100字范文 > 心理健康发展的调适方法 Strategies of adjustment英语短句 例句大全

心理健康发展的调适方法 Strategies of adjustment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-16 10:31:14


心理健康发展的调适方法 Strategies of adjustment英语短句 例句大全

心理健康发展的调适方法,Strategies of adjustment

1)Strategies of adjustment心理健康发展的调适方法

2)mentally healthy development心理健康发展

1.Employing the essential perspectives of ecological system theories, according to the differential model, relational model and contractual model respectively, the authors attempted to unveil the features of the family ecological systems of thementally healthy development of 746 8-16-year-old subjects, children taken from Shanghai and Fuzhou.分别从差异模式、关系模式和系统结构模式对健康组和问题组儿童的家庭各子系统关键因素之间的差异 ,子系统关键因素间、子系统间的关系 ,以及整体生态系统的特点进行分析 ,考察了儿童心理健康发展的家庭生态系统特


1.Exploiting physical education s advantages to enhance health education;发挥学科优势促进学生心理健康发展

2.Management of College Dormitories and Psychological Health of College Students;大学宿舍管理与大学生心理健康发展

3.Campus Environment and the Development of College Students Psychological Health;高校校园环境与大学生心理健康发展

4.Discussion of the College Students Level of Self-Esteem and Mental Health Development;论大学生的自尊水平和心理健康发展

5.Try to Discuss the Sports Activities the Developing of Infants Mental Health;试述体育活动与幼儿的心理健康发展

6.Improving students health of psychology through physical education;通过体育教育促进学生心理健康发展

7.Influence of Sports and Health on psychological development of students in vocational institutes in China;《体育与健康》课程对高职院校学生心理健康发展的作用

8.Study on Acrobic Fitness Guide for the Development of Mental Health Impact;健身房有氧健身指导对心理健康发展影响的探究

9.Strengthening the Educafion psychological of health,promoting the heelthy development of students;加强心理健康教育 促进学生健康发展

10.A Tentative Research into the Coordinating Development between Physical and Mental Health;试论大学生生理健康与心理健康的协调发展

11.Strengthen Students Mental Health Education and Promote Their All-round Development;加强心理健康教育 促进学生全面发展

12.Development Mechanism of Psychological Health Education at Local Colleges and Universities;地方院校心理健康教育发展机制探讨

13.Occupational health psychology:forming,practice and development;职业健康心理学:形成、实务与发展

14.Reason, Strategy and Teaching Practice to Direct Students to Proper Nutrition--Teaching Research of “Human Nutrition”;引导学生合理营养 促进身心健康发展

15.On Development Standard of Education of Student Psychological-Health Education;论大学生心理健康教育中的发展标准

16.Strengthen the Mental Health Education Promote the Students" All-round Development强化心理健康教育 促进学生全面发展

17.Analysis on the Development Trend of School Mental Health Education in China我国学校心理健康教育发展趋势分析

18.To Care for Workers" Psychological Health to Accelerate Social Harmonious Development关注职工心理健康 促进社会和谐发展


mentally healthy development心理健康发展

1.Employing the essential perspectives of ecological system theories, according to the differential model, relational model and contractual model respectively, the authors attempted to unveil the features of the family ecological systems of thementally healthy development of 746 8-16-year-old subjects, children taken from Shanghai and Fuzhou.分别从差异模式、关系模式和系统结构模式对健康组和问题组儿童的家庭各子系统关键因素之间的差异 ,子系统关键因素间、子系统间的关系 ,以及整体生态系统的特点进行分析 ,考察了儿童心理健康发展的家庭生态系统特

3)adjustment mental health education调适性心理健康教育

4)developmental mental health education发展性心理健康教育

1.Proceeding from reality,this paper studiesdevelopmental mental health education for undergraduates,including the necessity,unique targets,missions,principles of implementingdevelopmental mental health education,and approaches of diverting the focus of psychological health education.文章从高校心理健康教育的实际出发,研究了高校开展发展性心理健康教育的必要性,发展性心理健康教育的独特目标、任务与原则,以及实现心理健康教育重心转移的途径。

2.Five-year normal school executesdevelopmental mental health education according to the requirement of education.发展性心理健康教育是根据青少年学生身心发展的一般规律和特点,帮助不同年龄阶段的个体尽可能地圆满完成各自的心理发展课题,妥善地解决心理矛盾,更好地认识自己和社会,开发潜能,促进个性的发展和人格完善的教育。

5)psychological adjustment ways心理调适方法

6)well-developed both in mind and body身心健康发展


