100字范文 > 液氧泵 Liquid oxygen pump英语短句 例句大全

液氧泵 Liquid oxygen pump英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-07 00:25:41


液氧泵 Liquid oxygen pump英语短句 例句大全

液氧泵,Liquid oxygen pump

1)Liquid oxygen pump液氧泵

1.Introduce the silver lining of axle bushing in TC 30 liquid oxygen pump.简要介绍TC 30型液氧泵轴封纯银衬套的优点 ,修复所遇到的困难及新港气体工业有限公司自创的修复该轴封纯银衬套的新工艺及其良好效

2.The main technical parameter and structure characteristics of entirety and main parts of 850VLT liquid oxygen pump were introduced in this paper,The result of performance test for modules of combined pump unit showed that the pump was of wide flow adjusting range, high efficiency, high rate of flow and small uibration.介绍850VLT型液氧泵的主要技术参数,整体结构及主要零部件的结构特点。


1.Operation and maintenance of liquid oxygen pumps associated with an ASU employing internal compression process内压缩流程空分设备产品液氧泵的操作与维护

2.Solution to Failures of Mechanical Seal on Pumps Transporting Working Medium during H_2O_2 Production双氧水工作液泵泄漏故障分析及对策

3.Techniques of kerosene booster turbopump for LOX/kerosene staged combustion cycle engine液氧/煤油发动机煤油预压涡轮泵技术

4.Application of welding technology with protective CO_2 gas system to repair liquid cylinder of mud pump;二氧化碳气体保护焊在泥浆泵液缸修复中的应用

5.The Repair of Piston Pump Cylinder and the Optimum Design of Piston Ring for C316 High-pressure Oxygen Compressor高压C316氧压机双向柱塞泵液压缸的修复与柱塞环的优化设计

6.They are F. O. pumps, L. O. pumps, ballast pumps, fresh water pumps, sea water pumps, and bilge pumps.它们是燃油泵,润滑油泵,压载水泵,淡水泵,海水泵,和舭部液舱泵等。

7.Using high speed pumps to replace gear pumps for ammonia recycling, satisfactory results were achieved.氨液循环泵由齿轮泵改为高速泵,效果较好。

8.a pump to maintain circulation during heart surgery; diverts blood from the heart and oxygenates it and then pumps it through the body.在心脏外科手术中维持循环的泵;从心脏转移血液并使其氧化然后通过身体吸入。

9.A gas generator-turbopump test device and an overall engine test system for LOX/ kerosene rocket engine were developed.设计并建立了液氧/油发动机发生器-涡轮泵联动装置和整机试验系统。

10.Artificial heart: Machine or mechanical pump that maintains Blood circulation in the human Body.人工心脏:能在长短不等的时间内维持人体血液循环(以及氧合过程)的帮浦或机械泵。

11.pumping temperature泵送温度下的液体比重

12.a pump for raising fluids by suction.通过吸力提高液体的泵。

13.chopper-type muck pump带切碎器的液体厩肥泵

14.engine-driven hydraulic pump发动机推动的液压泵

15.self-contained press带有液压泵的压制机

16.hydraulic oil pump driving device housing液压油泵传动装置壳体

17.a pump for removing liquid from a sump.从池塘中移动液体的泵。

18.pocket first-aid pump for fluid infusion and blood transfusion袖珍急救输液输血泵


BPO 28/150 liquid oxygen pumpBPO28/150型液氧泵

3)Filter of LO 2 pump液氧泵过滤器

4)pumps transporting working medium during H2O2 production双氧水工作液泵

5)Seal of High Pressure Liquid Oxygen Pump高压液氧泵的密封

6)hydraulic pump液泵

1.Study on testing system for the performance ofhydraulic pumps for crop protection equipment;植保机械用液泵性能测试系统的研究

2.The article presents the design priniple,design methods and the structure ofhydraulic pump testing system of the PZS 4 type spraying machine multiple trail table.介绍了PZS-4型喷雾机械综合试验台的液泵性能测试系统部分设计原理、设计方法及其结构。

3.It This text introduces the structure and the range of application of the sprayer experiment table, and also sums up the distinctive features of the experiment table, which can give us various performance figures ofhydraulic pump and nozzle by a comprehensive test.该试验台应用计算机辅助控制对液泵、喷头各项性能指标进行综合测试,测试范围广泛,测试手段先进,能够达到测试准确、测试效率高的目的。


氧氟沙星滴耳液,泰利必妥滴耳液药物名称:氧氟沙星滴耳液英文名:Ofloxacin Ear Drops别名:氧氟沙星滴耳液,泰利必妥滴耳液外文名:Ofloxacin Ear Drops性状:本品为淡黄绿色澄明液体。药理毒理:本品具广谱抗菌作用,尤其对需氧革兰阴性杆菌的抗菌活性高,对下列细菌在体外具良好抗菌作用:肠杆菌科的大部分细菌,包括枸椽酸杆菌属、阴沟、产气肠杆菌等肠杆菌属、大肠埃希菌、克雷伯菌属、变形杆菌属、沙门菌属、志贺菌属、弧菌属、耶尔森菌等。常对多重耐药菌也具有抗菌活性。对青霉素耐药的淋病奈瑟菌、产酶流感杆菌和莫拉菌属均具有高度抗菌活性。对铜绿假单胞菌等假单胞菌属的大多数菌株具抗菌作用 。本品对甲氧西林敏感葡萄球菌具抗菌活性,对肺炎链球菌、溶血性链球菌和粪肠球菌仅具中等抗菌活性。对沙眼衣原体、支原体、军团菌具良好抗微生物作用,对结核杆菌和非典型分枝杆菌也有抗菌活性。对厌氧菌的抗菌活性差。氧氟沙星为杀菌剂,通过作用于细菌DNA螺旋酶的A亚单位,抑制DNA的合成和复制而导致细菌死亡。药代动力学:据文献报道,成人患者在中耳腔内点滴0.3%的氧氟沙星溶液,一次10滴, 一日2次,总计14次。耳浴30分钟后的血药浓度很低, 为0.009~0.012 μg/ml。小儿患者在中耳腔内一次滴耳, 耳浴0.3%的氧氟沙星水溶液5滴, 120分钟后血清中浓度较低,不超过0.013 μg/ml。适应症:用于治疗敏感菌引起的中耳炎、外耳道炎、鼓膜炎。用法用量:滴耳。成人一次6~10滴,一日2~3次。滴耳后进行约10分钟耳浴。根据症状适当增减滴耳次数。对小儿滴数酌减。不良反应:偶有中耳痛及瘙痒感。禁忌症:对本品及氟喹诺酮类药过敏的患者禁用。注意事项:1.只用于点耳。2.本品一般适用于中耳炎局限在中耳粘膜部位的局部治疗。若炎症已漫及鼓室周围时,除局部治疗外,应同时服用口服制剂。3.使用本品时若药温过低,可能会引起眩晕。因此,使用温度应接近体温。4.出现过敏症状时应立即停药。5.使用本品的疗程以4周为限。若继续给药时,应慎用。孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药:孕妇不宜应用,如确有应用指征,且利大于弊时方可慎用。哺乳期妇女使用时应停止授乳。儿童用药:一般不用于婴幼儿。药物相互作用:长期大量使用经局部吸收后,可产生与全身用药相同的药物相互作用,如可使环孢素、丙磺舒等药物血药浓度升高,干扰咖啡因的代谢等。规格:5ml:15mg类别:耳鼻喉科药
