100字范文 > 工期延误风险 the risks of delay英语短句 例句大全

工期延误风险 the risks of delay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-13 06:20:05


工期延误风险 the risks of delay英语短句 例句大全

工期延误风险,the risks of delay

1)the risks of delay工期延误风险

2)risk of time delay延误风险

3)project delay工期延误

1.Considering the difficulty of allotting responsibility ofproject delay in multi-event interference,a new analytic method based on Shapley value for the problem is presented in this paper.在工程项目合同管理中,做好工期延误的责任归属和量化对于监理工程师公平、公正地处理工期索赔,维护业主和承包人的合法权益具有重要意义。


1.Research on Influencing Factors of Schedule Delays in Construction Projects;建设项目中的工期延误影响因素研究

2.A Study on Responsibility of Project Delay Based on Shapley Value;基于Shapley值的工期延误分析


4.Analysis of Clients"Counter Claim Because of Project Delay工期延误引起的业主反索赔分析初探

5.The Study on the Cause of Delay & the Model of Early Warning in Construction Project;工程项目工期延误原因及预警模型研究

6.Analysis on Articles about Construction Period Delay and Compensation in Engineering Con-struction Contract;工程建设合同工期延误与赔偿费条款分析

7.Expense Claim for Construction Delay of International Water Conservancy Project;关于国际水利工程工期延误的费用索赔浅析

8.Failure to start construction as scheduled or delay of completion caused by serious natural disaster.一、遭逢天然重大灾害,致无法如期开工或延误完工时程者。

9.The lorry drivers" strike has put back our deliveries by over a month.因卡车司机罢工, 我们的交货日期延误了一个多月.

10.The strike in our factory held up the production for 24 hours. Therefore, there is likely, to be some delay in delivery of order, for which we apologize.本工厂罢工导致生产停顿24小时,所以订货交期略有延误,我方为此表示歉意。

11.Failure to start construction as scheduled or delay of completion caused by occurrence of war or great social, or economic incidence.二、遭逢战争、或社会、经济之重大变故,致无法如期开工或延误完工时程者。

12.Let"s go now, or we may fail to keep the appointment.我们赶快出发,否则会延误约期。

13.The delay of the steamer have compelled postponement of delivery .轮船误期,迫使我方延迟交货。

14.Any delay in shipment is likely to cause complications.船期如有延误可能会带来暂停装船。

15.A Probe into Causes of Delay in the Course of Early Chinese Modernization;中国早期现代化进程延误的原因探析

16.Spin out a project indefinitely无限期地延长一项工程

17.prolongation costs工程延误引致的额外费用

18.This work demands your attention without delay!这工作急需你去做,不得延误!


risk of time delay延误风险

3)project delay工期延误

1.Considering the difficulty of allotting responsibility ofproject delay in multi-event interference,a new analytic method based on Shapley value for the problem is presented in this paper.在工程项目合同管理中,做好工期延误的责任归属和量化对于监理工程师公平、公正地处理工期索赔,维护业主和承包人的合法权益具有重要意义。

4)construction period delay工期延误

1.Analysis on theconstruction period delay and its relative costs under the FIDIC contract conditions;FIDIC 合同条件下工期延误及相关费用分析

5)construction delay工期延误

1.In construction of a international water conservancy project , amount of works increases with variation of natural in-situ conditions , which leads toconstruction delay and construction cost increase , then economic losses of the Contractor.在国际水利工程施工中,由于现场自然条件的改变(而非承包商的原因)引起工程量的增加,势必会导致工期延误和施工费用的增加,给承包商造成工期和经济损失。

6)variance of construction time工期延误率

1.This paper examines the degree of time variance during the construction process by using thevariance of construction time(△T).工期延误是公共建设项目中常见的现象,以工期延误率△T来度量建设项目工期的变化,通过问卷调查和实地访谈,对影响建设项目工期的风险因素进行了调查,收集了深港两地515个公共建设项目的工期实际数据,利用逆高斯分布函数建立了评估工期延误风险的定量模型,并通过风险因素的相对重要性评分识别出了影响建设工期的前15位风险因素,这些风险因素分别来自业主、承包商、分包商、政府部门及其他5个方面。


