100字范文 > 电压电流波形 arc voltage and current waveforms英语短句 例句大全

电压电流波形 arc voltage and current waveforms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-03 13:39:22


电压电流波形 arc voltage and current waveforms英语短句 例句大全

电压电流波形,arc voltage and current waveforms

1)arc voltage and current waveforms电压电流波形

2)voltage waveform电压波形

1.Voltage waveform analysis for synchronous generator with rectifier load;带整流负载同步发电机的电压波形分析

2.A way to fast protractvoltage waveform of athree-phase full-controlled bridge circuit;三相全控桥变流电路电压波形的快速绘制方法

3.Influence of damper winding onvoltage waveform of loaded salient pole single phase synchronous generators阻尼绕组对凸极单相同步发电机负载电压波形的影响


pressed Recording Technique for Power System Transient Voltage Waveform电力系统暂态电压波形压缩记录技术

2.Designing of ALIS Drive Circuit and Realizing of Voltage WaveformALIS驱动电路的设计与电压波形的实现

3.Effect of Electroforming Voltage Waveform on Electrical Characteristics of Surface-Conduction Electron-Emitter Display电形成电压波形对表面传导电子发射显示器电学特性的影响

puter Simulation of Thyristor"s Voltage Wareform between Anode and Cathode of Controlled Rectification Circuit可控整流电路晶闸管两端电压波形计算机仿真

5.No-load Voltage Waveform Optimization of Hydro-generator With Asymmetric Poles采用不对称磁极优化水轮发电机空载电压波形

6.A Novel Reference Wave Generating Algorithm Based on Characteristic Vector Extracted for DVR基于基波特征量提取的DVR参考电压波形生成算法

7."Be sure to use capacitors within the specified values by checking the voltage waveform, current waveform, and frequency applied to them"使用前请先检查电容器两端的电压波形、电流波形和频率是否在额定值内。

8.Influence of damper winding on voltage waveform of loaded salient pole single phase synchronous generators阻尼绕组对凸极单相同步发电机负载电压波形的影响


10.A simply Measurement Method of Bidirection Thyristor Output Voltage Waveform Symmetry;测试双向可控硅输出电压波形对称性的简便方法

11.A graph which shows this variation with time is called a waveform.电压或电流随时间而变化的图形称为波形。

12.Study of Transformer Protection Based on Wave Character of Voltage-Current;基于压流波形特征的变压器继电保护的研究

13.a device for making a record of the wave forms of fluctuating voltages or currents.记录变动的电压或电流的波纹形式的装置。

14.Detection of Dynamic Disturbance Voltage Using Hybrid Filter Algorithm of Morphological Filtering and "Specific Harmonic Elimination"采用形态滤波和“特定谐波消除”混合滤波算法的电压动态振动检测

15.This deviation from perfect sinusoids is usually expressed in terms of harmonics distortion of the voltage and current waveforms.这种偏离完全正弦的畸变称为电压、电流波形的谐波畸变。

16.Analysis and Parameter Discussion on Lightning Impulse Test Wave of UHV GIS Equipment特高压GIS设备雷电冲击试验波形及参数探讨

17.The Calculation Model of Waveforms and Parameters of Impulse Voltage Generator and Simulation冲击电压发生器波形和参数的计算模型与仿真

18.However, conditions are never ideal in practice, so these waveforms are often distorted.然而,实际中的情况并不理想,电压、电流波形常有畸变。


voltage waveform电压波形

1.Voltage waveform analysis for synchronous generator with rectifier load;带整流负载同步发电机的电压波形分析

2.A way to fast protractvoltage waveform of athree-phase full-controlled bridge circuit;三相全控桥变流电路电压波形的快速绘制方法

3.Influence of damper winding onvoltage waveform of loaded salient pole single phase synchronous generators阻尼绕组对凸极单相同步发电机负载电压波形的影响

3)voltage wave电压波形

1.The analysis ofvoltage wave of doubly-fed generator with vector control for rotor AC excitation;双馈电机转子交流励磁矢量控制电压波形分析

2.The description ofvoltage wave in circuit of controlled silicon;可控硅电路中电压波形的画法

4)current and voltage waveform analysis电压和电流波形分析

5)current waveform电流波形

1.Effect ofcurrent waveform on electroplating of copper on AZ91D magnesium alloy;电流波形对AZ91D镁合金电镀铜的影响

2.A self optimizing intelligent control algorithm ofcurrent waveform parameters of CO 2 gas shielded arc welding is put forward.研究并提出了一种CO2 气体保护焊电流波形的多参数自寻优智能控制法 ,电流波形的模糊寻优计及弧焊过程特征参数的综合影响 ,并以表征短路过渡综合性能的特征综合值作为弧焊过程定量评价和目标实时寻优的函数。

3.The article makes a theoretic analysis based oncurrent waveforms of several types of locomotives′ no load turn-on tests,combines with the characteristic data of type TM2 locomotive,calculates and simulates the no load turn-oncurrent waveform of the locomotive,and then gets the existing reason for the no load turn-on current.对几种电力机车空载合闸试验测试的电流波形进行理论分析,结合TM2型电力机车相关参数进行计算,并模拟出其空载合闸电流的波形,得出产生空载合闸电流的原因,提出了解决空载合闸电流造成的跳主断误保护现象的建议。

6)current wave电流波形

1.The electrode life experiment is carried by controllingcurrent wave and the relation between work piece surface spattering rate, electrode life and the amplitude of current pulse before spot welding, the current time before spot welding is investigated.作者通过分析镀锌钢板点焊电极寿命降低的原因 ,提出了提高镀锌钢板点焊电极寿命的电流波形控制法。

2.Spot welding is greatly affected by the current,so the real-time display ofcurrent waveform in the welding is very necessary.焊接电流对电阻点焊有着重要的影响,因此在点焊过程中实时显示焊接电流波形是十分必要的。


标准操作冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)标准操作冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)standard switching impulse voltage waveformb .oozhun CooZuo ChongJld,onyo boxlng标准操作冲击电压波形(standard switchingimpulse voltage waveform)见冲击电压发生器。
