100字范文 > 职业能力结构 vocational ability structure英语短句 例句大全

职业能力结构 vocational ability structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-19 02:44:48


职业能力结构 vocational ability structure英语短句 例句大全

职业能力结构,vocational ability structure

1)vocational ability structure职业能力结构

1.Defined the status and tasks of "Textile Materials" practice teaching in higher vocational college, and proposed the correspondingvocational ability structure according to the requirement of the market and posts.明确了高职《纺织材料学》实践教学的地位与任务,并根据市场和岗位要求,提出了相应的职业能力结构。


1.Preliminary Study of the Structure of Vocational Competence in Undergraduate Vocational Guidance;大学生职业指导中职业能力结构的初步研究

2.Exploration on the Vocational Education Curriculum Model Based on the Professional Ability Structure基于职业能力结构的职教课程模式的思考

3.A study on the structure and evaluation system of P.E. majors professional ability;体育教育专业学生职业能力结构体系与评价系统的研究

4.A Study on the Structure and Evaluation System of P.E. Teachers′ Professional Ability in Universities;普通高校体育教师职业能力结构体系与评价系统的研究

5.Study on Structure Model of Vocational and Technical Education Ability of Professional Teachers in Higher Vocational Education;高职专业教师职教能力结构模型研究

6.Study on the Status of Vocational School"s Principal"s Management Ability in Ability Structure论职业中学校长经营能力在能力结构中的地位

7.Summary of the Structural Relationship among Job Knowledge,Professional Skills and Ability for Garment Major in Higher Vocational College高职服装专业职业岗位知识、技能与能力结构关系综述

8.To Establish the Talents’Ability Structure of Higher Vocational Education Based on Competence Based Edueation;以能力本位思维,构建高等职业教育的人才能力结构

9.Taking Professional Ability as Center to Construct the System of “1+X” Curriculm Structure in Higher Vocational Schools;以职业能力为中心构建高职“1+X”模块式课程结构体系

10.Structural equation model analysis of relationship between occupational stress and work ability;职业紧张与工作能力关系的结构方程模型分析

11.Thoughts on the Structure of Teaching Ablity of Specilties Teachers in Vocational Education;新时期职教专业教师教学能力结构的思考

12.The SEM Analysis on the Vocational Ability of the Vocational and Technical Colle ge s Students;职业技术学校学生职业能力的结构方程模型分析

13.Construction of a curriculum model for higher vocational colleges: a combination of key abilities with professional abilities;关键能力与专业能力相结合的高职课程模式构建

14.Vocational Practical Capacity Structure and Teaching Design of the Writing Course in Higher Vocational Education高职应用写作课程的职业实践能力结构与教学设计研究

15.Research on the Employability Structure of Career Grope and Foundation Periods;职业探索期和创立期大学毕业生可就业能力结构研究

16.Developing a Module System Focused on Higher Vocational Ability Cultivation;以培养职业能力为核心构建高职能力模块体系

17.A Study on the Construct Validity of Administrative Aptitude Test for Government Functionary in GD Province;广东省公务员考试中《行政职业能力倾向测验》的结构效度研究

18.Analysis on Objective Position and Competent Structure of Educational Technology Speciality in Higher Vocational Education;高职高专教育技术专业目标定位及能力结构分析


the structure of police professional capacity警察职业能力结构

3)pre-education teachers" ability structure职前能力结构

4)occupational structure职业结构

1.The Occupational Structure of New Chinese Immigrants and the Influencing Factors:——A Comparison of the Case in the U.S.and in Canada;新华侨华人的职业结构及其影响因素——美国与加拿大的比较

2.From the view of the changes ofoccupational structures of population in the countryside and cities and towns of the Jiangnan Areas during the Ming-Qing Times,this paper aims to contemplate the changing track of the social economy at the sametime.本文从明清江南农村和城镇人口职业结构变动的角度 ,思考明清江南社会经济的变动轨迹。

3.The speedy development of the industry of finance and insurance causes speedy changes ofoccupational structure in China.我国金融保险业的快速发展促使了职业结构的快速变化,职业种类、职业人数以及技能要求都发生变化。

5)Occupation structure职业结构

1.The article starts from the analysis of related theories of occupation structure.在我国经济出现飞速发展的今天,女性就业的总量与结构呈现出新的特征,女性就业的层次有所提高,本文选取女性职业结构比重作为分析女性就业层次的工具,主要致力于分析当前女性就业层次的状况,以及影响因素和相关问题的分析等。

6)Functional structure职能结构

1.The Variation Characteristics and Development Trend of Functional Structures of Chinese Cities;我国城市职能结构变化的动态特征及趋势

2.During the time of rapid development of urban in Henan, it is very important for us to study on advancing urban functional structure of Henan province to perfect order.文章首先根据河南城市的产业结构和行业区位熵将河南城市进行职能类型的划分 ;然后对此进行分析并找出河南城市职能结构存在的问题 ;最后结合国际、国内形势提出了河南省城市职能结构有序推进的对策。

3.Based on statistical data in ,this paper analyzes the urban system structure of Xuzhou Metropolitan Areas from the perspective of scale structure,spatial structure and functional structure using Fractal Theory and GIS.基于统计数据,运用分形理论及GIS技术,从规模结构、空间结构、职能结构三方面,对徐州都市圈城市体系的结构进行分析。


操作型职业能力操作型职业能力vocational ability of operating type操作型职业能力(voeational ab;一;:y。;一“r”t‘””飞、pe)以掌握特定技术或工艺的熟练动作为标志,并形成相应的职业技能与技巧的能力,如掌握打字、制图、控制仪表、驾驶汽车、植物嫁接与栽培等技术或丁_艺的能力。这种能力广为工农业生产所必需,它是一种以掌握某种作业或操作方式为特征的职业能力。(张燕逸撰张燮审)
