100字范文 > 基本职业能力 basic vocational abilities英语短句 例句大全

基本职业能力 basic vocational abilities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-16 05:21:18


基本职业能力 basic vocational abilities英语短句 例句大全

基本职业能力,basic vocational abilities

1)basic vocational abilities基本职业能力


1.Exploration of Students Basic Vocational Abilities in the Higher Vocational Colleges;高等职业院校学生基本职业能力探讨

2.A Study on the Ability-standard Curriculum Design for the Accounting Major in Higher Vocational College;基于能力本位的高职会计专业课程设置研究

3.The Analysis of Historical Underground and Theoretical Basis of Competence-Based Vocational Education;能力本位职业教育的历史背景与理论基础分析

4.Construction of Detection Ability in Basic Occupational Health Service基本职业卫生服务中的检测能力建设探讨

petence-based Secondary Vocational English Syllabus--A Text Analysis of Curriculum Document以能力为本位的《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》——基于文本的课程分析

6.A Study of Professional Guidance Based on the Development of Vocational College Students" Ability in Choosing Jobs基于高职生职业能力培养的职业指导研究

7.Thoughts about Promoting the Ability of Performing Basic Duties for Trade Unions in the Course of Constructing the Harmonious Enterprise;在构建“和谐企业”中提升工会履行基本职责能力的思考

8.Three Elements of Teachers Quality Composition in Higher Schools;职业道德·知识·能力——高校教师素质构成的三个基本要素探析

9.On the workout method and standard of the teaching capability of vocation school practice-instruction teacher;中等职业学校实习指导教师教育教学基本能力测试标准及办法

10.Ability-oriented--the Thinking of Teaching Reform in Higher Vocational Education;能力导向——高等职业技术教育教学改革的基本思路

11.The Principle of Quality Deposit and Ability Presentation [WT4”BZ]--On Traning of College Students Basic Vocational Quality;素质积淀与能力凸现原理——兼论大学生职业基本素质教育

12.Building New Model of Computer Basic Teaching Which is Competency-Based in Vocational Schools以能力为本位构建职业院校《计算机基础》教学新模式

13.A Research and Conceiving on Network Professional of Higher Vocational Education School Based on the Capacity基于能力本位的高职网络专业课程体系研究与构建

14.Innovation and Practice of Customs Declaration Curriculum Based on Vocational Position Competence基于职业岗位能力本位的通关实务课程改革与实践

15.The Inquiry into Competency-based Assessment Model of US Education and Professional Development;美国能力本位职业教育评估模式探析

16.Higher vocational education should uphold the ability-standard principle;高等职业教育必须坚持能力本位原则

17.The Developing Trend of Professional Education on the Basis of Key Ability;以“关键能力”为本的职业教育发展趋势

18.Research on the Comprehensive- Vocational-Ability-Based Curriculum Development in Higher Vocational Education;综合职业能力为本的高职教育课程开发研究


teachers professional literacy教师职业基本能力

3)basic functions of commercial enterprises商业企业基本职能

4)basic function基本职能

1.Accounting supervision is one of thebasic function of accounting.会计监督是会计的基本职能之一。

2.This paper put forward the concept of library special function based on thebasic function and social function.文章从图书馆的基本职能和社会职能出发,提出了图书馆的特殊职能这一概念,讨论了目前影响图书馆发展的一些重要特殊职能:研究开发职能、社区管理职能、经济建设职能和休闲娱乐职能。

3.It iswell recognized for the "twobasic functions" theory of accounting.会计两种基本职能论是“公认的”。

5)basic functions基本职能

1.These have created the unique resource conditions for its fulfillment of organization\"sbasic functions.妇联干部对组织的基本职能认知度偏低,对组织的群众性功能认识不足,缺乏赋权妇女的工作理念,是妇联履行其基本职能的内部制约性因素。

2.This paper puts forward some new ideas of the work of the labor union from four aspects of exercising thebasic functions,sticking to the two"blending into",maintaining enterprise stability,and improving enterprise quality.从履行基本职能、坚持两个"融入"、维护企业稳定、提升企业品质4个方面提出了工会工作的新思路。

6)professional competence职业能力

1.Survey and research of strategies ofprofessional competence of juvenile football coaches in China;我国青少年足球教练员职业能力的现状调查

2.The goal to cultivate talented person has decided that studentsprofessional competence and qualifications should be enhanced in higher vocational education.高职教育人才培养目标决定了高职教育必须加强对学生职业能力和素质的培养,因此,在课程教学中有意识地对学生进行职业能力和职业素质的培养很有必要。

3.The improvement measures are mentioned here as: strengthen the major construction, reform the curriculum, build practical training bases in and outside the yard, and construct theprofessional competence training system.高职机电技术专业主要培养机电类高技能专门人才,应加强专业建设、课程改革和校内外实训基地建设, 以此构建职业能力训练体系,培养学生的职业素质和专业技能。


操作型职业能力操作型职业能力vocational ability of operating type操作型职业能力(voeational ab;一;:y。;一“r”t‘””飞、pe)以掌握特定技术或工艺的熟练动作为标志,并形成相应的职业技能与技巧的能力,如掌握打字、制图、控制仪表、驾驶汽车、植物嫁接与栽培等技术或丁_艺的能力。这种能力广为工农业生产所必需,它是一种以掌握某种作业或操作方式为特征的职业能力。(张燕逸撰张燮审)
