100字范文 > 内控风险 accusing of the risk inside英语短句 例句大全

内控风险 accusing of the risk inside英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-28 14:19:06


内控风险 accusing of the risk inside英语短句 例句大全

内控风险,accusing of the risk inside

1)accusing of the risk inside内控风险

2)risk control风险内控

1.The enlightenment of The New Basle Capital Accord onrisk control of insurance industry of China;《新巴塞尔资本协议》对保险业风险内控的启示


1.The enlightenment of The New Basle Capital Accord on risk control of insurance industry of China《新巴塞尔资本协议》对保险业风险内控的启示

2.On the Risks of Chinas Financial Share-holding Companies and Their Internal Control;我国金融控股公司的风险及内部控制

3.A discussion on the implication, environment, and risk management of internal control audit;内控审计的内涵、环境与风险运作探讨

4.Dissolve the Risk from its Source --How to Perfect the System of Inneter Management;从风险源头化解风险——如何完善内部控制

5.Setup the Inner-Control System of FinancialInstitution Risk Prediction and Be on Guard against Managing Risk;建立金融机构风险预警内控机制防范经营风险

6.Research on Internal Auditing Risk Assessment and Control of Schools of Higher Education;高校内部审计风险的评估及控制研究

7.YL Audits Risk and Studies under the Control of in the Inside of Home Appliance Company;YL家电公司内部审计风险及控制研究

8.The Research on the Risk-oriented Internal Control of the Enterprise Inventory;风险导向下的企业存货内部控制研究

9.The Relationship between Operational Risk Management and Internal Control System;操作风险管理和内部控制制度的关系

10.Research in Inside Control and the Risk of Security Company;我国证券公司的风险和内部控制研究

11.Research on Firm Internal Control and Financial Risks;企业内部控制与财务风险相关性研究

12.Internal control of residence fund based on risk management;基于风险管理的住房公积金内部控制

13.On Risk Coasciousness and Internal Control in Construction Investment of Higher Institutes;高校建设投资的风险意识与内部控制

14.The Set up of Enterprise Internal Control Based on Risk Management;以风险管理为导向构建企业内部控制

15.On the Prevention and Control of Auditing Risks in Universities;浅析高校内部审计风险的防范与控制

16.Brief Discussion on the Internal Control and Prevention of the Risk in Network Accounting.;浅谈网络会计的内部控制风险与防范

17.Operational Risk, Internal Control Mechanism & Financial Institutional Innovation;操作风险、内控机制与金融制度创新

18.On the Reason and Control of Audit Risk;浅谈单位内部审计风险的成因和控制


risk control风险内控

1.The enlightenment of The New Basle Capital Accord onrisk control of insurance industry of China;《新巴塞尔资本协议》对保险业风险内控的启示

3)internally controlled risk points内控风险点

4)internal control risk内部控制风险

1.The focus areas of internal control in network accounting is enlarged with the laggard internal law of accounting ,so theinternal control risk in network accounting has become conspicuous.只有在会计信息安全、网络系统控制、内部牵制、会计档案管理等方面,采用财务软件加密等技术方法,并完善内部控制制度,企业才能有效地防范网络会计的内部控制风险,最大限度地发挥网络会计的优势。

5)internal risk control内部风险控制

1.Effectiveness ofinternal risk control is directly related to the fortune of developing financial holding group.内部风险控制的有效性直接关系着金融控股集团发展的成败。

6)the risk of company"s internal control企业内部控制风险


