100字范文 > 公民技能 civic skills英语短句 例句大全

公民技能 civic skills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-12 16:28:23


公民技能 civic skills英语短句 例句大全

公民技能,civic skills

1)civic skills公民技能

1.The Americans identify three es-sential components for democratic civic education: civic knowledge,civic skills, and civic dispositions.美国人认为,民主社会中公民教育的基本组成包括三个方面:公民知识、公民技能和公民品性。

2)citizens behavior skills公民行为技能

3)science citizen科技公民

1.Denmark has developed a method to measure thescience citizen,the paper also analyses some experiences that we can learn from abroad.科技公民权在20世纪90年代随着人们对风险社会的认识,被很多专家所关注。


1.The Theory,Practice and Enlightenment of Scientific Citizenship;有关科技公民权的理论、实践与启示

2.The Research on the Organizational Climate of a Private High-tech Enterprise A;民营高科技企业A公司组织气氛研究

3.The Development of Science Museum in the Context of the "Outline of National Action Scheme of Scientific Literacy for All Chinese Citizens"公民科学素质建设背景下的科技馆发展研究

4.Stipend Management Study of ZG Company--Stipend Management Research of Private-owned High Technology Enterprises;ZG科技股份公司薪酬管理研究——民营高科技企业薪酬管理探讨

5.Laizhou Guangda Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. is a civil-run S&T enterprise.莱州光大电子商务有限公司是民营科技企业。

6.Analysis on Chinese Citizen’s Comprehension in Scientific and Technological Development;中国公民科技动态了解状况的调查研究

7.Article 6 The State shall disseminate scientific and technological knowledge to raise the scientific and cultural level of all the citizens.第六条国家普及科学技术知识,提高全体公民的科学文化水平。

8.The Realistic Meaning of the Science Communication "Democracy Model"--A Study on Public Participation in Scientific and Technical Decision-making科学传播“民主模型”的现实意义——公众参与科技决策的理论研究

9.From Science and Technology Popularization to Citizens Scientific Literacy Construction--A Historical Review of Measures for Promoting Citizens Science Literacy in China;从科学技术普及到公民科学素质建设——对中国提高公众科学素质举措的历史考察

10.It is located in the North of Jinlong Road( Shengping District), Jinping Private Science and Technology Park, Shantou City, Guangdong Province.公司位于广东省汕头市金平民营科技园(平片区)陇北路。

11.Ningbo Hengtai Special Steel Company Limited, which was set up in2002, is a high science& technology private joint-stock enterprise.宁波恒泰特种钢有限公司创建于2002年,系高科技民营股份制企业。

12.It is located in the North of Jinlong Road (Shengping District), Jinping Private Science and Technology Park, Shantou City, Guangdong Province.公司位于广东省汕头市金平民营科技园(升平片区)金陇北路。

13.Research in Public Scientific and Technical Literacy Based on the Harmonious Society;基于和谐社会构建的公民科技文化素养的实证研究

14.Developing Strategy Research of Science and Technology Private Enterprise: For Example in Chengdu Hualing Company;民营科技企业的发展战略研究:以成都华翎公司为例

15.The Analysis of the Relativity between the Corporate Governance and Financing Ways of the Small and Medium Privately Operated Science and Technology Enterprises;中小民营科技企业公司治理结构与融资方式相关性分析

16.An empirical study on the relationship among transformational leadership,organizational citizenship behavior and team effectiveness in high-tech work teams;高科技团队变革型领导、组织公民行为和团队绩效关系的实证研究

17.Technical Innovations--the only way for the development of a private coatings enterprise.;科技创新——民营涂料企业的出路所在——析广东鸿昌化工有限公司

18.Century Circuits Technology Limited世纪电路科技有限公司


citizens behavior skills公民行为技能

3)science citizen科技公民

1.Denmark has developed a method to measure thescience citizen,the paper also analyses some experiences that we can learn from abroad.科技公民权在20世纪90年代随着人们对风险社会的认识,被很多专家所关注。

4)civic competence公民能力

1.Study on Chinese Civic Competence Development in Perspective of Modernization;现代化视域中的中国公民能力发展研究

2.Youth can be stimulated by developingcivic competence,and the worse situation will be improved.要通过发展青年的公民能力,由内激发青年自身的能量来改变现状。

5)citizen energy公民能量

6)mass skills民众技能


THC技能THC技能THC ability等,是各级管理干部都必须具备的管理技能之一。判断技能也叫综合判断能力,如社会知觉能力、环境诊断能力、决策能力、随机处理能力等。它对中上层管理干部更为重要。(孙俊山撰张燮审)THe技能(THe ability)技术技能(teehnieal)、人事技能(human skill)和判断技能(eoneeptual skill)的简称。由美国人柯兹(Katz,R.L.)提出。他认为这三种技能对管理者来说是最主要的。技术技能是指熟知与自己工作有关的事项,包括工作的方法、程序、手续等,如校长要了解教育对象、教育方法、学制、课程等事项。技术技能主要是对第一线管理干部的要求。人事技能是指能够最大限度地发挥部下力量的能力。它包括编制配备、人员分工、量才用人和调动人的积极性
