100字范文 > 公民美德 civic virtue英语短句 例句大全

公民美德 civic virtue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-27 09:56:32


公民美德 civic virtue英语短句 例句大全

公民美德,civic virtue

1)civic virtue公民美德

1.Historical form ofcivic virtue and its Chinese context;公民美德的历史形态及其中国语境

2.The Commercial Order and Civic Virtue with the Scottish Enlightenment Thinkers;苏格兰启蒙运动中的商业秩序与公民美德


1.On the Public Spirit Based on the Citizens Virtues and the Individual Rights;论基于公民美德和个人权利的公共精神

2.The Commercial Order and Civic Virtue with the Scottish Enlightenment Thinkers;苏格兰启蒙运动中的商业秩序与公民美德

3.Mixed Constitution and Civic Virtue:Tension and Outlet of Republicanism in the Constitution of United States;混合政体与公民美德——美国宪法共和主义的内在张力及出路

4.Significance of Chinese Traditional Virtues in the Moral Construction of Modern Citizens;中华传统美德对于当代公民道德建设的意义

5.The Application of Chinese Traditional Virtue in the Work of Enterprise Public Relations in Crises中华民族传统美德在企业危机公关中的应用

6.Discussions on the Guarantee of Citizens′Basic Rights (Written Statements);公民宪法权利比较研究:以中、美、德三国为中心

7.The Comparative Investigation to the Citizen Rights in Constitutions;公民宪法权利比较研究——以中国、美国、德国为中心

8.University moral & civil education on undergraduate level in USA today --Curriculum and teaching;今日美国大学的道德和公民教育——课程与教学

9.Core Issues of Citizen Moral Education in USA and Their Enlightenment to Us美国公民道德教育核心问题的探讨及其启示

10.Building Peace Schools in the United States under the Viewpoint of Civic and Moral Education公民与道德教育视域下美国和平学校的构建

11.University moral & civil education on undergraduate levelin the USA today;今日美国大学的道德和公民教育——关于大学道德和公民教育的若干争论

12.Public and Private Morality in the Area of Present Civil Morality Construction;论公民道德建设视域中的公德与私德

13.Moral Education,Civic Education,Civic Moral Education;道德教育、公民教育和公民道德教育

14.His grandfather was a respected citizen who had taken part in the American War of Independence.他的祖父参加过美国独立战争,是个德高望重的公民。

15.From virtue to right--The difference between the citizen ethic and the Confucian virtue and the way of accrete between them从美德到权利——儒家伦理与公民伦理的异质及其共生之道

16.Henry Grunwald (Editor-in-chief of Time): The Chinese Communist Party has always told people to be selfless and serve the people.格隆瓦尔德(美国时代公司总编辑):中国共产党一直教育人民要大公无私,为人民服务。

17.American citizens and British subjects美国公民与英国臣民

18.Social Ethics: the Core of the Construction of Social Mondi ty;社会公德:公民道德建设的重要“着力点”


civil virtue公民美德

1.The advancement ofcivil virtues is not to replace civil morality but to try a new point of view in handling relationships between citizens and public affairs in present civil practices.公民美德的提出并不是推翻公民道德从而建立一种新的体系,而是寻求一种新的视角处理公民与公共事务之间的关系,并以公民实践为旨归,将理性及参与作为基本美德。

2.Almond and Sidney Verba investigated the conditions ofcivil virtue in five Western countries,and the social survey of "Analysis of moral ordinary life of citizens" could provide concrete evidence ofcivil virtue in China.阿尔蒙德《公民文化》对20世纪60年代的西方五国公民美德作了实证研究,国家社科基金项目“公民日常行为的道德分析”对现阶段我国的公民美德状况进行了实证调查。

3)Civil Virtues为什么是公民美德

4)National moral excellence民族美德

5)citizen morality公民道德

1.The self-esteem and autonomy,the idea of justice and the public spirit which are the central elements of thecitizen morality should become the important implications of the school moral education.作为公民道德中的核心要素,如:自尊自治、公正观念和公共精神等应成为学校道德教育的重要内涵。

2."Citizen Morality" was established in Compendium of bringingcitizen morality construction into effect> which is promulgated by centrality of CCP in September 20th, 2001.2001年9月20日,中共中央颁布的《公民道德建设实施纲要》中提出了“公民道德”的概念。

6)Citizen Morals公民道德

1.Construction of theCitizen Morals and Contemporary Transformation of Confucianism Ethical Resources;公民道德建设与儒家伦理资源的当代转换

2.On the study in subject of "citizen morals;试论开展"公民道德"主体的研究

3.Citizen Morals refer to moral standard that the citizen should follow and moral quality that the citizen should have.公民道德作为公民应遵循的基本道德规范和应具备的道德品质,具有公共性、强制性和有限度性。


动物的“美德”猴子平素虽然顽皮嬉闹,但在集体吃食时,却让“猴头”和长者先吃,所剩的再分而食之。 沙丁鱼在海中遨游遇到狭窄通道时,会自觉地排成整齐队伍,让年幼者在上层,年长的在下层,井然有序,依次前进,从不争先恐后。 寒鸦一旦发现食物,总让最老的先吃,并派出“鸦保姆”带食物回巢去哺喂幼鸦,然后自己再吃。 螃蟹脱壳时,常成群地趴伏在一起,凡是不脱壳或已长好硬壳者,就自动担当哨兵,保证正在脱壳者免受侵害。 非洲的羚羊群内,倘若有一头年老的在场,那么,其余羚羊便都不会躺在地上。偶尔有不懂事的小羚羊躺下了,也会被叫起来让老者去躺。 大雁睡觉时,几只年长的就自动站岗,一旦发现“敌人”,“哨兵”就“咯咯”地叫,群雁闻讯便展翅高飞。
