100字范文 > 音乐价值观 concept of value in music英语短句 例句大全

音乐价值观 concept of value in music英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-15 14:37:58


音乐价值观 concept of value in music英语短句 例句大全

音乐价值观,concept of value in music

1)concept of value in music音乐价值观

1.Starting with the analysis of teaching materials,this article emphatically points out that the solfeggio teaching produces an influence on studentsconcept of value in music.本文从分析教材入手,着重指出视唱练耳教学对学生音乐价值观所带来的影响,并进行教学现状反思,试图说明视唱练耳教学内容"本土化"的可行性,并提出了自己的构想,指出:作为视唱练耳教学内容的视唱是民族音乐文化的载体之一,其实质更是对本民族音乐文化传承的教育。

2)New Music Values新音乐价值观

3)Music Education音乐教育价值观

1.The Evolution of theMusic Education Value during Pre-Qing Dynasty and Its Reality Reference;先秦时期我国音乐教育价值观的演变及其现实参照性


1.The Evolution of the Music Education Value during Pre-Qing Dynasty and Its Reality Reference;先秦时期我国音乐教育价值观的演变及其现实参照性

2.On Effect of the Philosophical View of Western Music Education on China’s Music Education论西方音乐教育哲学价值观对中国音乐教育的影响

3.The Value of Jia Xian Baiyun Guan Taoist Music in Modern Music陕北佳县白云观道教音乐的现代音乐价值

4.The Aesthetic Education and Seeking Knowledge: the Value of Musical Education;美育与求知:音乐教育价值的双效追求

5.Music education value research angle of view :one theory of value method音乐教育价值研究的新进路——一种价值论的方法

6.On the Cultural Value and the Esthetic Value of the Music Education音乐教育的文化价值和审美价值的几点思考

7.The Studies of the Application Value of Orff-Schulwerk for the Music Education in Public of Chinese Universities;奥尔夫音乐教育体系在高校公共音乐教育中的应用价值探究

8.On the Value of Music Education in Quality-orientated Education in Colleges and Universities;音乐教育在高校素质教育中的价值探究

9.On the Value and Connotation of Music Education at Teachers Training College in a Viewpoint of Quality Education;从素质教育角度谈高师音乐教育的价值内涵

10.Initial Analysis on "LOHAS" Value Education to Contemporary University Students浅析当代大学生的“乐活”价值观教育

11.On the Value of Education by Music from the Point of Plural Intelligent Structure Theory;从多元智能结构理论看音乐教育的育人价值

12.Researching the Values and Strategies of Music Education for Mental Retardation;智障儿童音乐教育的价值及教学策略研究

13.Analysis of the Value of Music Curriculum--Reflections on Studying Music Curriculum Standards of Full-time Compulsory Schooling;解读音乐课程的价值——学习《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》有感

14.Judgment and Position of the Value of Local Music in Contemporary Professional Music Education本土音乐在当代专业音乐教育中价值的重新判断与定位

15.On the Value of Original Folk Songs to Musical Education in Advanced Universities;原生态民歌的价值对高校音乐教育的启示

16.Probing into the Value of Music Education Activities for Pre-school Children and the Training Approaches;幼儿音乐教育活动的价值与培养途径探索

17.The Cognitive Value and Psychological Effects of Musical Education on Human Brain and Mentality;音乐教育的认知价值与大脑心理效应分析

18.Instructional Design and Implementing of the Course World Music用多元音乐塑造当代大学生的音乐文化价值观——《世界音乐》课程的教学设计与实施


New Music Values新音乐价值观

3)Music Education音乐教育价值观

1.The Evolution of theMusic Education Value during Pre-Qing Dynasty and Its Reality Reference;先秦时期我国音乐教育价值观的演变及其现实参照性

4)musical value音乐价值

1.In the field of aesthetics,theories ofmusical value are studied from different aspects.在美学领域,音乐价值理论被分散在不同的研究论域。

5)value of music音乐的价值

6)relativity of music value音乐价值相对论

1.The article reviewed on the historical process of argument, sorted out the different ideas, and proposed the writer s opinions on therelativity of music value, criticism of post colonial, the musical view of people foremost and music foremost, as well as how to deal with the relationship between China and the West in the situation of the multicultural in the contemporary era.本文在回顾论战的历史过程、对各家观点进行梳理的基础上,就论战中涉及到的“音乐价值相对论”、“后殖民”批评、人本与乐本的音乐观以及在当代世界文化多样性格局中如何看待和处理中西音乐关系等问题发表了作者的见解[本文(上)发表在《黄钟》第二期上]。

2.The article reviewed on the historical process of argument,sorted out the different ideas,and proposed the writer s opinions on therelativity of music value,criticism of post colonial,the musical view of people foremost and music foremost,as well as how to deal with the relationship between China and the West in the situation of the multicultural in the contemporary era.本文在回顾论战的历史过程、对各家观点进行梳理的基础上,就论战中涉及到的“音乐价值相对论”、“后殖民”批评、人本与乐本的音乐观以及在当代世界文化多样性格局中如何看待和处理中西音乐关系等问题发表了作者的见解。


