100字范文 > 理实一体化教学 teaching combining theory with practice英语短句 例句大全

理实一体化教学 teaching combining theory with practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-22 23:32:19


理实一体化教学 teaching combining theory with practice英语短句 例句大全

理实一体化教学,teaching combining theory with practice

1)teaching combining theory with practice理实一体化教学


1.The Practice and Reflection of the Teaching Combining Theory with Practice;从案例到反思:理实一体化教学的实践与思考

2.New Teaching Model Combined the Theory with the Experiment in Botany Teaching;高校植物学教学改革——理论与实践教学一体化

3.Focus on Integration of Theories and Practice Teaching for Professional Course;加强专业课程的理论实践一体化教学

4.An Exploration on Merging Theory Teaching and Experiment Teaching of Electric and Electronic Courses into an Integral Whole;电类课理论教学与实验教学一体化初探

5.The Metal Technology Theory Practises Reform and Practice of Integrated Teaching金属工艺学理论实习一体化教学的改革与实践

6.Exploration of the Projecting of the Practicing Facilities and the Incorporation of Theory and Practice in Chemistry Industry Education in Higher Vocational Education高职化工教育实训设备工程化和理实教学一体化的实践探索

7.Probe into the Integration of Analytical Chemistry Theory and Experimental Teaching;分析化学理论与实验教学一体化的探索

8.Establishment of Merging Theory Teaching and Experiment Teaching of Basic Chemistry into an Integral Whole基础化学理论与实验一体化教学模式的构建

9.An Inquiry into the Teaching Reform of "Integration of Theory and Practice" for Accounting Major in Higher Vocational College高职会计教育“理实一体化”教学改革思路探析

10.Implementation and thought of the unity teaching of theory and practice in higher vocational colleges;高职院校理论、实践一体化教学的实施与思考

11.Exploration and Practice on the construction of Experimental Teaching System for Experimental Physiological Science实验生理科学一体化实验教学体系建设的探索与实践

12.Practice and exploration of theory and practice integration educational model in surgery teaching理论与实习一体化教学模式在外科学教学中的实践与探索

13.Applicative research on integration of theory and practice in anatomy解剖学理论与实验一体化教学模式的应用研究

14.New Teaching Model Combined the Theory with the Experiment in Zoology Teaching高校动物学理论与实践“一体化”教学模式的探索

15.On Integration Teaching of Theory and Practical Training in Vocational schools职业学校理论与实训相结合的一体化教学探讨

16.Probe and Practice on Integrated Teaching Model of Theory and Practice in Teaching the Course "Hydraulic and Pneumatic Technology"“理论实践一体化”教学模式在《液压与气动技术》教学中的探索与实践

17.The Exploration of Integrated Theory and Practice Teaching Model of Civil Engineering Specialty in Secondary Vocational School;中职工民建专业“理论—实践一体化”教学的探索

18.Thought on the Construction of Theory-Practice Integrated Teaching Model for Higher Vocational Accounting Specialty;构建高职会计理论实践一体化教学模式的思考


the integration of the theory and experimental teaching理论与实验教学一体化

3)Integrative Teaching about Theory and Practice理论实践一体化教学

1.Research on the Educational Ideology ofIntegrative Teaching about Theory and Practice ;理论实践一体化教学是教育部对职业教育提出的指导性要求,也是高职教学改革的重要手段之一。

4)Integration of theory and practice of teaching理论与实践一体化教学

5)teaching practice integration教学实践一体化

bined with the subject characteristics and practical situation of electronic information engineering major,this paper,from the perspective of theory teaching,practical education,construction of teaching staff,puts forward a set ofteaching practice integration construction scheme of electronic information engineering major modification.结合电子信息工程专业的学科特点和实际情况,从理论教学、实践教学、师资队伍建设等角度,提出电子信息工程专业改造教学实践一体化建设方案。

6)integrated practice teaching一体化实践教学体系

1.This artical probes into the construction ofintegrated practice teaching system in the aspects of the connotation,purpose and the way to administer,based on the actual situations of higher tourism education,to effectivel.旅游业对旅游管理人才的实践能力和综合素质提出了更高的要求,旅游管理专业必须构建一体化实践教学体系以迎接这种挑战。


蒒实【通用名称】蒒实【其他名称】蒒实 (《海药本草》) 【异名】自然谷、禹余粮(张华《博物志》),师草实(《本草拾遗》),砂贡子(《中国经济植物志》)。 【来源】为莎草科植物蒒草的果实。 【植物形态】蒒草(《海药本草》),又名:砂瓒薹草。 多年生草本。匍匐根茎长。秆三棱形,高10~20厘米,基部叶鞘破裂呈纤维状,黑褐色。叶广线形,宽4~6毫米,边缘具锐锯齿,质强韧,有光泽。花单性,雌雄异株;小穗多数,集生成头状花序;雄小穗长椭圆形,雌小穗粗大;鳞片褐黄色,卵形或长圆状卵形,近乎披针形,先端渐狭为粗糙的刺,囊苞暗褐色,披针形,长10~12毫米,弯曲,背部凸起,腹部平凹,边缘具锐锯齿状狭翼而弯曲成牙齿状的喙。小坚果,三棱形。花期6~7月。 生于沿海砂滩及湖边。分布我国东北及河北、山东等地。 【性味】《本草拾遗》:"味甘,平,无毒。" 【归经】《本草撮要》:"入手足太阴、阳明经。" 【功用主治】《海药本草》:"主补虚羸乏损,温肠胃,止呕逆,久食健人。"
