100字范文 > 电弧电流 Arc current英语短句 例句大全

电弧电流 Arc current英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-16 18:51:49


电弧电流 Arc current英语短句 例句大全

电弧电流,Arc current

1)Arc current电弧电流

1.Then, the influence of arc current and axial magnetic field on LCVA characteristics is simulated and analyzed.建立了小电流真空电弧的双温度磁流体动力学模型,根据该模型首先对小电流真空电弧的基本特性进行了仿真研究,分析了不同电弧电流和不同纵向磁场强度对小电流真空电弧特性的影响。

2.In the laser-arc hybrid welding,arc current can synchronously determine the arc p.2mm;电弧电流能够同时改变电弧压力、熔池重力、母材和填充材料熔化数量及坡口间隙两边熔化母材的熔合状况,是提高复合焊接可焊间隙量的关键因素;在相同焊速下,较高的电弧电流有利于厚板可焊间隙量的提高,薄板则需要相对较低的电弧电流来提高可焊间隙量。

3.To solve the problem that the arc current of electric arc furnace(EAF) is difficult to measure,a new method is proposed to estimate the EAF arc current by developing a relational data model between the arc current,three-phase power factors and primary three-phase load/no-load current of EAF transformer of which the operating principle is discussed.针对炼钢电弧炉电弧电流难测量的问题,在分析了变压器运行机理的基础上,通过建立电弧电流与电炉变压器一次侧三相负载电流、三相空载电流及三相功率因数之间的数学模型,提出了一种间接测量电弧电流的新方法。

2)arc current电流电弧

putation of heat transferring on contact surface underarc current;电流电弧作用下触头表面热过程的数值计算


1.Research on arc erosion of AgMeO contact with low voltage resistive load and small current at 50Hz and 400Hz50Hz和400Hz低压阻性小电流电弧对AgMeO触头电弧侵蚀的研究

2.intermittent d.c.noncapacitive arc非电容间歇直流电弧

3.single operator direct current arc generator单站直流电弧发电机

4.Arcs more readily than AC welders, with longer arcing.起弧比交流电容易,电弧加长一倍。

bined a.c. and d.c. welding power source交直流两用弧焊电源

6.Arc lamp: lamp that produces light by a current arcing across an air gap between two electrodes, usually of carbon.弧光灯:电流经弧跨一窨的两电极而产生光的灯。

7.A luminous discharge of current that is formed when a strong current jumps a gap in a circuit or between two electrodes.电弧,弧光当强电流在回路裂缝或两电极间跃升时形成的辉光放电

8.Stable electric arc can be ensured from undercurrent to high current.从小电流到大电流都可以保持稳定电弧。

9.heavy current line of arc furnace installation电弧炉设备的大电流线路

10.motor generator arc welder电动发电机式直流弧焊机

11.Arcjet Plume Plasma Diagnostic Using Electrostatic Probe;电弧加热发动机羽流的静电探针诊断

12.Study on Electrical Operation Characteristics of 9MVAAC Electric ARC Furnace9MVA交流电弧炉电气运行特性研究

13.Dynamic Characters Research of Air Arc at Low Current in Long Gap长间隙小电流空气电弧动态特性(英文)

14.Intelligence control of electrode-life regulating system of arc furnace交流电弧炉电极调节系统的智能控制

15.Analysis of arc interference and control strategy for double wire AC-DC SAW交直流双丝埋弧焊电弧干扰分析及控制策略

16.Influence of the Open-circuit Voltage of Source on Plasma arc Characteristic整流电源空载电压对等离子电弧特性的影响

17.Current Distribution and Self-Induced Stirring Force in Melts in a DC Arc Furnace直流电弧炉内熔体中电流分布及其自身搅拌力

18.The Intelligence Control of Temperature and Current Lead-zinc Smelt AC EAF;铅锌冶炼交流电弧炉湿度和电流智能控制系统


arc current电流电弧

putation of heat transferring on contact surface underarc current;电流电弧作用下触头表面热过程的数值计算

3)arc current[电]弧电流,弧流

4)DC arc直流电弧

1.Numerical Simulation of DC Arc and Trait Research of Plasma Ignition;直流电弧数值模拟及等离子点火特性研究

2.The phenomenon ofDC arc was studied.通过对直流电弧现象的产生,电弧的传导和输入、输出功率的分析,建立了直流电弧通路模型,为电弧的控制和偏弧的抑制提供了理论依据。

3.Experiment apparatus of preparation nanoparticles byDC arc plasma method were investigated.研制了一种实验室用直流电弧等离子体法制备纳米粒子的实验装置,该装置由纳米粒子生成室、阴极、阳极、真空泵和直流电源等组成。

5)direct current arc直流电弧

1.This paper deals with the mixdirect current arc plasma of hydrogen and argon to obtain the nanometer size powder of nickel.通过氢、氩混合直流电弧等离子体法制得镍纳米粉的研究,作者探索出制备镍纳米粉的最佳工艺条件,结果表明影响产率、粒径、粒度分布的主要因素有:电弧电流、氢气的含量、气流速度等。

2.Electric and mechanism parameters are the main factors influencing thedirect current arc breaking performance of small relays.电气参数和机械参数是影响小型继电器直流电弧开断性能的主要因素。

6)arc current弧电流

1.Disk probe was used to detect the current density in the vicinity of substrate,and it is found that the increase in eitherarc current of substrate bias is beneficial to the increase in the number of ions getting to the vicinity of substrate.采用平面探针测试了衬底附近的电流密度,弧电流和衬底偏压的增加均有助于增加到达衬底附近的离子的数量。


