治秩序的生成,并构成了法治秩序的文化支撑,成为法治秩序的重要推动力量。


4)Civic Virtue公民品德

1.By locating the concept of civic virtue in a broader context of a regime with characteristics of social contract, Cooper summarizes the principle of civic virtue as the principle of “self interest rightly understood".当代美国公共行政学者特里·L·库柏在发展公共行政的民主伦理时 ,通过历史追溯而将公民品德概念置于更为广阔的带有社群主义倾向的民主社会和契约性政体之中 ,并总结出公民品德的总则 ,即“正确理解的自我利益”。

5)national character民族品性


1.Affinity with the masses andcitizenship have been hot topics around literary circles these recent years.“人民性”与“公民性”是近几年文坛议论比较多的话题之一。


