100字范文 > 内容价值 the value of information英语短句 例句大全

内容价值 the value of information英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-01 06:32:50


内容价值 the value of information英语短句 例句大全

内容价值,the value of information

1)the value of information内容价值


1.Thoughts about the Value of The Basic Musical Course;对基本乐科课程内容价值取向的思考

2.The Research of Publishing Media Integration from the View of the Information Value-added;内容价值增值视阈下的出版媒介融合研究

3.A Stdudy of the the Value Chain Accouting Content based on the Value Chain Management;价值链管理视角下的价值链会计内容研究

4.Public ad ministration places the value of service at a core position. The value of servic e is subject to the category of the value of ethics and contains scientific cont ents.服务价值属于伦理价值 ,是包含着科学内容的伦理价值。

5.book,etc containing items of great value or interest内容极有价值或有意义的书等

6.act of making fuller or more meaningful or rewarding.使变得有内容、有意思、有价值。

7.written and regarded for aesthetic value rather than content.写作或重视美学价值胜于内容的。

8.Please make a list of the contents of your baggage and their monetary value in dollars.请列出行李内容物和价值多少美元。

9.What if your site visitors find the homepage content to be completely useless?如果主页内容对用户没有任何价值呢?

10.Study on the Contents and Mechanisms of the Intergenerational Value Transmission;探究价值观的代际传递内容及其机制

11.On the Contents of the Value of Socialist Core Politics;试论社会主义核心政治价值观的内容

12.Brief discussion about the main content and literary value of Miscellany of Yun Xian;《云仙杂记》的主要内容及文学价值

13.On Basic Contents of the Education of the Leading Values for University Students;论大学生主导价值观教育的基本内容

14.The Substance,Style and Value Orientation of Traditional Family Moral Education;传统家庭德育的内容、方式与价值导向

15.The Contents,Value and Influence of“ The Commentaries on the spring- AutumnGuliang;《春秋谷梁传》的内容、价值及其影响

16.The Image Consciousness of Country and Nation: Content,Value,and Development;国家与民族形象意识:内容、价值与培育

17.The Content,the Feature of Style and the Historical Materials Value of Zhou Li;《周礼》的内容、行文特点及其史料价值

18.Analysis of Information Flow on TV Content Industry中国电视内容产业价值链信息流分析


content of the value价值内容

3)Content and Value内容与价值

4)content of values education价值观教育内容

5)content of moral value道德价值内容

6)the content of the value chain accouting价值链会计的内容


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
