100字范文 > 信息技术价值观 View of value in Information Technology英语短句 例句大全

信息技术价值观 View of value in Information Technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-22 21:25:07


信息技术价值观 View of value in Information Technology英语短句 例句大全

信息技术价值观,View of value in Information Technology

1)View of value in Information Technology信息技术价值观

2)value of information technology信息技术价值

3)technology value技术价值观

1.The compatibility of nature value andtechnology value——a new perspective of reconstructing sustainable development value;自然价值观与技术价值观的兼容——可持续发展价值观重建的一个视角

2.This thesis elaborates the connotation 、negative effect of technology which are different from science and human `s responsibility from the view of Marxist philosophy ; it scans the choice oftechnology value on the foundation of analyzing technological pessimism 、technological optimism and technological realism to implement sustainable development ecological civilizati.本文从马克思主义哲学的角度阐述了技术不同于科学的内涵、负面效应及人的责任;从分析技术悲观主义、技术乐观主义与技术现实主义的基础上审视技术价值观的选择,实施可持续发展的生态文明模式;并要求在意识、科教、法律与道德和国际合作等方面采取措施,促进人与自然关系的和谐发展。


1.Technological values c an stipulate it through aim, evaluation and choice of technological value.技术价值观从技术价值目标、技术价值评估、技术价值选择三方面规约技术不确定性。

2.To Stipulate Technological Uncertainty with Values技术不确定性的价值观规约——一种技术价值观的功能剖析

3.Analyzing Function of the Public Participation Ruling Technological Values;公众参与规约技术价值观的功能解析

4.The compatibility of nature value and technology value--a new perspective of reconstructing sustainable development value;自然价值观与技术价值观的兼容——可持续发展价值观重建的一个视角

5.The Studying and Comparing the Standpoint of Mar Kusai s Science and Technology on Values to Einstein s;马尔库塞与爱因斯坦科学技术价值观的比较研究

6.The Values of Technology Innovation in the View of Development;论科学发展观视域中的技术创新价值观

7.Philosophic Consideration of the Value of Science and Technology --Comment on Frankfurt School s Scientific andTechnological Value;对科学技术价值的哲学思考——兼评法兰克福学派的科技价值观

8.Instrumentalist Scientific and Technological Value and the Modernization of Military Technology in Late Qing Dynasty;工具主义科技价值观与晚清军事技术近代化

9.Study on the Relationship between Work Values and Loyalty of the Technician in Enterprises;企业技术人员工作价值观与忠诚度研究

10.The Study of Emotional Attitude and Values in the Information Technology Teaching;信息技术教学中“情感态度价值观”的研究

11.Investment to IT for Business Value--A Prospect of IT and Business Fusion;发挥IT的商业价值——一个业务与技术融合的观点

12.A Comparative Study of the Two Viewpoints about Competitive Value of Information Technology;信息技术竞争价值两种观点的比较研究

13.Viewing Post-modernism from Ecology to Turn the Values of Technological Innovation Activities;后现代主义生态观与技术创新活动的价值转向

14.Turning of Ecologicaliation of Technocal Innovation Observed from the Transformation of Values;从价值观的嬗变看技术创新的生态化转向

15.Conflicts and Adjustmentment of the Culture Concept of Value in Technique s Creation;技术创新中的文化价值观念冲突及调适

16.On the Contributions of Science and Technology to the Development of Modern Social Value;略论科学技术对现代社会价值观发展的贡献

17.On the Dominating Value Model in the Technology Practice in the Industrial Society and Its Critique;工业社会主导性技术实践价值观模式及其批判

work Technological Effects on College Teachers Values and Their Countermeasures;网络技术对大学教师价值观的影响及对策


value of information technology信息技术价值

3)technology value技术价值观

1.The compatibility of nature value andtechnology value——a new perspective of reconstructing sustainable development value;自然价值观与技术价值观的兼容——可持续发展价值观重建的一个视角

2.This thesis elaborates the connotation 、negative effect of technology which are different from science and human `s responsibility from the view of Marxist philosophy ; it scans the choice oftechnology value on the foundation of analyzing technological pessimism 、technological optimism and technological realism to implement sustainable development ecological civilizati.本文从马克思主义哲学的角度阐述了技术不同于科学的内涵、负面效应及人的责任;从分析技术悲观主义、技术乐观主义与技术现实主义的基础上审视技术价值观的选择,实施可持续发展的生态文明模式;并要求在意识、科教、法律与道德和国际合作等方面采取措施,促进人与自然关系的和谐发展。

4)technical values技术价值观

1.Architects should promote mutual understanding with real estate developers in the early stage to obtain common object of value and cooperate with engineers to reach a common und erstanding oftechnical values,so that they may innovatively create superworks .建筑师既要与开发商做好前期沟通工作,获得共同的价值取向,又要与各种的工程师通力合作,在技术价值观上获得统一,这样才能在住宅设计过程中求精创新,设计出好的作品。

2.Thetechnical values are general summary of the technical value.技术价值观是对技术价值的看法,是对技术价值本质的一般概括,是人们在对技术的认知基础上,在技术实践中所形成的关于技术价值的认识。

5)technological values技术价值观

1.The public rule artifact that includstechnological values through changing artifact s usage.公众通过技术人工物的转用规约人工物蕴含的技术价值观;公众在解释边界物中主张自身的技术价值取向,影响其他主体认识理解边界物;公众通过信息传输渠道了解技术知识,抉择技术应用方向,借助丰富的科技信息发展个体与群体的技术价值观。

2.In his opinions the technological code is nothing else but a condensation of predominance oftechnological values by which the social power enters into the kernel of technological growth.芬伯格技术批判理论中技术代码、技术民主化、机动边缘和次级工具化等术语蕴含了丰富的技术价值观理论。

6)Assessment of the Value of Information Technology信息技术价值评估


