100字范文 > 调整策略 adjustment strategy英语短句 例句大全

调整策略 adjustment strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-06 04:29:56


调整策略 adjustment strategy英语短句 例句大全

调整策略,adjustment strategy

1)adjustment strategy调整策略

1.Research of central district industry structureadjustment strategy;中部地区产业结构调整策略研究

2.The intelligent decision support system was elaborated in this paper that solved the problem of the quantification of theadjustment strategy of the Sino-railway transportation planning.本文通过对铁路货运计划的制定过程研究,提出使用智能决策支持系统支持货运计划的制定过程,解决单纯的专家系统所不能解决的调整策略量化问题,使计划制定过程更加高效。


1.Study on the Strategic Diagnosis and Adjustement Tactics for the Eight Division of China Constuction Corporation;中建八局战略诊断与战略调整策略研究

2.Dynamic view materialization modulation strategy in data warehouse数据仓库的视图动态物化调整策略

3.Analysis of Xinyang s Industry Structure & Research of Adjustment Policy;信阳市产业结构分析与调整策略研究

4.Analysis of Zhenjiang s Industry Structure & Research of Adjustment Policy;镇江市产业结构分析及调整策略研究

5.Study on the Industrial Structure and the Strategy of Industrial Restructure of Chengdu;成都市产业结构分析及调整策略研究

6.The strategies for the restructuring of agriculture with characteristics of a variety of consumptions;消费多样化特点下农业结构调整策略

7.Discussion on the Adjustment of the Monetary Policy in the Current Macroscopic Regulation and Control;略论当前宏观调控中货币政策的调整

8.Persistence in Investigation of Research Adjustment in Teaching Policy of Continual Education;坚持调查研究 调整继续教育教学策略

9.Coordination of Macroeconomic Control Policy in China s Trade Strategy Adjustment;中国贸易战略调整中宏观调控政策的相互协调

10.Rates after adjusting investment fiscal strategy?降息之后如何调整投资理财策略?

11.Strategic Transformation and Policy Adjustment of U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan;战略转型与美国对台军售政策的调整

12.The Analysis of CM E-marketing Strategy and Adjustment Solution;CM公司网络营销策略分析及调整方案

13.Strategies for tire production after readjusting the electricity price in peak and low period;峰谷电价调整后轮胎生产的应对策略

14.Strategies of Running a College Newspaper and the Improvement of Ideological and Political Work;调整校报办报策略 服务思想政治工作

15.Considerations on the Adjusting of the Strategy and Policy of China s Exportation of Software;调整我国软件出口战略与政策的思考

16.Structure Adjustment and Countermeasure about Anhui s Public Financial;安徽省公共财政结构性调整及其策略

17.Entering WTO and the tactical adjustment toinvite outside investment and fund in our country;加入WTO与我国招商引资策略的调整

18.On the Strategy of Urbanization in Jiangsu Province and Its Policy Implications;江苏城市化战略构思与政策调整取向



1.Someadjustment strategies are presented: determination of new social value management thought,establishment of development strategy with the environmental p.在简单介绍循环经济理论的基础上,对目前水电企业发展战略及其战略环境进行了分析,指出问题所在,并提出调整策略:确定企业新的社会综合价值管理理念,制定以环保为核心的水电企业发展战略,构建行之有效的环境管理和技术支撑体系,塑造水电企业的绿色环保新形象。

3)strategy adjustment策略调整

1.Onstrategy adjustment of rural poverty-alleviation development of Chongqing under new situation;新形势下重庆市农村扶贫开发策略调整的思考

4)adjustable strategies可调整策略

5)Adjust and Way调整与策略

6)strategy of load regulation负荷调整策略


