100字范文 > 工学结合教学制度 teaching system of combining learning with working英语短句 例句大全

工学结合教学制度 teaching system of combining learning with working英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-22 15:56:10


工学结合教学制度 teaching system of combining learning with working英语短句 例句大全

工学结合教学制度,teaching system of combining learning with working

1)teaching system of combining learning with working工学结合教学制度

1.The paper analyzes the difficult position of carrying out " study and work" mode of vocational education in China,and proposes that it should be inevitable request to construct theteaching system of combining learning with working in vocational education reform.从制度视角分析我国当前职教领域实施工学结合教学模式的困境,提出构建工学结合教学制度是职教改革现实的必然要求。


1.The Teaching System of Combining Learning with Working:Realistic Expectation and Construction工学结合教学制度的现实期待与建构

2.Innovation of Teachers’ Personnel System Based on work and Study mode;基于“工学结合”模式的教师人事制度改革

3.Building up of studio system and teaching mode under educator/employer partnerships;构建“工作室制”的工学结合教学模式探讨

4.Exploration on The Teaching Reform of Engineering Drawing Curriculum based on Work-study Combination工程制图课程的工学结合教学改革探讨

5.Research on school level teaching ma nagement in the university;结合本校教学机制 做好院级教学管理工作

6.The Combination and Application of Traditional Teaching and Multimedia Teaching in Engineering Design Graphics;工程制图传统教学与多媒体教学的结合与应用

7.On the Industry-Academy-Research-Based Teaching Mechanism in Industrial Design Specialty工业设计专业产、学、研结合教学机制研究

8.Teaching of the Architectural Drawing based on the combining engineering learning about vocational education谈工学结合模式下高职建筑制图课程教学

9.Research On the Protection System of School-Enterprise Cooperation and Work-Study Combined of Higher Vocational Education高职教育“校企合作、工学结合”保障机制研究

10.Analysis on Connotation of Teachers Knowledge Sharing in the View of Work-Integrated Learning Cooperation;工学结合角度下对教师知识分享内涵的分析

11.Discussion on the Teaching Mode of Combination Working with Learning in Economic Courses;经济类学科工学结合教学模式的探讨

12.Innovative Vocational Education Patterns of Combining Working with Study and Working through Study;工学结合、勤工俭学,创新职教模式

13.The Disscusion on the Teaching Method of Work-integrated Learning in Higher Vocational Education高职教育中工学结合教学方法的探讨

14.Exploration about the Teaching Reform of Practice-Study Binding Pattern in Higher Vocational Education高职教育工学结合模式教学改革探讨

15.The Arrangement of Financial System in Promoting the Cooperation between University and Enterprise in Higher Vocational Institutes推进高职学院“校企合作、工学结合”的财务制度安排

16.Study on Organizing and Operating Mechanism of "Studying while Working" Education Mode;“工学结合”教育模式的组织与运行机制的研究

17.The introduction of university enterprise cooperated system into the education of civil engineering;将产学研结合机制引入土木工程专业教育

18.Research and practice on the teaching mode of combining engineering drawing with computer graphics工程制图与计算机绘图有机结合的教学研究


work-study pratical teaching工学结合实践教学

3)Combination of teaching结合教学

4)teaching combination教学结合

5)teaching system教学制度

1.To practise the credit system: a profound transform inteaching system and opinion;推行学分制:教学制度与观念的深刻变革

2.In 1954, the finalizing period of Chinese Secondary Education, a whole set ofteaching system was introduced from Russia to China.在1954年我国中等专业教育定型时期从苏联引进了一整套教学制度。

3.However,due to insufficient understanding and opening up to the functions ofteaching system,short supply,misunderstanding and mal-performance ofteaching system has resulted in obstacles in the reform and development of higher education.从教育领域内部的动力资源看,教学制度没有达到应有的重视,由于缺乏对教学制度功能的认识和开发,教学制度供给不足、抵牾及执行失范,导致其成为高等教育改革和发展的障碍性因素。

6)combining learning with working工学结合

1.Study on Cultivating Pattern of "Combining Learning with Working" in Insurance Major in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校保险实务专业工学结合模式探索

2.Exploration and practice on cultivating pattern of"combining learning with working and hospital-college cooperation"in higher nursing vocational schools高职护理专业工学结合、院校合作人才培养模式的探索与实践

3.The exploration of the professional ability of higher vocational teachers in the model ofcombining learning with working工学结合模式下高职教师专业能力探讨


教学制度教学制度teaching systemiiaoxue zhidu教学制度(teaehing system)院校进行教学活动必须遵守的规程。其作用是对教学活动实施科学管理,保证教学工作的正常进行,提高教学质量。一般由主管院校的领导机关制定并颁发,各院校根据自己的实际情况,制定相应的细则,或提出具体规定和要求。中国人民解放军院校教学制度包括:①计划制度。依据教学计划拟制教学大纲、教学实施计划、课程表和教学保障计划等教学文件。教学大纲应报上级主管部门审定。②会议制度。指定期召开教学工作会、教学安排会、教学形势分析会,适时召开教学经验交流会和学术讨论会等专业会议。③检查考核制度。按照教学计划和教学大纲的规定,对教学进度、教学质量定期检查,对学员进行严格考核,对毕业学员进行跟踪调查等。④奖惩制度。按照纪律条令的规定对教学工作成绩突出者和学习成绩优异者,给予表彰和奖励;对因工作不负责任、严重失职而造成重大损失、事故者,或违反学习纪律者,给予处罚。⑤请示报告制度。规定应报上级批准的事项,必须逐级上报审批;院校重大活动,应及时上报;发生重大教学事故,须立即上报。⑥登记统计制度。按照《军队院校教育统计报告制度》的规定,进行登记统计,并按时逐级上报。⑦安全保密制度。按照有关规定,定期进行安全保密检查,抓好规章制度的落实,确保安全,防止失密、泄密。⑧值班制度。指建立院(校)首长、部、系(大队)、分队和教学保障等值班的制度。此外,院校在教学中还规定有教材编写审批、备课、试教(示教)、教学评估等制度。(姚新)
