100字范文 > 液态氧 liquid oxygen英语短句 例句大全

液态氧 liquid oxygen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-19 06:17:38


液态氧 liquid oxygen英语短句 例句大全

液态氧,liquid oxygen

1)liquid oxygen液态氧

1.Operation and management of theliquid oxygen station;液态氧站安全使用与管理

2.The present paper describes the effect of the ethine absorbed and solved in theliquid oxygen on theliquid oxygen in the main condenser-evaporator since revamp of the air separation unit with liquid air andliquid oxygen absorber into the air separation unit with molecular absorber as well as measurement of the ethine content.阐述空分设备由一般的液态空气吸附器和液态氧吸附器改造为分子筛吸附器后,吸附溶解在液态氧中的乙炔对主冷液态氧的影响程度及乙炔含量的检测。

3.Objective To study the effects of inhalingliquid oxygen on hemodynamics at high altitude.目的探讨在高原吸入液态氧对移居青年血流动力学的影响。


1.Two large tanks in the service module held liquid oxygen.服务舱的两个大气瓶中装有液态氧。

2.A mixture of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen produces an exhaust with a speed as high as five kilometers per second.液态氢和液态氧的混合物产生的排气速率高达每秒5公里。

3.Oxygen may be withdrawn as a gas by passing liquid through an internal vaporizer or as a liquid under its own vapor pressure.可以通过使液体流过内汽化器取出气态氧,或者直接取出在它自己的蒸气压下的液态氧。

4.easily obtainable from the lunar rocks in the form of liquid oxygen.从月球上的岩石中很容易提炼出液态氧,

5.liquid metal oxygen densitometer液态金属氧气密度计

6.Liquid oxygen, especially when used as a rocket fuel oxidizer.液氧液态的氧气,尤其用来作火箭燃料氧化剂

7.Energy-saving Project in Shipyard on Gasification of Liquid CO_2 and Liquid Oxygen船厂液态二氧化碳和液氧的气化节能改造

8.liquid sulfur dioxide benzene process液态二氧化硫 苯抽提过程

9.In the cylinders, the gas under pressure exists as a liquid.在钢瓶内,高压下的二氧化碳是液态的。

10.Effects of the oxidative damage induced by formaldehyde on A549 cells液态甲醛致A549细胞氧化损伤效应分析

11.Nonlinear acoustical properties of liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide液态和超临界态二氧化碳的非线性声学性质

12.The concentration difference cell method has been used widely to determine O in the molten metals.浓差电池法已广泛地用于测定液态金属中氧。

13.liquid CO2 application on dyeing process液态二氧化碳在染色工艺中应用(无水染色技术)

14.In liquid mixtures tetranitromethane may be used as an oxidizing agent.四硝基甲烷可用做液态混合物中的氧化剂。

15.Study on Modified Liquid DDM Medium Temperature Curing System of Heat Resisting for Epoxy Resin;改性液态DDM耐热环氧中温固化体系的研究

16.Two-phase Modeling of JSOG;射流式单重态氧发生器的气液两相模型研究

17.Study on Morphology Control of Cuprous Oxide Powders Synthesized in Aqueous Solution水溶液中氧化亚铜粉体的形态控制研究

18.Application of dibenzoyl peroxide in cross-linking of a liquid polycarbosilane过氧化苯甲酰在液态聚碳硅烷交联中的应用



1.Objective To observe the effects of inhalingliquid-oxygen on human afler exhaustive exercise in free radical.结论液态氧能延长供氧时间 ,并能对高原运动造成的自由基损伤有明显抑制作用 ,可加速运动后体内代谢产物自由基的清除及加快疲劳消

3)chemical etching method液态氧化

1.UHMWPE fibers were treated bychemical etching method in order to improve interfacial adhesion between fiber and matrix.用液态氧化法对超高分子量聚乙烯纤维进行了表面处理,研究了处理介质、处理时间对超高分子量聚乙烯/ 环氧复合材料层间剪切强度的影响,用扫描电子显微镜、XPS表面元素分析、毛细浸润法测接触角等方法探讨了纤维表面性能处理前后的变化,以及纤维与树脂的界面结合情况。

4)liquid pure O2液态氧增氧

1.OBJECTIVEIn this study,aeration effect of air aeration andliquid pure O2 aeration was analyzed in aquaculture.【研究目的】为分析水产养殖系统中机械增氧与液态氧增氧的增氧效果;【方法】设置增氧潜力、溶解氧(DO)扩散速度、水质因子、对虾生长等多个处理组,对比两增氧系统在各方面的差异。

5)liquid alcohol oxidation液态醇氧化

6)liquid deoxidizer液态脱氧剂


