100字范文 > 主动悬置 active engine mount英语短句 例句大全

主动悬置 active engine mount英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-27 20:27:59


主动悬置 active engine mount英语短句 例句大全

主动悬置,active engine mount

1)active engine mount主动悬置

1.The performance of electromagnetic-actuator is studied and the mechanical and mathematical models ofactive engine mount have been built.在原有液压悬置的基础上,提出一种利用电磁作动器为主动控制元件的主动悬置,研究了电磁作动器的频率特性,并建立了该悬置系统的力学及数学模型。


1.Fuzzy Control System of Automobile Active Power-train Mount采用主动悬置的汽车动力总成振动模糊控制

2.Fuzzy Control of Semi-active Air Suspension for CAB;重型货车驾驶室半主动悬置模糊控制的仿真研究

3.Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics for Main Rubber Spring of Hydraulic Engine Mount;液压悬置橡胶主簧动特性有限元分析

4.Research on Semi-active Control for ER Mount of Engine;发动机电流变液悬置半主动控制的研究

5.Simulation and Experiment Study for the Dynamic Characteristics of a Semi-active Control Hydraulic Mount;半主动控制液压悬置的动特性仿真与实验研究

6.Study on Dynamic Characteristics Simulation and Active Control Theory of Automobile Powerplant Mount System汽车动力总成悬置系统的动特性仿真与主动控制理论研究

7.The Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Semi-active Control Hydraulic Mounts for Engine;车用发动机半主动控制式液力悬置动力学特性研究

8.The Research of PZT"s Placement and the Active Vibration Control of Smart Cantilever Beam;智能悬臂梁压电片布置与振动主动控制技术的研究

9.Design and Semi-active Control Research of an Automotive Power-train MR Mount;汽车动力总成磁流变悬置的设计和半主动控制研究

10.The Study of the Isolation Characteristics of an Active Control Hydraulic Mount with Electromagnetic-actuator;应用电磁作动器的主动式液压悬置隔振性能研究

11.Active Vibration Control of Piezoelectric Smart Cantilever Plate and the Optimization of PZT s Locations;压电智能悬臂板梁振动的主动控制与压电片的优化布置

12.The Vibration Isolation Performance and Control Method Research of ERF Semi-active Engine Mount电流变液半主动发动机悬置隔振性能与控制方法研究

13.Research on Position Detection and Drive System for Active Magnetic Suspension Pushing Bearing主动式磁悬浮推力轴承位置检测和驱动系统研究

14.Modeling and Simulation of Semi-Active Control for Electro-Rheological Fluid Engine Mount电流变液发动机悬置建模及模糊半主动控制仿真分析

15.Improving Lateral Ride Comfort of High-speed Trains Applying Semi-active Suspension System to High-speed Trains改善高速列车的横向乘坐舒适度——半主动悬挂减振装置的应用

16.The Structural Design of a Mount with Electrorheological Fluids and Semi-Active Control Simulation Analysis;电流变液压悬置结构设计及半主动控制仿真分析

17.The Structural Design and the Study on Isolation Characteristics of a Semi-active Mount with Magnetorheological Fluids;半主动式磁流变液悬置结构设计及隔振性能研究

18.Semi-active suspension can greatly improve the performance of suspension systems.半主动悬架能大幅度改善悬架的性能。


Semi-active mount半主动悬置

3)active engine mount发动机主动悬置

1.An automotiveactive engine mount is consisted of a electromagnetic-actuator and an inertia-modulator hydraulic mount.汽车发动机主动悬置系统由一个电磁作动器和惯性通道-解耦盘式被动液压悬置组合而成,利用电磁作动器产生的动态力随驱动电流变化的特性控制解耦盘的位移,使上液室的压力随之变化,进而控制发动机经悬置传递给车身的力。

4)semi-active air suspension for cab半主动空气悬置

5)mounting vibration悬置振动

1.To reduce the power train smounting vibration of truck NJ1038,and to improve the driving comfort,the angles of elastic bearing and mounting stiffness are considered,and the mounting of power train is optimized.为了降低动力总成悬置振动,提高驾乘舒适性,从弹性支承的角度以及悬置的刚度出发,进行动力总成悬置优化研究。

6)active suspension主动悬架

1.Effects of mixed-uncertainty on ride quality for a heavy duty vehicle mounted hydro-pneumaticactive suspensions;油气主动悬架不确定性对重载车辆平顺性的影响分析

2.Order-reduction of H-infinity controller for theactive suspension system of vehicle;汽车主动悬架系统H_∞控制器的降阶

3.H_∞/generalized H_2 control ofactive suspension based on moving horizon strategy;基于滚动优化的H_∞/广义H_2主动悬架控制


