100字范文 > 价值观变迁 the change of values英语短句 例句大全

价值观变迁 the change of values英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-29 21:01:59


价值观变迁 the change of values英语短句 例句大全

价值观变迁,the change of values

1)the change of values价值观变迁


1.Chinese Society s Values Vicissitude since Reform and Open Policy;改革开放以来中国社会的价值观变迁

2.The Research on Change of Uyghur"s Value Conception during the Social Transformation Time社会转型期维吾尔族价值观变迁研究

3.Change in Values Among Losing-land Peasants in the Process of Urbanization--A study on the change in values among losing-land peasants in process of urbanization in Furong Community,Hefei City;失地农民市民化价值观的变迁——合肥市芙蓉社区失地农民价值观变迁研究报告

4.Longitudinal Study: Cultural Value Shift Reflected in Chinese Print Advertisements;汉语书面广告语文化价值观变迁的历时研究

5.Cultural Values in Transformation;全球一体化背景下文化价值观变迁研究

6.An Elementary Study on the Changes of University Students Outlook on Life during the Period of Social Transition;社会转型期大学生人生价值观变迁的初步研究

7.An Analysis of the Changes of Univers ity Students Values from the Perspective of Economic Glo balization;经济全球化背景:大学生价值观变迁的理性分析

8.Changes of Value and Value Education in the Period of Social Transition;试论社会转型时期价值观的变迁与价值观教育

9.The Industrial Revolution and the Changes of Value Reflected in Hardy s Novels;哈代笔下的工业革命与价值观的变迁

10.The Changing of China"s Social Values Since Reform and Opening Up改革开放以来中国社会价值观的变迁

11.Transition between "Sansheng Education" and Social Education Value“三生教育”与社会教育价值观之变迁

12.Value Ideas Changes in Social Transformation Period and Reform of School Moral Education;社会转型时期价值观念变迁与学校德育变革

13.The Transition of Value during the Course of Specialization Policy Change in Korean Universities韩国大学特色化政策变迁过程中价值观的转变

14.Investigation and Analysis of Suanling Villagers Values Vicissitudes;蒜岭村村民价值观念变迁的考察与分析

15.The Structure, Characteristics and Change of Ethnic Minorities Values;少数民族价值观的结构、特征及变迁研究

16.Reflections on Factors of Cultural Change in the Values of Higher Education in China;影响我国高等教育价值观的文化变迁因素探析

17.The Reform and Reflections of China′s Moral Education in the Vicissitudes of Values;价值观念变迁中的中国德育改革与反思

18.Several Problems about the Transformation of Value-Orientation of the Confucians in the Han Dynasty--Replying to Professor Chen Qiyun;汉儒价值观念变迁的几个问题——答陈启云先生


transformation of cultural values文化价值观变迁

3)transformation of values价值观转变


5)change view of value转变价值观

6)the value concepts transformation价值观念的转变


