100字范文 > 调整战略 adjust strategy英语短句 例句大全

调整战略 adjust strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-14 09:40:31


调整战略 adjust strategy英语短句 例句大全

调整战略,adjust strategy

1)adjust strategy调整战略


1.Dialectical Analysis on Severe Attacking and Renovation with Rational Adjustment and Strategic Orientation;辩证分析严打整治 理性调整战略取向

2.Studies on Adjusting Strategies of Rural Industrial Structure in Changchun City长春市农村产业结构调整战略的研究

3.II. Achievements in Strategic Economic Restructuring二、经济结构战略性调整

4.Study on the Strategic Diagnosis and Adjustement Tactics for the Eight Division of China Constuction Corporation;中建八局战略诊断与战略调整策略研究

5.Analysis of Japan s National Security Strategy in Post-cold War;冷战后日本国家安全战略的调整分析

6.The strategic readjustment of the distribution of State-owned economy must be combined with that of the economic structure.国有经济布局的战略性调整要与经济结构的战略性调整结合起来。

7.The Core Issues of Advancing China′s Economic Opening Strategy:The Propositions of New Thinking for Opening Policy;开放战略调整的核心问题——“新开放观”的战略主张

8.On the Influence of Russia-u.s Relationship Adjustment on Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partnership;论俄美战略关系的调整对中俄战略关系的影响

9.Coordination of Macroeconomic Control Policy in China s Trade Strategy Adjustment;中国贸易战略调整中宏观调控政策的相互协调

10.Rural economic structure must be ad justed.农村经济结构需进行战略性调整。

11.The strategic adjustment of the economic structure has been crowned with success.经济结构战略性调整取得成效.

12.On Our Entering WTO and Adjusting Strategy of Foreign Funds Utilization浅议入世与我国利用外资战略的调整

13.What prompted this new strategy?促成战略调整的动因是什么?

14.Make a strategic readjustment in the distribution of the state-owned economy从战略上调整国有经济布局

15.Nonproliferation: Adjustment of American Nuclear Strategy Since 9/11;核不扩散:9/11后美国核战略的调整

16.Strategic Transformation and Policy Adjustment of U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan;战略转型与美国对台军售政策的调整

17.The Study on the Adjustment of Yichangs Agricultural Industrial Structure;宜昌市农业产业结构调整的战略思考

18.The Stratagem Research about Agriculture Industry Structure Adjustment in Ankang;安康市农业产业结构调整的战略研究


strategy adjustment战略调整

1.Culture Rigidity and Corporate Strategy Adjustment;文化刚性与企业战略调整

2.Strategy Adjustment of Legend Server Business in International Competition;联想服务器业务在国际竞争中的战略调整

3.In 21 century, the way of China agricultural revolution is to realize threestrategy adjustments and greatly develop" White Agriculture" .21世纪,我国农业革命道路是实现农业的三个战略调整和大力发展白色农业。

3)strategic adjustment战略调整

1.The Problems on China s Utih zing Foreign Capital and the Corresponding Strategic Adjustment;我国利用外资面临的问题及战略调整

2.Reflections onstrategic adjustment of Shandong agricultural industry;对山东农业产业战略调整的几点思考

3.On the scale and thestrategic adjustmentof the state-owned enterprises;论国有经济的规模定位与战略调整

4)strategic readjustment战略调整

1.Therefore, the exit strategy is the significantstrategic readjustment in the course of enterprise development.企业实施退出战略本质上应该是企业发展过程中的一项重大战略调整 ,它实质上是企业发展战略中的一种 ,退出只是企业的向前发展的一种方式。

bined with the realistic fisheries industry structure of Zhejiang Province,an idea and the principle of carrying out fisheriesstrategic readjustment was put forward,and the direction and key point of thestrategic readjustment was analyzed.本文联系浙江渔业产业结构的实际 ,提出了进行渔业结构战略性调整的指导思想和原则 ,分析了进行战略调整的方向和重点 ,并从8个方面探讨了实行战略性调整需要采取的重大措施。

3.The article concludes and analyzes thestrategic readjustment having been made by multinational oil companies since the oil resources nationalization wave.总结并分析了石油资源国有化浪潮以来,跨国石油公司所做的战略调整。

5)strategic adjustment战略性调整

1.Understanding and reflection onstrategic adjustment of agriculture structure;农业结构战略性调整的认识与思考

2.Exploration onstrategic adjustment of national economy;关于国有经济战略性调整的思考

3.Problems ofstrategic adjustment to the state-owned economy layout;国有经济布局战略性调整的若干问题

6)strategic readjustment战略性调整

1.Speeding up agricultural industrialization and promotingstrategic readjustment of agricultural structure;加快外向农业产业化进程 推进我市农业结构战略性调整

2.On the basis of investigating the status of agriculture and rural economic structure of Shiqian County, this paper expounds the scientific plan for Shiqian County to makestrategic readjustment on agriculture and rural economic structure by 4 stages from 1998 to 2030, and raises 4 measures to promote thisstrategic readjustment.在调查了解石阡县农业和农村经济结构现状的基础上 ,阐述了石阡县从 1998年到 2 0 30年分 4个阶段的农业和农村经济结构战略性调整的科学方案 ,并提出了推进石阡县农业和农村经济结构战略性调整的 4项措


