100字范文 > 传统变迁 change in the tradition英语短句 例句大全

传统变迁 change in the tradition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-07 19:33:08


传统变迁 change in the tradition英语短句 例句大全

传统变迁,change in the tradition

1)change in the tradition传统变迁

2)the changes in traditional product传统的变迁

3)change of academic tradition学术传统的变迁

4)vicissitudes of tradition of Chinese village乡村传统变迁

5)Changes of National Culture传统文化变迁


1.The Causes and Expression of Changes in Traditional Culture of Miao Nationality in Western Hubei;鄂西苗族传统文化变迁的历史原因及表现

2.On the modern vicissitude,inheritance and development of the nation traditional physical culture;民族传统体育文化的变迁、传承与发展

3.Changes of Traditional Culture of Dong Nationality--Illustrated by Cultural Changes Caused by Transmitting of Hybrid Rice;侗族传统文化的变迁——以杂交水稻的传入所引发的文化变迁为例

4.Cultural Tradition, Social Changes and the Legislation on Negative Prescription;文化传统、社会变迁与诉讼时效立法

5.A Comment On the Chinese Customs and its Vicissitudes中国传统礼俗文化及其在近代的变迁

6.Study on Modern Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Sports from the Angle of Cultural Changes从文化变迁看当代中华民族传统体育的传承

7.A Study of the Traditional Society and Cultural Transition of Female Muslim in Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia Hui Minority Region;甘青宁回族女性传统社会与文化变迁研究

8.A Hakkas Village s Traditional Culture and Its Modern Transmutation;一个客家村落的传统文化与现代性变迁

9.The Culture Tradition during Migrating and Changing: A Study on Shandong Writers out of Mainland of China;迁徒流变中的文化传统:境外鲁籍作家创作研究

10.Property Rights Law,Chinese Traditional Culture and Gradual Institutional Change;物权法、中国传统文化和渐进式制度变迁

11.Education in Social Transition--Effect of Traditional Culture on Education Innovation;社会变迁中的教育——传统文化对教育创新的影响

12.From Tradition to Modern:the Change to the Urban Ancient Wells Folklore;传统与现代之间:城市古井民俗文化的变迁

13.The Historical Evolution and Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Sports Culture;中国传统体育文化之历史变迁及其特质解读

14.Institutional Change of Family Enterprises: From the Angle of Chinese Traditional Culture;中国传统文化视角下的家族企业制度变迁

15.A Discussion on the Formation,Changes and Characteristics of Traditional Mongolian Culture;试论蒙古民族传统文化的形成、变迁及其特点

16.The Development of Traditional Painting Culture of Yi People in Liangshan and its Protection and Utility;凉山彝族传统漆艺文化的变迁——兼及保护与利用

17.Traditional Culture Etaphor: Sociological Survey of the Historical Changes in SHEN HOU Jun Porcelain传统文化隐喻:神垕钧瓷历史变迁的社会学考察

18.Study on the Culture Change of Nanjing Qijiawan Traditional Hui Community南京七家湾传统回族社区文化变迁研究


the changes in traditional product传统的变迁

3)change of academic tradition学术传统的变迁

4)vicissitudes of tradition of Chinese village乡村传统变迁

5)Changes of National Culture传统文化变迁

6)the transition of traditional rural society传统乡村社会变迁


