100字范文 > 液态烃 liquid hydrocarbon英语短句 例句大全

液态烃 liquid hydrocarbon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-10 18:57:00


液态烃 liquid hydrocarbon英语短句 例句大全

液态烃,liquid hydrocarbon

1)liquid hydrocarbon液态烃

1.Advanced utilization ofliquid hydrocarbon from catalytic cracking of residuum;渣油催化裂化液态烃的深度利用

2.Determination of trace water and hydrogen sulfide inliquid hydrocarbons by gas chromatography;气相色谱法测定液态烃中微量水及硫化氢

3.Application of HS-1 regular packing in extraction tower ofliquid hydrocarbon;HS-1型规整填料在液态烃抽提塔中的应用


1.The relatively volatile liquid hydrocaroons, is called gas condensates.较易挥发的液态烃,又称气体凝析液。

2.Liquid hydrocarbons--Volumetric measurement by turbine meter systemGB/T17289-1998液态烃体积测量涡轮流量计计量系统

3.Liquid hydrocarbons--Volumetric measurement by displacement meter systems other than dispensing pumpsGB/T17288-1998液态烃体积测量容积式流量计计量系统

4.Liquid hydrocarbons-Determination of electrical conductivity-Precision meterGB/T12582-1990液态烃类电导率测定法(精密静电计法)

5.Cracking and Repair of In-use Steel Spherical Tanks for Liquid Hydrocarbon在用钢制球形液态烃储罐开裂原因分析及修复

6.Recovery Liquid Hydrocarbon from Delayed Coking Gas in Catalytic Cracking Unit利用催化裂化装置回收焦化瓦斯中的液态烃

7.Reseach on Injection Way for Trace Moisture Determination of Liquid Hydrocarbon液态烃微量水份测定中进样方式的研究

8.Problem analysis and countermeasures of desulphidation system for coking rich gas and liquid hydrocarbons焦化干气和液态烃脱硫系统问题分析及对策

9.Coal may be processed to form a liquid or gas which is more usable, and in turn can be converted to liquid hydrocarbon fuels.煤可以加工成更有用的液体或气体,进一步可以转化成液态烃燃料。

10.Liquid hydrocarbons-Dynamic measurement--Proving systems for volumetric meters--Part 2: Pipe proversGB/T17286.2-1998液态烃动态测量体积计量流量计检定系统第2部分:体积管

11.Liquid hydrocarbons--Dynamic measurement--Statistical control of volumetric metering systemsGB/T17287-1998液态烃动态测量体积计量系统的统计控制

12.any of various volatile flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures; used chiefly as solvents.各种易挥发、易燃烧的液态烃类混合物,主要用作溶剂。

13.Cause and Solution for Invalidation for the Welded Metal Bellow Mechanical Seal for Liquid Hydrocarbon Pump液态烃泵用焊接金属波纹管机械密封的失效原因及解决办法

14.Mixed Reforming of Liquid Hydrocarbons to Hydrogen/Syngas in the Ba_(0.5)Sr_(0.5)Co_(0.8)Fe_(0.2)O_3 Membrane Reactor;液态烃类在透氧膜反应器中混合重整制氢/合成气

15.Effect of Impurities in Propylene from Liquid Hydrocarbon on Polymerization;炼厂液态烃精制丙烯中杂质含量影响聚合反应的研究

16.Application of fibre-film contactor in coker LPG sweetening process纤维膜接触器在催化液态烃脱硫醇工艺中的应用

17.Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship Study for Predicting Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon应用定量结构-性质相关性研究预测液态烃燃烧热

18.Heavy oil catalytic cracking stability of the system to reduce absorption of liquid hydrocarbon C_2 content analysis重油催化裂化吸收稳定系统降低液态烃C_2含量的分析



3)liquid hydrocarbon pump液态烃泵

1.Based on the features ofliquid hydrocarbon pump,this paper analyzes fire risk involving the design and manufacture ofliquid hydrocarbon pump,invalidliquid hydrocarbon pump,liquid hydrocarbon pump harm and safety management and puts forward some measures to improve the design,production operating regulations and management.分析了液态烃泵在设计制造、密封失效、静电危害、安全管理等方面存在的火灾危险性,并从密封技术的改进、泵结构的改造、生产操作安全规程的制定和实施等方面探讨其预防对策,为石油化工行业液态烃泵的安全使用和消防技术管理工作提供参考依据。

2.The study of the reforming an the mechanical seal of theliquid hydrocarbon pump(P4004) is introduced.串联式双端窄面密封在液态烃泵上的实际应用中取得了良好的经济效益和社会效

4)liquid hydrocarbon desulfurization液态烃脱硫

5)liquid hydrocarbon productivity液态烃产率

6)liquid hydrocarbon farm液态烃罐区

1.According to the performance of theliquid hydrocarbon farm,its key point of the automation design in aspect of control scheme instrument selection,configuration and installation are described.针对液态烃罐区的特点,从控制方案、仪表选型、组态、安装等方面来阐述液态烃罐区自动化设计的要点。


