100字范文 > 职业结构变迁 the vocational structure change英语短句 例句大全

职业结构变迁 the vocational structure change英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-11 19:02:15


职业结构变迁 the vocational structure change英语短句 例句大全

职业结构变迁,the vocational structure change

1)the vocational structure change职业结构变迁

1.Take the Vocational structure changes in Guangzhou,a huge metropolis in Southern China,for example,this paper demonstrates that the macro social changes affects the change of personal vocational structure,and the worker\"s personal characteristics such as age,education have significant effects onthe vocational structure changes.论文以广州市职业结构变迁为例,以行业结构变化说明了宏观社会变革对个人职业结构变化的影响,以就业者年龄、教育水平变化说明个人素质上升对职业结构变化的作用。


1.Social Structural Evolvement of Chinese Super Metropolis: An Analysis of the Vocational Structure Change of Guangzhou超大城市社会结构的演化:广州市职业结构变迁分析

2.Social Transformation and the Changing of Population Occupational Structure in Liaoning;社会转型与辽宁人口职业结构的变迁

3.Evolution of Occupation Structure and Social Class Structure of China from 2000 to ;2000—:我国职业结构和社会阶层结构变迁

4.Historical and Geographical Changes in the Occupational Structure of Working Population in Guangdong Province: 1982-广东省在业人口职业结构时空变迁:1982-

5.Structural Change in the Academic Profession in Chinese Higher Education and its Influence;中国高校学术职业的结构性变迁及其影响

6.The Trends of Occupation Structure andthe Occupation Mobility in Guangdong Province;广东省在业人口职业结构时空变迁及人口流动过程中的职业流动

7.A Research of Occupational-Industrial Employment Structure Evolution: Evidence From China 1982-2000;职业——产业就业结构变迁规律研究——来自中国1982-2000年数据的实证分析

8.On the Dynamic Relations between the Regional Industrial Structure and the Major Establishment of local Higher Vocational Colleges;区域产业结构变迁与本地高职院校专业设置动态关系的关联分析

9.Education and the Change of Social Stratification Structure: the Forming of Mid-Upper White Collar of China;教育与社会分层结构的变迁──关于中高级白领职业阶层的分析

10.The influence of employment made by Industrial structure in Shaanxi;陕西产业结构变迁对就业的影响分析

11.The Positive Analyses on the Change Progress of the Industrial Structure and Employment Structure in China;我国产业结构演进与就业结构变迁的实证分析

12.The Industrial Structure Escalation in China from the Change of Intemational Industrial Structure Hebei Normal University Law,Political &Management College;从国际产业结构变迁看中国产业结构升级

13.Research on the Vertical Specialization in East Asia and the Shift of China s Trade Structure;东亚垂直专业化与我国贸易结构变迁

14.Industrial Structure Changes and Economic Growth in the Central Region;中部地区产业结构的变迁与经济增长

15.The Development of Commercial Bank of Our Country As Viewed from Vicissitude of Financial Structure;从金融结构变迁看我国商业银行发展

16.Analysis on the changes in China s industrial ownership structure in thirty years;中国工业所有制结构30年变迁的解析

17.An analysis of relationship between FDI and the transition of industry structure in China;从FDI的新视角看中国产业结构变迁

18.The Change of Trust Mechanism in the Procedure of Structure Upgrading of Family Enterprise;家族企业结构升级中的信任机制变迁


Occupational Changes职业变迁

1.The Peijing Suiyuan Railways’s Influence on Population Shift andOccupational Changes;平绥铁路与人口迁移及其职业变迁

3)Industrial Structure Evolution产业结构变迁

1.Financial Development andIndustrial Structure Evolution in China;中国金融发展与产业结构变迁

4)structure changes结构变迁

1.It is held in the article that economic development correlates withstructure changes.本文认为 ,经济发展与结构变迁相关 ;经济结构的正向变迁推动经济发展 ;要实现经济结构的正向变迁就必须使变迁的成本与收益均衡。

5)structural change结构变迁

1.Historical Place,Structural Change and Tendency of "Transformation"——Logical and structural analysis in the perspective of modernization;“转型”的历史方位、结构变迁与趋向——现代化视角下的逻辑与结构分析

2.From the perspective ofstructural change in economic development, this paper demonstrates the relationships between income gap and economicstructural change, between income gap and institutional change in China s transition period, and penetrates into the mechanisms.本文从经济发展中结构变迁的角度,验证我国经济发展及转型时期收入差距与经济结构和制度变迁之间的关系,并深入分析其背后的作用机理。

3.Thestructural changes of double standards have begun to challenge the traditional structures of jurisprudence,so the introspective reconstruction of traditional jurisprudence can be the due basis of the changed conditions of double standards and expand the theoretical space for the further development of judicial review standards.双重标准结构变迁的事实对其传统法理构成提出了挑战。

6)structural changes结构变迁

1.Adopting a long-term view from the world history and the evolutionary ideology embodied in economics,politics,sociology,philosophy and biology,this paper makes an adequate analysis of the historical regularity in the long cycles of the rising of great powers by focusing on the evolutionary process ofstructural changes in the economic,political,social and cultural aspects of the world system.通过宏观的长期的世界历史视角,吸收经济学、政治学、社会学、哲学和生物学关于进化的思想,分析世界体系经济、政治、社会、文化结构变迁进化的长周期过程,以及大国崛起的历史规律,可以发现,世界体系变迁并不是一个均衡点到另一个均衡点的一波又一波平稳的态势,而是表现为有规律地打破均衡,由不均衡到均衡再到新的不均衡的周期性进化。


《中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》《中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》Preliminary Study on Climate Change over last 5000 years in Chinazhongguo iin wuqiannian lai qihou bianqian de ehubu丫Onl!U(中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》(而l俪-朋叮及议砂ona口7““e品口矛枯,,;如t万侧涅又产。rsin以如以)中国竺可祯研究中国近5《xx〕年来气候变迁的论著。竺氏根据丰富的中国历史文献,收集研究了中国5(Xx)年中考古时期、物候时期、方志时期、仪器观测时期的气候记载,证明近5以】)年中,最初2《X城)年的年平均温度比现在高2℃左右,其后年平均温度有2~3℃的摆动。寒冷时期出现在公元前101)年、公元4《】)年、12(X)年和17(X)年。汉唐两代是比较温暖的时代。这种气候变迁是世界性的。气候变冷时先从太平洋西岸开始,由日本、中国东部逐渐向西移到西欧,温度回升则由西向东行。本论著对充分认识历史上气候的变迁情况并掌握其规律,以及气候的长期预报等具有极为重要的意义。
