100字范文 > 全面职业教育 comprehensive vocational education英语短句 例句大全

全面职业教育 comprehensive vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-02 16:36:02


全面职业教育 comprehensive vocational education英语短句 例句大全

全面职业教育,comprehensive vocational education

1)comprehensive vocational education全面职业教育

2)continuing occupational education全程职业教育

3)vocational education职业教育

1.Discussion on the CNC teaching invocational education;基于职业教育的数控技术教学的探讨

2.Fashion Sketch Teaching In Vocational Education;职业教育中的服装画教学

3.On the characteristics ofvocational education objectives of higher learning of Chinese medicine;论高等中医药职业教育培养目标的特征


1.On Professional Outlook Education;职业观教育:破解职业教育之“礁”的利器

2.Deepening Vocational Education Reform and Improving Vocational Education Level;深化职业教育改革 提高职业教育水平

3.Present Situation of Japan Vocational Education and Its Education Reform;日本职业教育的现状与职业教育改革

4.Discussion on Survival Vocational Education and Development Vocational Education论“生存型”职业教育和“发展型”职业教育

5.Technical and Vocational Education Project技术和职业教育项目(技职教育项目)

6.Research on Teaching Model of Vocational Education from Pointing of View of Vocational Education;从职业教育特点探讨职业教育课程的教学模式

7.On Chemistry Teaching in Vocational Education--Taking Marine Vocational Education for Instance;职业教育中的化学教学——以航海职业教育为例

8.Vocational education and training should be strengthened.加强职业教育和培训。

9.Division for the Renovation of Secondary and Vocational Education中等和职业教育改革司

10.a program of vocational education.职业教育的训练计划。

11.Deepen Educational and Instructional Reformand Greatly Develop Vocational Education;深化教育教学改革大力发展职业教育

12.Speed up process of vocational education and certificate education and promote development of vocational education;加快职教两轮并举,促进职业教育发展

13.The National Association of Vocational Education of China and the Modernization of Vocational Education of China;中华职业教育社与中国职业教育近代化

14.Huang Yanpei’s Vocational Education Thought and its Enlightenment to Our Country’s Vocational Education;论黄炎培职业教育思想对我国职业教育的启示

15.The Inspiration of Overseas Distance Vocational education to the domestic vocational education in countryside;国外远程职业教育对我国农村职业教育的启示

16.What China s Vocational Education Can Learn from Germany s Vocational Education;德国职业教育对我国职业教育改革的启示

17.Situation and Countermeasure of Vocational Moral Education;职业教育中职业道德教育的现状及其对策

18.The Characteristics of Singapore Vocational Education and the Enlightement to China Vocational Education;新加坡职业教育特色及对我国职业教育的启示


continuing occupational education全程职业教育

3)vocational education职业教育

1.Discussion on the CNC teaching invocational education;基于职业教育的数控技术教学的探讨

2.Fashion Sketch Teaching In Vocational Education;职业教育中的服装画教学

3.On the characteristics ofvocational education objectives of higher learning of Chinese medicine;论高等中医药职业教育培养目标的特征

4)occupational education职业教育

1.Problems on higher medicaloccupational education;高等医学职业教育中应注意的几个问题

2.Reflections on theoccupational education industrialization;关于职业教育产业化的思考

3.The article analyzes the regional manufacturing industry, manual labor resources andoccupational education.文章通过对区域制造业人力资源与职业教育的分析和解读,揭示了职业教育必须以培养高技能人才为主线,从师资建构、专业设置、多元评价完善技能培训体系,向企业输送急需的技能型实用人才,服务区域经济发展,实现二者有效的链接。

5)Professional education职业教育

1.On Marketing the Professional Education;论职业教育的市场化运作

2.Transfer training of the rural surplus labor force and the development of professional education;农村剩余劳动力转移培训与职业教育的发展

3.Strengthen professional education,solve the peasants problems;强化职业教育 解决农民问题

6)the vocational education职业教育

1.The vocational education is the important component of china s education system,which has played the vital role in the strategy of invigorating china through science and education and in the strategy of talented person powerful nation s.职业教育是我国教育体系的重要组成部分,在实施科教兴国和人才强国的战略中有着重要的作用。

2.The free elementary and secondary education, a comprehensive system to ensure the quality of the higher education and the enterprises closely associated withthe vocational education,to meet the practical needs of all kinds of students.宽松自由的基础教育、质量保障体系完备的高等教育和与企业紧密联系的职业教育,满足了不同层次学生的需要。

3.The development and improvement in our country inthe vocational education must be along the way of work and study.我国职业教育的发展和改革必须走工学结合、半工半读之路。


