100字范文 > 实际联系理论 combining practice with theory英语短句 例句大全

实际联系理论 combining practice with theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-23 07:28:13


实际联系理论 combining practice with theory英语短句 例句大全

实际联系理论,combining practice with theory

1)combining practice with theory实际联系理论

1.We must emphasize oncombining practice with theory in the pedagogy of ideological and moral cultivation.思想道德修养课的教学必须坚持“实际联系理论” ,走以学生为出发点和归宿的“学生路线”。

2)On Integration of Theory with Practice论理论联系实际

3)combining theory with practice理论联系实际

1.The Theory of Generality and Individuality——Achieving the starting point in logic ofcombining theory with practice;共性 个性 理论——达到理论联系实际要求的逻辑起点

2.Bycombining theory with practice we don t mean to give up theory, but rather, to achieve theoretical innovations that conforms to practical needs on the basis of integrating the two.理论联系实际是马克思主义一贯坚持的思想原则 ,对于它的科学内涵应该有正确的理解和把握。


1.Great attention must be paid to linking theory with practice.必须注重理论联系实际。

2.We must link theory with practice.我们必须理论联系实际。

3.We declared that we had to integrate theory with practice and proceed from reality in everything we did.提倡理论联系实际,一切从实际出发,

4.Applying Theory to Practice:the Only Way to Achieve Theoretical Creativity;理论联系实际是实现理论创新的必由之路

5.The Integration of Theories and Practices--The Key to Realize Application of the Deng Xiao ping Theory;理论联系实际是实现邓小平理论“进头脑”的关键

6.How to Apply the Principle of Linking Theory with Practice to the Teaching of the Course "Panorama of Deng Xiaoping s Theory;“邓小平理论概论”贯彻理论联系实际原则谈

7.Our teachers always pay attention to combining theory with practice.我们的老师们经常注意理论联系实际。

8.We must learn to combine theory with practice.我们必须学会理论联系实际。

9.We consider it necessary to combine theory with practice.我们认为理论联系实际是必要的。

10.We think it important that theory should be combined with practice.我们认为理论联系实际是重要的。

bining theory with practice is a good way to learn .理论联系实际是学习的好方法。

12.How to Apply Theory into Practice in “two-courses” Teaching;“两课”教学中理论联系实际的探讨

bining Theory to Teaching Practice --how to train efficient readers;理论联系实际——培养高效的阅读者(英文)

14.Teaching Reform of "Two Courses" in Universities Should Emphasize Combining Theory with Practice;高校“两课”教学改革重在理论联系实际

15.My Viewpoint on Combining Theory with Realistics in the Teaching of "the Two-course;“两课”教学中理论联系实际之我见

16.Integrating Theory with Practice:the Important Principle of the Party History Teaching;理论联系实际:党史教学的重要原则

17.Integration of Theory into Practice: the True Essence of the Course of Ideological and Political Theories;理论联系实际是思想政治理论课教学的真谛

18.Mechanism for Applying the Approach of IntegratingTheory with Practice to Teaching Deng s Theory;理论联系实际在邓小平理论教学中的运用机制


On Integration of Theory with Practice论理论联系实际

3)combining theory with practice理论联系实际

1.The Theory of Generality and Individuality——Achieving the starting point in logic ofcombining theory with practice;共性 个性 理论——达到理论联系实际要求的逻辑起点

2.Bycombining theory with practice we don t mean to give up theory, but rather, to achieve theoretical innovations that conforms to practical needs on the basis of integrating the two.理论联系实际是马克思主义一贯坚持的思想原则 ,对于它的科学内涵应该有正确的理解和把握。

4)Integrate theory with practice理论联系实际

1.To integrate theory with practice is our party s traditional working style that has been constituted in the long revolutionary struggle and Marxist style of study that is adhered to by our party as well.理论联系实际是我党在长期革命斗争中形成的优良传统和作风 ,也是我党一贯坚持的马克思主义学风。

2.In the proc ess of study,we must take a correct attitude and establish a suitable atmosphere ,that is,to integrate theory with practice.列宁认为在一个重大历史关头,最重要的任务就是学习;学习的原则和方法就是灌输 ,历 史已经证明灌输是科学的、行之有效的原则和方法,我党必须始终坚持它并随着时代的发展 而发展它;在学习中一定要端正学习态度,树立正确学风,即理论联系实际。

5)integrating theory with practice理论联系实际

1.Theory is the foundations and the premise of attaining the teaching good ;Throughout using the means ofintegrating theory with practice is the powerful guarantee of attaining the teaching goal;Adopting a progressive attitude towards DengXiaoping抯 Theory is the key to attaining the teaching goal.完整、准确地理解掌握邓小平理论的科学体系是实现教学目标的基础和前提,始终贯彻理论联系实际的方法是实现邓小平理论教学目标的有力保证,以与时俱进的态度对待邓小平理论是实现教学目标的关键。

2.The means ofintegrating theory with practice are various.理论联系实际是马克思主义哲学的基本特征,马克思主义哲学原理教学的最有效的方法是理论联系实际。

3.The approach ofintegrating theory with practice is widely adopted in ideological and political education courses in colleges and universities.理论联系实际是高校“两课”教学普遍采用的方法 ,该方法在邓小平理论教育教学中的特殊运用机制 ,包括功能指向、应联系的“实际”的外延内涵和运用该方法的主要原则三个方

6)apply theory to reality理论联系实际

1.Marxism-Leninism Course Should Lay Stress on Cultivating the Students Ability to Apply Theory to Reality;马列课要注重培养学生理论联系实际的能力

2.In the classroom teaching,embarks from the practice,through the establishment scene pattern,the associated background knowledge of practical issues to consider and so on,the optimization course content,achieves theapply theory to reality.课堂教学中,从实践出发,通过创设情景模式,联系问题实际背景知识等,可以优化教学内容,做到理论联系实际。

3.Apply theory to reality"is the principle and way of the teaching Marxism philosophy.“理论联系实际”是马克思主义哲学教学的原则和方法。


