100字范文 > 县域职业教育 county vocational education英语短句 例句大全

县域职业教育 county vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-28 17:08:45


县域职业教育 county vocational education英语短句 例句大全

县域职业教育,county vocational education

1)county vocational education县域职业教育

1.The development ofcounty vocational education can promote the development of county economy effectively.县域经济的加快发展有赖于县域职业教育的均衡发展。


1.Several Theoretical Issues about County Vocational Education关于县域职业教育的几个基本理论问题

2.The County Economic Development in Poor Area and the Coupling with Vocational Education;贫困地区县域经济与职业教育的耦合发展

3.Research on Relations of the Vocational Education and the Economic Growth in the Ethnic Minority Areas民族地区职业教育发展与县域经济增长

4.Study on Promotion of Medium Vocational Education to County Territory Economic Development in Beichuan Qiang Minority Autonomous County;北川羌族自治县中等职业教育促进县域经济发展问题研究

5.Restriction the Secondary Vocational Education in County Territory Development Factor and Countermeasure Problem Analysis;制约县域中等职业教育发展的因素及对策问题分析

parative Analysis on Vocational Education and County Area Economy Development in both East and West;县域经济与职业教育发展——东、西部地区的比较分析

7.Study on the Rural Vocational Education to Form the New Peasant with the Support of County Economy--The Case of Pingquan County of Heibei Province;以县域经济发展为依托培育新型农民的农村职业教育研究——以河北省平泉县为例

8.The Research on the Vocational Education Development of Longsheng Minority Autonomous County, the State-supported Poverty-stricken County;国定贫困县龙胜各族自治县职业教育发展探索

9.Discussion on County Vocational Education Center in Development of Rural Vocational Education;刍议农村职业教育发展中的县级职教中心

10.Discussion on the County Vocational Education Center of the Rural Vocational Education in China;试论我国农村职业教育中的县级职教中心

11.Exploring on the Extension of Supervision in Education to the Fields of Vocational Education;教育督导向职业教育领域延伸的探索

12.The Development Trend of Higher Vocational Education Under the View of Macro Vocational Education试论“大职业教育”视域下高职教育发展趋势

13.The Development of Pre-vocational Teaching Skills Advancing to Regional Teacher Education走向区域教师教育的职前教师职业技能培养

14.The Vocational and Technical Education in The Field of Manufacturing Industry;我国制造业领域的职业技术教育分析

15.To Rely on the Regional Characteristics,to Develop the Vocational Education in the West;依托区域产业特色 发展西部职业教育

16.Studies on the Agricultural Vocational Education of Xiangtan Country;促进湘潭县农业职业教育健康发展研究

17.Study on Application of Modern Educational Technology on Teaching Area in Vocational Education;现代教育技术在职业教育教学领域应用的研究

18.Professional Quality:the Curriculum Research Area of Vocational Education Need to Concern职业素养:职业教育亟待关注的课程研究领域


education in the county territory县域教育

1.The author elaborates the theory that the design of system and the analysis of property right are significant to theeducation in the county territory which serves the construction of the new countryside, then elaborates two theses: the system innovation of educational property rig.本文从新制度经济学的视角,主要以成都市为例,初步分析了县域教育的制度创新与社会主义新农村建设的问题,提出并论述了制度设计对县域教育为新农村建设服务的意义重大和产权分析对县域教育为建设新农村服务也意义重大两个论断,进而分析论述了教育产权制度创新是县域教育更好地为新农村建设服务的经济基础,以及教育体制制度创新是建立县域教育为建设新农村服务长效机制的关键环节。

3)Vocational Education Center at County Level县级职业技术教育中心

4)vocational education职业教育

1.Discussion on the CNC teaching invocational education;基于职业教育的数控技术教学的探讨

2.Fashion Sketch Teaching In Vocational Education;职业教育中的服装画教学

3.On the characteristics ofvocational education objectives of higher learning of Chinese medicine;论高等中医药职业教育培养目标的特征

5)occupational education职业教育

1.Problems on higher medicaloccupational education;高等医学职业教育中应注意的几个问题

2.Reflections on theoccupational education industrialization;关于职业教育产业化的思考

3.The article analyzes the regional manufacturing industry, manual labor resources andoccupational education.文章通过对区域制造业人力资源与职业教育的分析和解读,揭示了职业教育必须以培养高技能人才为主线,从师资建构、专业设置、多元评价完善技能培训体系,向企业输送急需的技能型实用人才,服务区域经济发展,实现二者有效的链接。

6)Professional education职业教育

1.On Marketing the Professional Education;论职业教育的市场化运作

2.Transfer training of the rural surplus labor force and the development of professional education;农村剩余劳动力转移培训与职业教育的发展

3.Strengthen professional education,solve the peasants problems;强化职业教育 解决农民问题


