100字范文 > 工学结合模式 learning and working combination英语短句 例句大全

工学结合模式 learning and working combination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-04 16:39:22


工学结合模式 learning and working combination英语短句 例句大全

工学结合模式,learning and working combination

1)learning and working combination工学结合模式

1.This paper analyzes the problems existing in the process of applying thelearning and working combination mode in higher vocational college, expounds the benefit points of the enterprise, college and students in the operation process oflearning and working combination mode.从分析职业院校应用工学结合模式过程中所暴露的一些问题出发,阐述了企业、学校和学生在工学结合模式运行过程中的利益点。


1."Three-segment" Model of Combination of Working with Learning under "Lewis Interval";“刘易斯区间”下的“三段式”工学结合模式

2.Research on the Vocational English Teaching Method Based on the Technology and Teaching Combination Model工学结合模式下的高职英语教学模式初探

3.Thoughts on Business English Teaching Based on Work-integrated Mode工学结合模式下商务英语教学的思考

4.Exploration about the Teaching Reform of Practice-Study Binding Pattern in Higher Vocational Education高职教育工学结合模式教学改革探讨

5.Discussions on Etiquette Courses under the Training Pattern of Combining Working with Learning;工学结合模式下礼仪教育课程的探讨

6.The Obstacles and Countermeasures in Innovation of Work-Based Learning Pattern工学结合模式创新的三大障碍与对策

7.Research on Talent Cultivation Mode of Integrating Practice and Study in Technical School;技工学校工学结合人才培养模式研究

8.A Probe in the Communist Party Development among College Students under the Schooling-working Combination Education Pattern;“工学结合”模式下学生党建工作探析

9.Innovative Vocational Education Patterns of Combining Working with Study and Working through Study;工学结合、勤工俭学,创新职教模式

10.Discussion on the Teaching Mode of Combination Working with Learning in Economic Courses;经济类学科工学结合教学模式的探讨

11.Reformation of the Mathematical Course System Based on the Model Combining Work with Study;适应“工学结合”模式 改革数学课程体系

12.Discussion about Teaching Mode of Engineering Mathematics for Students of Different Majors与专业相结合探讨工程数学教学模式

13.The Study about Combination of Practice with Education for the Training Mode of Altitude Vocational Accountant;工学结合高职会计人才培养模式研究

14.Research on the "Work-Study" Model of Student Cultivating in Higher Vocational Education;高职院校“工学结合”人才培养模式研究

15.Issues on Training Model of "Combining Studying with Working" in Vocational Colleges;高职“工学结合”培养模式的问题与对策

16.Consideration about the Talent Cultivating Mode of Learning and Working Combination in Higher Vocational College;对高职工学结合人才培养模式的思考

17.A Discussion of Cultivating Mode of Applying Study to Work;“工学结合”英语人才培养模式的探讨

18.A Research and Practice on the Talent Fostering Model of Combining Working with Learning;“工学结合”:人才培养模式的研究与实践


combination of engineering-style teaching model结合工程式教学模式

1.The results of thecombination of engineering-style teaching model have been displayed in the Course of Highway construction organization with over budget.高校应用型人才培养的核心是能力的培养,结合工程式教学模式研究,是把完整的工程实例贯穿到整个教学过程中,在进行专业理论知识教学的同时,注重加强实践能力的培养。

3)combining learning with working pattern工学结合人才模式

4)combinative teaching model结合性教学模式

1.According to the practical needs of teaching contents and objects, and the characteristics of aesthetic education, the author inquires thecombinative teaching model of aesthetic education in filtration.根据健美操教学内容和教学对象实际需要,结合美学教育的特点,探究美育渗透健美操教学中的结合性教学模式,目的在于通过健美操教学既能使学生掌握健美操的技术、技能与练习方法,又能对学生进行美育教育,培养学生鉴赏美、表现美、创造美的能力。

5)The teaching method of "integration in three hands""三结合"教学模式

6)the model of university and business co-operative education产学研结合模式


非结合环与非结合代数非结合环与非结合代数on-associative rings and algebras非结合环与非结合代数【珊心胭仪妇柱视血娜.d alge-b旧s;。eaceo””姗.oe.二、双a.幼。6P。」具有两个二元运算+与,,除了可能不满足乘法结合律外,满足结合环与代数(a洛。clati记nn邵and目罗b璐)之所有公理的集合.非结合环与代数的第一批例子出现在19世纪中叶,是不结合的(Ca外呀数(c盯触yn山n1比IS)和更一般的超复数(h”姆rComp恤nUmber)).给定一个结合环(代数),如果用运算〔a,bl二ab一ba代替原有的乘法,其结果是一个非结合环(代数),这是个Lie环(代数).另一类重要的非结合环(代数)是Jo攻lan环(代数),它们可由在特征非2的域(或有1和1/2的交换的算子环)上的结合代数中定义运算a·b=(ab+ba)/2得到.非结合环与代数的理论已经发展成代数学的一个独立分支,展现出与数学的其它领域以及物理学、力学、生物学及其他学科的许多联系.这个理论的中心部分是熟知的拟结合环和代数(n比ly一别粥戊泊石wn刀乡缸记a】罗bras)的理论,它们有:Lie环和珠代数,交错环和交错代数,北攻坛幻环与Joltlan代数,MaJ几哪B环和Ma月五U口B代数,以及它们的某些推广(见Ue代数(Lieal罗bra);交错环与代数(司加叮必tiverm邵alld目罗b挑);J加止川代数(Jo攻协nal罗bIa);M幼城e。
