100字范文 > 全民健保制度 the National Health Insurance Institution英语短句 例句大全

全民健保制度 the National Health Insurance Institution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-09 04:43:44


全民健保制度 the National Health Insurance Institution英语短句 例句大全

全民健保制度,the National Health Insurance Institution

1)the National Health Insurance Institution全民健保制度


1.The Analysis of the Executive Accomplishment of the National Health Insurance台湾地区全民健保制度实施绩效论析

2.We should improve the systems of unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances for urban residents.健全失业保险制度和城市居民最低生活保障制度。

3.Establishment and Consummation of the Social Security System for Farmer Workers建立健全城镇农民工社会保障制度的构想

4.Constructing and Perfecting Social Security Legal System in the Rural Ethnic Minority Regions;建立健全民族地区农村社会保障法律制度

5.--Establishing and perfecting the people"s democratic political system, and guaranteeing their democratic rights to be masters of their own affairs.——建立和健全人民民主的政治制度,保障人民当家作主的民主权利。

6.on the National Health Service依照国民健康保险制度

7.On the Universal Basic Health Protection System;全民健康保障制度:建构理念、政府支持的合意水平与成本测算

8.In Britain the term applies mainly to the National Health Service (NHS), national insurance and social security.在英国,这主要是指国民保健制度,国民保险和社会保障制度。

9.The establishment and improvement of the basic political system on the basis of people"s democracy provided a fundamental political guarantee for the realization of the right of the people to be the masters of their own affairs.人民民主的基本政治制度的建立和健全,为人民实现当家作主的权利提供了根本的政治保障。

10.proposals to overhaul the health care system.全面改革保健制度的建议

11.Deepen the reform of the income distribution system and improve the social security system.深化分配制度改革,健全社会保障体系

12.Building Harmonious Society and Perfecting Social Security System;构建和谐社会 建立健全社会保障制度

13.Deepening the Reformation of Distribution System,Strengthening the Guarantee System of the Whole Society;深化分配制度改革 健全社会保障体系

14.The National Health Service is the largest single employer of labour in the U.K.国民保健制度是英国最大的用人机构。

15.Improving the Correspondence and Vistitation System of People s Congress Perfecting Participatory Platform for People;健全“人大”信访制度完善人民参与平台

16.Improve the System of the Party Development on Student and Perfect System Guarantee;加强高校学生党建制度建设健全制度保障体系

17.Guaranteeing the Effectiveness of Our Monetary Policy by Improving Credit System;健全信用制度:我国货币政策有效性的制度保障

18.On The Setup And Improvement Of The Inner Democracy Of The Party From System And Mechanism;从体制和机制上不断探索党内民主制度的健全


the health security system of the whole nation全民健康保障制度

1.Lessons for buildingthe health security system of the whole nation learned from the SARS crisis;突发公共卫生事件对构建全民健康保障制度的启示

3)NHS[英][,en e?t? "es][美]["?n "et? "?s]国民保健制度

1.The British National Health Service (NHS) and Its Enlightenment;英国国民保健制度及其启示

4)On the System of Civil Conservatory论民事保全制度

5)strengthening institution健全制度

1.After the October Revolution,many kinds of corruption phenomena began to appear,To make sure that the soviet political power belonged to the working people,and to keep government functionary from becoming the master of people,Lenin put forward series of steps in 3 aspects of improving organs,tightening severe laws andstrengthening institution.十月革命后 ,列宁针对苏俄党内和国家机关中出现的铺张浪费、贪污受贿、追求特权等腐败现象 ,为确保苏维埃政权的人民性 ,防止国家公职人员由社会公仆变为社会主人 ,列宁从改善队伍、严刑峻法、健全制度三个层面系统地提出了预防和消除腐败的一系列措施 ,筑起了反腐的三道防线 :加强对党员干部的思想教育 ,提高党员质量 ,让人不思贪 ;对于那些胆大妄为 ,贪赃枉法 ,置党国家和人民利益于不顾的腐败分子从重惩处 ,施以严刑 ,使人想贪而不敢贪 ;健全各种工作监督制度 ,更好地防止腐败的产生 ,即使产生了 ,也能很快地识别和消除 ,使人想贪而不能贪。

6)regulation completion制度健全


全民1.保全百姓。 2.全国人民;全体人民。
