100字范文 > 重液蜡 Hydrocarbon英语短句 例句大全

重液蜡 Hydrocarbon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-20 08:14:25


重液蜡 Hydrocarbon英语短句 例句大全



1.Our CountryHydrocarbon Production and Maket Foreground;我国重液蜡生产及市场前景

2)heavy liquid petrolatum重质液体蜡膏

3)fluid wax液蜡

1.In the paper, an experimental production process of heavyfluid wax is set up by using gas-phase circulation static bed, home molecular sieve, and Shixi diesel fraction (220~310℃) as feed stock.以 2 2 0~ 31 0℃石西柴油馏分为原料 ,采用气相固定床循环工艺 ,用国产分子筛脱蜡剂考察了不同工艺条件对液蜡收率和质量的影响。


1.Owari were treated with 8 wax coating solutions with different commercial or experimental formulations.比较了 8种不同蜡液对温州蜜柑果实贮藏性的影响。


1.The heat dissolved the candles into opaque pools of wax热使这些蜡烛融化成了一堆堆不透明的蜡液。

2.Development of New Citrus Wax Coating and Its Physiological Effects on Citrus Fruit;新型柑桔蜡液的创制及其生理效应研究

3.Producion of chloridized paraffine –52 by using lower normal liquid paraffine低正构烷烃液体石蜡生产氯化石蜡-52

4.Application of two-step soaking method in mixure of stearic acid and high melting point ceresin in paraffin section硬脂酸硬蜡混合液及硬蜡二步浸蜡法在石蜡切片中的应用

5.paraffinic hydrocarbon solution石蜡碳氢化合物溶液

6.A waxy cloud or haze appears in the liquid.在液体中出现蜡点或混浊。

7.Modification of Solid Paraffin/Acrylate Latex;固体石蜡/丙烯酸改性乳液制备研究

8.Research Based on Nanoparticles/Phase Change Wax Emulsion基于纳米粒子/相变石蜡乳状液的研究

9.Modification and characterization of superfine amorphous silica with macromolecule waxen emulsion高分子蜡乳液对白炭黑的改性与表征

10.The Study and Application of Paraffin Emulsion in Drilling Fulid and Completion Fluid;石油钻井液完井液用乳化石蜡的研究及应用

11.Inner stability assumption was put forward in producing chloridized paraffine-52 from lower normal liquid paraffine.对低正构烷烃液体石蜡生产合格的氯化石蜡提出内稳定设想

12.Ingredient: Helichrysum and cucumber extracted liquid etc.主要成份:蜡菊、黄瓜萃取液、水解蛋白、弹力素。

13.Reclamation of Wax from the Wacte Clay in Oil Refining by the Method of Liquid Membr- ane Emulsification.液膜乳化法处理炼油厂精制石蜡废白土

14.Study on the Operating Condition of the Oxidation and Graft of Paraffin Wax and Their Microemulsion;石蜡氧化、接枝及其微乳液的工艺条件研究

15.Application of Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography-Evaporative Light-Scattering Detection for Determination of Paraffin Wax in Food正相液相色谱-蒸发光散射法测定食品中的石蜡

16.Preparation of Cationic-nonionic Emulsion of Oxidized Polyethylene Wax阳-非复合离子型氧化聚乙烯蜡乳液的制备

17.Preparation of Paraffin Emulsion and Its Application in Surface Sizing石蜡乳液的制备及其在表面施胶中的应用

18.The Tribological Properties of IF-MoSe_2 Nanoparticles as Additive in Liquid ParaffinIF-MoSe_2纳米材料在液体石蜡中的摩擦学性能研究


heavy liquid petrolatum重质液体蜡膏

3)fluid wax液蜡

1.In the paper, an experimental production process of heavyfluid wax is set up by using gas-phase circulation static bed, home molecular sieve, and Shixi diesel fraction (220~310℃) as feed stock.以 2 2 0~ 31 0℃石西柴油馏分为原料 ,采用气相固定床循环工艺 ,用国产分子筛脱蜡剂考察了不同工艺条件对液蜡收率和质量的影响。


1.Owari were treated with 8 wax coating solutions with different commercial or experimental formulations.比较了 8种不同蜡液对温州蜜柑果实贮藏性的影响。

5)liquid wax液体蜡

6)liquid paraffin液体石蜡

1.A survey of lidocaine withliquid paraffin used for male urinary catheterization;利多卡因加液体石蜡用于男性导尿的观察

2.The tribological behaviors of the synthetic benzotriazole derivatives as additives inliquid paraffin were evaluated with a four-ball machine.利用四球试验机考察了其在液体石蜡中的最大无卡咬负荷值。


浓氯化钠注射液 ,高渗氯化钠注射液,高张氯化钠注射液药物名称:浓氯化钠注射液英文名:Injection 10% Sodium Chloride别名:浓氯化钠注射液 ,高渗氯化钠注射液,高张氯化钠注射液外文名: Injection 10% Sodium Chloride, Hypertonic saline适应症: 用于脱水症及调节体内水与电解质的平衡。 用量用法: 静脉滴注,临用前稀释,用量与浓度视病情需要而定。 注意事项: 心、肾功能不全者慎用。 规格: 注射剂:1g/10ml,本品为氯化钠的高渗灭菌水溶液。 类别:调节水、电解质及酸碱平衡药
