100字范文 > 终身职业教育 lifelong vocational education英语短句 例句大全

终身职业教育 lifelong vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-17 17:20:43


终身职业教育 lifelong vocational education英语短句 例句大全

终身职业教育,lifelong vocational education

1)lifelong vocational education终身职业教育


1.Post-tenure Review in American University:Its Rising,Patterns,and Tendency;美国大学终身教职后评审制度的兴起、模式与走向

2.The meaning of academic freedom of the American university teacher stenure since 1990s;美国大学教师终身教职的学术自由意义

3.On the post-tenure review in American higher institutions;美国高校终身教职后评估制度的兴起、内涵及其评价


1.Tenure and Post-Tenure Review at Universities in USA and Enlightenments;美国大学的终身教职制和终身教职后评估及其启示

2.I got tenure a year early as Steve mentioned.史蒂夫提及我提前一年拿到终身教职。

3.The Study on American Tenure System of University in 20~(th) Century;20世纪美国大学终身教职制度研究

4.Junior faculty members used to say to me, wow, you got tenure early.一位下级教员对我说”哇,你提前拿到终身教职。

5.The Dispute about the Performance of American University Tenured Teachers and Its Enlightenments;美国大学终身教职教师的业绩争论及启示

6.The meaning of academic freedom of the American university teacher s tenure since 1990s;美国大学教师终身教职的学术自由意义

7.The Analysis of Vocational Education Adjustment under the Life-long Education Background;终身教育理念下职业教育的人文走向

8.The Status , Problem and Countermeasure of All-life Education of the Teachers of Vocational Colleges;高职教师终身教育现状、问题及对策

9.Actively Develop Vocational Education to Build up the Life-long Education System;积极发展职业教育 构建终身教育体系

10.Construction of Vocational Education in Adapting to Permanent Education终身教育背景下的职业教育体系构建

anized procedures for faculty tenure and promotion cases.规划教授终身职位及升级的程序。

12.A Discussion about PE Quality - Oriented Education of Higher Vocational College Students from the Perspectives of "Life-Long PE;从“终身体育”视角谈高职体育素质教育

13.The Position and Effect of Higher Vocational P.E. on the Lifelong Sports;高职体育教育对高职学生终身体育的作用研究

14.Enlightenment of the Lifelong Education Thought for the Development of Teacher In-service Education;终身教育思想对教师职后教育发展的启示

15.The Lifelong Education for In-Service Special Education Teacher Training;特教教师在职培训要走终身教育的道路

16.The Research on Leisure Education for Career Women in the Context of Lifelong Education;终身教育背景下职业女性闲暇教育研究

17.Vocational Education s Function in Helping the Disadvantaged in the Context of Lifelong Education;终身教育背景下职业教育的扶贫助困功能

18.The Effect of Lifelong Physical Education Thoughts in P. E. Teaching Reform in Vocational Colleges;终身体育教育思想在高职体育教改中的作用



1.Post-tenure Review in American University:Its Rising,Patterns,and Tendency;美国大学终身教职后评审制度的兴起、模式与走向

2.The meaning of academic freedom of the American university teacher stenure since 1990s;美国大学教师终身教职的学术自由意义

3.On the post-tenure review in American higher institutions;美国高校终身教职后评估制度的兴起、内涵及其评价

3)a lifetime job终身职业

4)Lifelong education终身教育

1.On the construction of lifelong education system of Chinese medicine in net society;网络社会中医药终身教育体系的构建

2.Innovative strategies for university libraries to advance lifelong education;高校图书馆推进终身教育的创新策略

5)life-long education终身教育

1.Application study onlife-long education model for medical workersat the basic level;基层医务人员终身教育模式及管理应用研究

2.On construction of modern open-ended distance education andlife-long educationsystem;现代远程开放教育与终身教育体系的构建

6)lifetime education终身教育

1.On the role transformation of teachers under the background oflifetime education;浅析终身教育背景下的教师角色转变

2.On the function and adjustment higher education under thelifetime education system;试论高等教育在终身教育体系下的作用及其调整

3.This paper presents the back-ground, connotation and realism of the masterpiece "Learning To Be: The World of Education Today and Tomorrow" that is published by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and discusses the problems in present educational democratization, andlifetime education.立足于当代和未来社会发展变化的特点与趋势 ,探讨了当代教育民主化 ,终身教育的问


