100字范文 > 悬置刚度 mounting stiffness英语短句 例句大全

悬置刚度 mounting stiffness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-17 06:07:12


悬置刚度 mounting stiffness英语短句 例句大全

悬置刚度,mounting stiffness

1)mounting stiffness悬置刚度

1.By comparing the simulation results under different main bearing load,the effect of the coupling flange,themounting stiffness and the elasticity of shaft coupling on main bearing load were discussed.通过比较不同模型主轴承载荷差异,探讨了连接法兰、悬置刚度和联轴节等安装条件对主轴承载荷计算的影响。

2)dynamic stiffness of engine mounts悬置元件动刚度

1.A mechanics model for engine mount system is established with MATLAB based ondynamic stiffness of engine mounts in idle condition.与静刚度模型相比,以悬置元件动刚度建立的模型,其动态参数与运行模态参数更为接近,表明动刚度模型能更好地模拟悬置系统实际工况下的动态特性。

3)Suspension stiffness悬架刚度


1.Calculation of Suspension Systems Match for a Motor Car电动小车开发中前后悬架刚度匹配的计算

2.Negative stiffness based control strategy of vehicle semi-active suspension车辆半主动悬架负刚度控制策略研究

3.Design of the Suspension Damping System Based on Variable Stiffness for Vehicle基于变刚度的车辆悬架减振系统设计研究

4.Converse analysis on rigidity characteristics of suspension spring with varied pitch,mean diameter and wire diameter异径变节距悬架弹簧刚度特性逆向分析

5.Design and Simulation of Automobile Seat Suspension with Positive and Negative Stiffness Parallel Spring正负刚度并联弹簧汽车座椅悬架设计与仿真

6.The Stiffness Analysis and the Design Method of a Kind of Automobile Hydro-Pneumatic Suspensionwith High Lateral Stabiiity一种抗侧倾汽车油气悬架的刚度分析及设计方法

7.Research and Optimization of Bushing Stiffness of Front Double-Arm Suspension;双横臂独立前悬架中橡胶衬套刚度的研究及优化

8.Dampening Character of Fourth-grade Rigid Suspension with Overlapping-spring of Automobile in Single-mass System重叠式4级减振刚度悬架汽车单质量系统的阻尼特性

9.Model Establishment and Performance Simulation of Semi-active Suspension with Variable Rigidity and Damping可变刚度和阻尼的半主动悬架系统建模及性能仿真

10.Bench Test and Static Stiffness Characteristic Research on Air Suspension with Shock Absorber减振器一体式空气悬架的试验及静刚度特性研究

11.Discussion About Influence of Joint Rigidity of Long Span Suspension Bridge with Stiffening Steel Truss Girder on Completed Bridge Working Points大型钢桁架悬索桥节点刚度对成桥受力影响探讨

12.static stiffness of the moving element suspensio运动部件悬挂静刚度

13.dynamic stiffnesss of the moving element suspension运动部件悬挂动刚度

14.Semi-active suspension can greatly improve the performance of suspension systems.半主动悬架能大幅度改善悬架的性能。

15.Three Pantographs/Simulation Study on Rigid Suspension Catenary System;三弓/架空刚性悬挂系统的仿真研究

16.FEA of Automobile Suspension Based on Rigid-Flexible Coupling;基于刚柔耦合的汽车悬架有限元分析

17.Characteristic analysis of rigid-flexible coupling suspension based on ADAMS software基于ADAMS的刚柔耦合汽车悬架性能分析

18.Stiffness in High Temperature Superconducting Maglev System;高温超导磁悬浮系统的磁悬浮刚度特性分析


dynamic stiffness of engine mounts悬置元件动刚度

1.A mechanics model for engine mount system is established with MATLAB based ondynamic stiffness of engine mounts in idle condition.与静刚度模型相比,以悬置元件动刚度建立的模型,其动态参数与运行模态参数更为接近,表明动刚度模型能更好地模拟悬置系统实际工况下的动态特性。

3)Suspension stiffness悬架刚度

4)suspension stiffness悬浮刚度

1.The analytical results show that thesuspension stiffness of the controlled-PM maglev systems is positively proportional to the feedback coefficient of air gap, and the suspension damping is not only positively proportional to the feedback coefficient of air gap.分析结果表明:电磁永磁混合悬浮系统的悬浮刚度与间隙反馈系数成正比,悬浮阻尼不仅与间隙反馈系数成正比,而且也与间隙变化速率反馈控制系数成正比。

2.Thesuspension stiffness and damping of an actively controlled electromagnetic suspension system were analyzed theoretically and numerically.以常导磁浮车辆的悬浮导向基本单元为对象,对采用两级串联悬浮控制的单磁铁悬浮系统进行悬浮刚度和阻尼特性的理论与数值分析。

5)maglev stiffness磁悬浮刚度

6)Position stiffness位置刚度

1.Load capacity,stiffness(current stiffness and position stiffness) are primary performance criterions of an active magnetic bearing (AMB) system.分别利用磁轴承的线性化模型和非线性有限元法 (FEM)计算转子偏心时对磁力、电流刚度和位置刚度的影响,并通过算例进行了比较。

2.The load capacity and stiffness (current stiffness and position stiffness) are the primary performance criterions of an active magnetic bearing (AMB) system and depend on the size and geometry of the AMB and the performance of the control system as well.5A下的电磁力及其电流刚度与位置刚度,预测了径向磁轴承的承载力,给出了其磁场分布图,并与磁轴承的线性化模型参数进行了比较。


空气悬架在国外,空气悬架系统在重型货车上的使用率超过80%,在高速客车和豪华城市客车上已100%采用,部分轿车也安装了这个系统。 一辆高品质的SUV既要拥有轿车的舒适性,又要兼顾越野车的通过性能,空气悬挂系统是实现这目标的最佳选择。空气悬挂主要由控制电脑、空气泵、储压罐、气动前后减震器和空气分配器等组成。其功能主要有3个:控制车身的水平运动:调节车身的水平高度:调节减震器的软硬程度。其中,前两项功能是相互联系的,分为3个状态:1、关闭保持状态。当车辆被举升器举起,离开地面时,空气悬挂系统将关闭相关的电磁阀,同时电脑记忆车身高度,使车辆落地后保持原来高度:2、正常状态,即发动机运转状态。行车过程中,若车身高度变化超过一定范围,空气悬挂系统将每隔一段时间调整车身高度:3、唤醒状态。当空气悬挂系统被遥控钥匙、车门开关或行李厢盖开关唤醒后,系统将通过车身水平传感器检查车身高度。如果车身高度低于正常高度一定程度,储气罐将提供压力使车身升至正常高度。同时,空气悬挂可以调节减震器软硬度,包括正常、微软及硬态3个状态,驾驶者可以通过车内的控制钮进行控制。 以下是一款轿车用的空气悬挂系统配件,价钱在此类配件中算中下等的,另外还要加25%左右的费用,是关税和运费等。有些车型的改装的时候要VIN码(车辆的17位编码),都要从国外运来。 1、Front Kit 5000人民币左右(前悬挂,一对) 2、Rear Kit 4800人民币左右(后悬挂,一对) 3、Air Management Systems 9500人民币左右(空气控制系统)
