100字范文 > 农民职业教育体系 peasants vocational education system英语短句 例句大全

农民职业教育体系 peasants vocational education system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-12 07:07:42


农民职业教育体系 peasants vocational education system英语短句 例句大全

农民职业教育体系,peasants vocational education system

1)peasants vocational education system农民职业教育体系

1.The purpose of the article is to analyse the current situation ofpeasants vocational education system, the concept and intension of new training system, put forward its basic principles, system frame, the key to construct and main pattern.构建新型农民职业教育体系,是全面推动农村小康社会建设的必要条件。

2)Farmer vocational education农民职业教育

1.Supplying current state and developing countermeasure of farmer vocational education in China;我国农民职业教育供给现状及发展对策

2.This paper analyzes and appraises the farmer vocational education from three dimensions:the education object,the education condition and the education effect,based on building the appraisal system.本文在构建农民职业教育评价体系的基础上,从教育对象、教育条件和教育效果三个维度,对我国农民职业教育进行了科学、客观、完整的分析和评价,重点进行了区域差异的比较研究。


1.Discussion on Vocational Education of Farmers and the Transition of Surplus Labor Force in the Countryside;农民职业教育与农村剩余劳动力转移

2.System Obstruction and Innovatiion in the Development of Peasants Vocational Education;农民职业教育发展的制度障碍与创新

3.The Questionnaire Analysis on the Status of the Farmers Vocational Education and Training in Shanxi Province山西农民职业教育培训状况调查分析

4.The Predicament and Countermeasure Analysis of Peasants" Vocational Education at Present当前农民职业教育的困境及对策分析

5.On Promoting Rural Labors Transforming by Farmer Vocational Education;农民职业教育促进农村劳动力转移问题研究

6.Research about the farmer professional education pattern period new rural area construction;新农村建设时期河北省农民职业教育模式研究

7.On Construction of Implementation Model of Peasant Vocational Education at New Stage;新阶段我国农民职业教育施教模式的构建

8.Creating Agricultural Vocational Education and Serving Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry;创新农业职业教育 服务农业农村农民

9.Developing Agro-machinery Vocational Education, Leading Peasant s Vocational Transform;拓展农机职业教育 引领农民职业转化

10.Cultivating New Farmers from Rural Professional Education;从农村职业教育视角论新型农民培养

11.Developing Vocational Education in Rural Areas and Cultivating New-type Farmers;发展农村职业教育 培养新型农民

12.Supporting Farmers Organizations of Research of Agricultural Vocational Education;农民经济组织培育中的农业职业教育研究

13.Study on the Development of Rural Vocational Education from the Angle of Cultivating New Peasants;新型农民培育视角下的农村职业教育发展研究

14.Nanjing National Government Initially Rural Vocational Education Research;南京国民政府初期农村职业教育研究

15.Study on the Migrant Workers Career Orientation and the Demands of Continuing Education;农民工职业倾向与继续教育需求研究

16.The Vocational Education Studies in Rural Ethnic Areas of Guizhou Province;贵州民族地区农村职业教育问题研究

17.On Market Operating Systems of Vocational Education and Training to Peasant Workers;农民工职业教育培训的市场运作机制

18."Villages in City"--The Differentiation of Peasants and The Investigation on vocational and Technical Education;“城中村”农民分化及职业技术教育研究


Farmer vocational education农民职业教育

1.Supplying current state and developing countermeasure of farmer vocational education in China;我国农民职业教育供给现状及发展对策

2.This paper analyzes and appraises the farmer vocational education from three dimensions:the education object,the education condition and the education effect,based on building the appraisal system.本文在构建农民职业教育评价体系的基础上,从教育对象、教育条件和教育效果三个维度,对我国农民职业教育进行了科学、客观、完整的分析和评价,重点进行了区域差异的比较研究。

3)peasant vocational education农民职业教育

1.Demanding investigation and analysis onpeasant vocational education in new century;新世纪农民职业教育需求的调查与分析

2.The scale ofpeasant vocational education is largely bigger than rural vocational education,and the subject of elementary and secondary vocational education in China ispeasant vocational education.农民职业教育的规模远大于农村职业教育,我国中初等职业教育的主体是农民职业教育。

3.The implementation model ofpeasant vocational education has the characteristic of systemic and pattern,including five basic elements,as vocational setting model,structural shape of curriculum,educational access,operational mechanism and organizational form of teaching.农民职业教育施教模式具有系统性和范型性特点,包含职业设置模式、课程构造形态、教育途径、教学运行机制、教学组织形式5种基本要素。

4)peasants vocational education农民职业教育

1.At present, all of the trend of scientific and technological agriculture, the trend of countryside being city or town, peasants division and peasants demand on their overall development create the extensive space for the development ofpeasants vocational education.进入新时期以来,农业的科技化发展趋势、农村的城镇化趋势、农民的社会分化以及农民自身全面发展的要求,都为农民职业教育的发展开辟了广阔的空间。

2.The main problem obstruct the development ofpeasants vocational education is the system obstruction.当前农民职业教育发展的主要障碍是制度障碍,农民职业教育体制和户籍制度从供给和需求两方面严重限制了农民职业教育发展。

5)Peasant vocational and technical education农民职业技术教育

6)Chinese farmers" vocational education中国农民职业教育


