100字范文 > 潜供电流 secondary arc current英语短句 例句大全

潜供电流 secondary arc current英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-27 06:52:19


潜供电流 secondary arc current英语短句 例句大全

潜供电流,secondary arc current

1)secondary arc current潜供电流

1.EHV magnetically controlled reactor for suppressing interior over-voltage andsecondary arc current;超高压可控电抗器抑制内过电压及潜供电流

2.Research onsecondary arc current under different line model不同线路模型下潜供电流的特性分析

3.Simulative calculation of UHV linesecondary arc current特高压线路潜供电流的仿真计算


1.EHV Controllable Reactor for Suppressing Secondary Arc Current超高压可控电抗器抑制潜供电流研究

2.Research on secondary arc current under different line model不同线路模型下潜供电流的特性分析

3.Over-voltage,Secondary Arc and Reactive Power Compensation in UHV AC Transmission System特高压输电系统过电压、潜供电流和无功补偿

4.Studies in Characteristic and Countermeasure of the Secondary Arc Current in High Voltage Tranmission Line;高压输电线路的潜供电流特性与对策研究

5.Research on Secondary Arc Current of 1 000 kV Double-Circuit Transmission Lines on the Same Tower1000kV同塔双回输电线路潜供电流研究(英文)

6.Simulation of Compensation Schemes for Secondary Arc Current in UHV Double-Circuit Transmission Lines特高压双回线路潜供电流补偿方案仿真研究

7.Influence of Power Transmission Capacity of UHV Double-circuit Transmission Line on Secondary Arc Current特高压同杆双回功率传输对潜供电流的影响

8.Research of Lightning Over-Voltage in UHV Transmission Lines and Secondary Arc after the Single-Phase Trip-out Caused by Insulator-Flash;超高压输电线路雷电过电压及单相闪络跳闸后潜供电流的研究

9.Research on the Secondary Arc Current and Recovery Voltage of Two Compact Circuits with the Same Array of Phase in One Pylon Window同塔同窗同相序紧凑型输电线路潜供电流与恢复电压研究

10.current meter (electrical supply)电流(电力供应)表

11.Secondary Arc Spectrum Characteristics on EHV Transmission Lines超高压输电线路的潜供电弧频谱特性

parison of secondary arc extinction methods for UHV transmission lines特高压线路熄灭潜供电弧的方法比较

13.rectifier fed electric drive整流器供电直流拖动

14.Performance Analysis of the Submersible Motor Supplied by Converter;基于变频器供电的潜油电机的性能分析

15.Numeric Calculation of the Eddy Current Loss in Magnetic Isolated Segment of Submersible Motor;潜油电机隔磁段涡流损耗的数值计算

16.The Investigation of High Speed Grounding Switches on Secondary Arc in 800kV GIS;800kV GIS中采用快速接地开关抑制潜供电弧的研究

putation of Secondary Arc Self-extinction Behavior With the Influence of Wind计及风影响的潜供电弧自熄特性计算研究

18.supply meter for direct or alternating current直流或交流电供应电度表


secondary arc潜供电流

1.Successful single-phase-reclose is determined by the self-extinguish ofsecondary arc.单相重合闸的成功取决于故障点潜供电流的自熄,而固定串补FSC可改变原有输电线路参数均匀分布的特性,为了单相重合闸成功,分析了串补线路潜供电流中的低频振荡分量的形成机理,同时针对串补线路潜供电流提出了旁路开关联动的抑制措施。

2.The domestic and foreran research results of over-voltage,secondary arc and reactive power compensation in UHV ac system are presented.介绍了国内外特高压输电系统过电压、潜供电流及无功补偿的研究结果,认为我国特高压输电线路可不采用高速接地开关;近期可采用固定式高抗,不用可控高抗;尽量缩短暂态过电压持续时间;特高压系统中突显的特殊操作过电压,即接地过电压和切除短路故障分闸过电压;绕击是造成特高压线路跳闸的主要原因,尤其在山区应适当减小地线保护角。

3)secondary-arc current潜供电流

1.Thesecondary-arc currents and recovery voltages as well as induced voltages and currents under different phase sequence arrangements are compared.文章对采用水平型杆塔、各回路导线呈垂直排列的500kV同塔四回线路参数的不平衡度进行了分析,比较了不同相序排列下的潜供电流和恢复电压、感应电压和感应电流。

2.The influences of different phasing arrangements or transposing modes on thesecondary-arc currents and recovery voltages,induced voltages and induced currents are studied.研究了不同相序排列或换位方式对潜供电流和恢复电压、感应电压和感应电流的影响。

3.Thesecondary-arc currents and recovery voltages,induced voltages and induced currents under different transposing modes are compared.对1000kV淮南-皖南同塔双回线路参数、母线电压和发电机电流的不平衡度进行了分析,研究中考虑了2种常用的换位方式,对不同换位方式下的潜供电流和恢复电压、感应电压和感应电流进行了比较。

4)power supply potential供电潜力

5)secondary arc潜供电弧

parison ofsecondary arc extinction methods for UHV transmission lines特高压线路熄灭潜供电弧的方法比较

2.When transmission lines operate with series capacitors and shunt reactors, under certain circumstances, the series capacitor of fault phase can discharge through the shunt reactors and thesecondary arc after the fault phase is shut off.对于综合配置串、并联补偿的输电线路,在某些配置方案情况下,潜供电弧参数中将存在由故障相串联电容通过短路点与并联电抗器放电形成的低频分量,不利于单相重合闸的成功。

6)power supply current供电电流

1.On engineering real progress, the convenient acquisition signal is the secondary current of cubicle switchboard,namelypower supply current in induction motor variable frequency drive system.在工程实际过程中,变频供电异步电动机容易采集到的信号是开关柜二次侧供电电流(变频器输入侧电流),因此要实现变频异步电动机转子断条故障诊断,必须清楚供电电流中是否也含有断条故障特征信息。


