100字范文 > 液压悬置 Hydraulic mount英语短句 例句大全

液压悬置 Hydraulic mount英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-15 06:33:59


液压悬置 Hydraulic mount英语短句 例句大全

液压悬置,Hydraulic mount

1)Hydraulic mount液压悬置

1.Simulation and Experiment Study for the Dynamic Characteristics of a Semi-active Control Hydraulic Mount;半主动控制液压悬置的动特性仿真与实验研究

2.its dynamics analysis model of power plant hydraulic mount of a certain saloon car is founded by applying the theory of fluid-structure coupling, and simulation is made on its dynamical characteristics by using the Adams software.液压悬置具有低频大阻尼、高刚度等特点,可以有效隔离和衰减发动机的怠速振动,降低车内噪声,提高乘坐舒适性。

3.Various hydraulic mounts are being adopted for automotive powertrain mounting to improve ride quality and noise transferring.为改善汽车的平顺性和噪声传递,车用动力总成的安装已越来越多地采用液压悬置结构。


1.Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics for Main Rubber Spring of Hydraulic Engine Mount;液压悬置橡胶主簧动特性有限元分析

2.Research on the Vibration Isolation of Vehicle Hydraulic Engine Mounting System;汽车动力总成液压悬置系统的隔振性能研究

3.The Study of Hydraulic Mount s Characteristic in Isolating Vibration and Reducing Noise;汽车动力总成液压悬置隔振降噪特性研究

4.Research on Modeling and Optimization of Engine Hydraulic Mount;汽车发动机液压悬置建模和优化方法研究

5.A Study of the Vibration Characteristics of an Active Control Hydraulic Mount with Electrostrictive Actuator;智能型电致伸缩液压悬置隔振特性研究

6.Simulation and Experiment Study for the Dynamic Characteristics of a Semi-active Control Hydraulic Mount;半主动控制液压悬置的动特性仿真与实验研究

7.The Study and Analysis on Perfoumance of the Powertrain Hydraulicmount of Automobile;汽车动力总成液压悬置特性分析与研究

8.Simulation of Dynamic Characteristics of Hydraulic Powerplant Mount with Inertia Track and Decoupled Disc-Membrane惯性通道解耦盘-膜式液压悬置动特性仿真

9.The Structural Design of a Mount with Electrorheological Fluids and Semi-Active Control Simulation Analysis;电流变液压悬置结构设计及半主动控制仿真分析

10.The Study of the Isolation Characteristics of an Active Control Hydraulic Mount with Electromagnetic-actuator;应用电磁作动器的主动式液压悬置隔振性能研究

11.Discussion of Dynamic Characteristics and Modeling Methods of Automotive Engine Hydraulic Mount;汽车发动机液压悬置动特性分析和建模方法研究

12.A Dynamically Simulating Study of Vibration Isolation Performance on Hydraulic Powertrain Mount System of Car;轿车动力总成液压悬置系统隔振性能的动力学仿真研究

13.Study and Optimization Design of Inertia Channel-Decoupling Hydraulic Mount System惯性通道—解耦膜式液压悬置特性研究及优化设计

14.hydraulic lift linkage drawbar液压悬挂系统联结装置

15.hydraulic hitch system with separated unit分置式液压悬挂系统

16.hydraulic hitch system with partial separated unit半分置式液压悬挂系

17." Tractor terminology--Hydraulic hitch system and drawbar, hook"GB/T6960.6-1995拖拉机术语液压悬挂系及牵引、拖挂装置

18.integrated hydraulic hitch system整体式液压悬挂系统


Hydraulic engine mount液压悬置

1.Basedon the finite element (FE) method developed for one kind of hydraulic engine mount, the static characteristics of the main rubber spring of a hydraulic engine mount with non-linear finite element software ABAQUS are analyzed here.以某一型号轿车发动机液压悬置为研究对象,应用大型通用有限元分析软件ABAQUS分析了橡胶主簧在垂直方向的静态特性。

2.The dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic engine mounts are tested by experiment.分析了发动机液压悬置的基本结构和特性。

3)hydraulic suspension液压悬置

1.Rubber main spring being acted as the principle force bearing component ofhydraulic suspension,its stiffness characteristics will affect directly the property ofhydraulic suspension.橡胶主簧作为液压悬置的主要承力部件,其刚度特性直接影响液压悬置的性能。

4)ER fluid mount电流变液压悬置

paring the simulation results of powertrain with semi-controlledER fluid mounts to th.对半主动控制式电流变液压悬置的结构及工作原理进行了描述,考虑阻尼通道及电流变液的特性,建立了该悬置的动力学仿真模型。

5)Hydraulic engine mount发动机液压悬置

6)hydraulic lift hitch液压悬挂装置


