100字范文 > 富氧液空 Oxygen-enriched liquid air英语短句 例句大全

富氧液空 Oxygen-enriched liquid air英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-22 03:17:52


富氧液空 Oxygen-enriched liquid air英语短句 例句大全

富氧液空,Oxygen-enriched liquid air

1)Oxygen-enriched liquid air富氧液空

2)Oxygen rich liquid富氧液体

3)Oxygen-rich air富氧空气

1.This paper takes one Chengdu float glass production line for example,discusses oxygen-rich air collection method of nitrogen station in float glass plant and its effect factors in collecting oxygen-rich air,and also puts forward some suggestions about nitrogen station oxygen-rich air system s design.以成都某浮法玻璃生产线为例,探讨浮法玻璃工厂氮气站富氧空气收集方法及富氧空气收集利用过程中的影响因素,并对氮气站的富氧空气系统设计提出了几点建议。


1.Analysis of Sulphuric Acid Plant Based on Pyrite-Roasting with Oxygen-Enriched Air from Membrane Separation Facility用膜分离富氧空气焙烧硫铁矿的硫酸装置分析

2.Feasible Analysis of Oxygen-enriched Air Produced During Calcium Magnesium Phosphate Fertilizer Production as Combustion Adjuvant for Energy Conservation钙镁磷肥生产富氧空气助燃节能可行性分析

3.Research on Melting Incineration of Municipal Solid Waste Using High-Temperature and Oxygen-Enriched Air城市生活垃圾高温富氧空气熔融焚烧技术研究

4.Benefits such as fuel and energy savings plus lower total emission volumes are realized when air is enriched or replaced with higher-purity oxygen.使空气变成富氧空气或用高纯度氧替代空气有节约燃料和能量以及更小的总发射体积等好处。

5.Do not permit liquid oxygen or oxygen-enriched air to come in contact with organic materials or flammable or combustible substances of any kind.严禁液氧或富氧空气接触有机材料或任何种类的可燃或易燃物质。

6.However, direct use of oxygen, or enrichment of the air with oxygen, is necessary for some processes.但是对于某些过程,直接使用氧或富氧空气是必要的。

7.Mathematical Model of LPG Flux About Rotary Anode Furnace in Copper Refining Based on Preheated Oxygen-rich Air富氧空气预热下铜精炼阳极炉液化气流量数学模型

8.Feasibility of applying membrane separation technology to produce oxygen-enriched air for combustion aid in FCMP production膜分离制富氧空气助燃技术在钙镁磷肥生产中运用的可行性

9.Steel and iron manufacturers also extensively use oxygen or oxygen-enriched air to affect chemical refining and heating associated with carbon removal and other oxidation reactions.钢铁制造商还广泛使用氧或富氧空气来影响同除碳和其它氧化反应相联系的化学精炼和加热。

10.Occasionally enriched air or supple mental oxygen is available and a greater ratio of secondary reforming to primary reforming is possible.偶尔有富氧空气或补充氧的,因而二段转化对一段转化的大比例是可能的。

11.The respiratory tract conveys oxygen-rich air to the lungs.呼吸道给肺输送富氧的空气。

12.Study of the Risks of Gas Phases inside the Reator of Cyclohexane Oxidation with Oxygen-enriched Air环己烷富氧氧化反应器内气相空间危险性研究

13.Studies on the Effects of Fulminating Altitude Hypoxia and Enriched Oxygen Protection on Rats;高空暴发性缺氧对机体的影响及富氧气体防护效果的研究

14.an organism esp. a bacterium that requires air or free oxygen for life.需要空气或丰富的氧气生存的有机体特别是细菌。

15.The use of ammonia gas under high inventory of oxygen (due to air staging) for the reduction of SO2 emissions is a new aspect of this work.在富含氧气的条件下(由于分段注入空气),使用氨气来来减少二氧化硫排放是减少排放的新举措。

16.Detection of Trace Oxygen in Semi-water Gas of Oxygen-enriched Gas Making-furnace富氧造气炉半水煤气中微量氧的检测

17.Oxygen enrichment of the surrounding atmosphere; and the possibility of a combustion reaction if the oxygen is permitted to contact a non-compatible material.周围空气的氧富集;如果氧接触到不相容的材料而发生燃烧反应的可能性。

18.life sustained in the presence of air or oxygen.需要空气或氧气的生活。


Oxygen rich liquid富氧液体

3)Oxygen-rich air富氧空气

1.This paper takes one Chengdu float glass production line for example,discusses oxygen-rich air collection method of nitrogen station in float glass plant and its effect factors in collecting oxygen-rich air,and also puts forward some suggestions about nitrogen station oxygen-rich air system s design.以成都某浮法玻璃生产线为例,探讨浮法玻璃工厂氮气站富氧空气收集方法及富氧空气收集利用过程中的影响因素,并对氮气站的富氧空气系统设计提出了几点建议。

4)oxygen-enriched air富氧空气

1.Feasibility of applying membrane separation technology to produceoxygen-enriched air for combustion aid in FCMP production膜分离制富氧空气助燃技术在钙镁磷肥生产中运用的可行性

2.A 6kt/a conventional Claus sulfur recovery unit was revamped with the technology usingoxygen-enriched air for increasing the sulfur recovery rate and reducing environment pollution.在研究了富氧空气引入方式、装置负荷、氧化配风和富氧空气集输等技术后 ,经工艺核算 ,制定了利用现有 10 0 0m3 /h、含氧量为 33。

3.The characteristics and process of combustion supporting withoxygen-enriched air,a by-product when nitrogen was generated for building a protective atmosphere in float process,were described through leading theoxygen-enriched air into a gas jet.结合我厂利用气保车间所产生的富氧空气,加入到煤气喷枪中进行富氧助燃的实际,论述了利用富氧空气助燃的工艺过程及特点,提出了解决使用过程中实际问题的方法。

5)oxygen enriched air conditioning富氧空调

6)oxygen enriched air富氧空气


1,2-二甲基环氧乙烷(1,2-dimethylethylene oxide)无色液体分子式:CAS号:性质:又称1,2-二甲基环氧乙烷(1,2-dimethylethylene oxide)无色液体。沸点56~57℃,相对密度0.8344。有醚的气味,易挥发。易燃。微溶于水,可溶于乙醇、乙醚等有机溶剂。有环氧化物的一般性质。由3-氯2-丁醇或3-溴-2-丁醇与氢氧化钠或碳酸钾反应制得。用作有机合成的中间体。
