100字范文 > 口语课 oral English class英语短句 例句大全

口语课 oral English class英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-21 14:36:49


口语课 oral English class英语短句 例句大全

口语课,oral English class

1)oral English class口语课

1.This article investigates some Chinese EFL learners perceptions of twenty activities inoral English class that fall into three categories.本研究调查英语学生对于3种类型、20种口语课堂教学活动的直觉认识和形成这些认识的原因。


1.On the Design of Activities in Spoken Language Class and Exercises out of Class谈口语课课堂活动及课下练习的设计

2.Exploration on Spoken English Teaching for Science and Engineering College Students;大学非英语专业开设英语口语课初探

mercial English Oral Lesson for Training Students’ Communicative Ability;商务英语口语课与学生口语交际能力的培养

4.Giving Qral English after Band 4 to Fill in a Gap in College English;开设四级后口语课程 填补大学英语口语空白

5.I think you can take English Conversation 106;我想你最好选学106号英语口语课程,

6.Monitoring Mechanism and Extracurricular Spoken English Teaching for English Majors of Upgrading from Junior College to University;监督机制与专升本英语口语课外教学

7.The Classificatory Analysis of Affective Factors in Oral English Class;英语口语课堂中情感因素的层面分析

8.The Principles and Approaches of Designing Oral English Activities After Class;英语口语课外活动设计的原则与途径

9.Cultural Teaching Tactics in Spoken English Classes for College Students;大学英语口语课堂中的文化教学策略

10.Application of Inquiry-based Teaching in Oral English Class;探究式教学在英语口语课堂中的运用


12.The Current Situation of Oral English Lessons of the English Major in Local Colleges and Universities and the Strategies;地方高校英语专业口语课现状及对策

13.Oral English Training on College Elective Course;大学英语选修课英语口语训练的实践

14.New Curriculum-Based English Speaking Test Design for Senior Middle Schools新课标下高中英语口语测试设计研究

15.On Exploration and Utilization of Curriculum Resources in College Spoken English;大学英语口语的课程资源开发与利用

16.Research on Oral Communication Teaching of Chinese under the New Course Standard in Middle School;新课标下中学语文口语交际教学研究

17.Classroom Instruction of Spoken English in China: The 3-D Method;中国课堂环境下英语口语教学之3D法

18.Construction of College English Curriculum:Oral English as A Main Feature;“大学英语”精品课程建设:以“口语”为特色


oral class口语课堂

1.In Englishoral class,the teaching activity is that students in a pleasa nt atmosphere,under the supervisio n and di-rection of teachers,express themse lves by using what they ve learned in various ways to achieve maximum practice.英语口语课堂教学活动应在教师的引导下采取灵活多样的形式,营造一种轻松愉快的课堂气氛,主要应由学生运用自己已掌握的语言进行表达,以达到学生口语练习的最大量。

3)oral English class口语课堂

1.This study was intended to investigate native English teachers’and Chinese English majors’perceptions of the corrective feedback inoral English class and to analyze the underlying factors responsible for the similarities and differences in their perceptions between the two sides.本研究旨在通过调查外籍教师与中国英语专业学生看待口语课堂中错误纠正的态度,发现师生双方在纠正式反馈认识上的异同,并进一步分析其潜在原因,为中国英语专业口语教学及改革提供实证依据。

4)classroom spoken language课堂口语

5)oral English course口语课程

1.For the sake of achieving this new goal of English teaching, this thesis focuses on introducing a way of improving students\" oral English proficiency—offering anoral English course for the non-English majors.为了实现这一教学目标,本论文将重点介绍一种提高高校非英语专业口语教学的有效途径即开设口语课程。

6)oral English courses英语口语课

1.This paper mainly elaborates the necessity, feasibility and advantages oforal English courses for college students majoring in science and engineering, and then puts forward some ideas about the proper time to offeroral English courses.着重论述了为大学非英语专业学生开设英语口语课的必要性、可行性及其优势 ,并提出了在口语课开设时间上的一些设


《藏汉对照拉萨口语词典》中国第一部藏语口语词典。以记录现代藏语拉萨口语词汇为主,并用汉语解释词义。于道泉主编。1983年10月由北京民族出版社出版。于道泉(1901~)山东临淄人。早年就读于齐鲁大学和北京大学,攻数学,精通藏语、蒙古语、满语、英语、法语、德语、梵语等。1931年将六世达赖仓洋嘉错情歌从藏文译为汉文和英文,轰动国际藏学界。1934年赴法留学,专攻土耳其文,后执教于英国伦敦东方非洲研究院。1949年归国,先后任北京大学和中央民族学院藏文教授。 这部词典共收词语2.9万余条。除日常生活用语外,还包括一部分常用的新词术语、人名地名、成语谚语以及医药、科技、天文历算等方面的专业用语。以藏文正字为主要词目,按藏文字母顺序排列,少数无正字的口语词,依实际读音,用藏文拼写。遇有不规则读音,在正字后面用括孤注出俗字,以便初识字的藏族读者从音查字。此外,为了便于其他民族学习和研究藏语拉萨方言,每一词条后均附有准确的拉丁注音,并用汉语作详细的释义。较难解释的语法词附有例句。此书收词多,注音精确,释义详细,是学习和研究现代藏语拉萨方言的重要工具书。
