100字范文 > 居民医保 the residents health insurance英语短句 例句大全

居民医保 the residents health insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-07 08:05:14


居民医保 the residents health insurance英语短句 例句大全

居民医保,the residents health insurance

1)the residents health insurance居民医保


1.To Promote Merging New Rural Cooperative Medical System with Residents Medical System and Build All-in-one Medical System推动新农合与居民医保二险合一 构建城乡居民一体化医疗保险体系

2.Analyzing the Health Insurance System for Urban Residents in Shanghai and Suggestions on it.上海城镇居民医保制度运行分析与对策建议

3.The practice exploration and development trend of health insurance system of urban residents城镇居民医保制度的实践探索与发展趋向

4.The Estimation and Control of Health Care Costs of Residents in Communities社区居民医疗保健费用的预测与控制

5.Innovation Research of China s Medical Insurance System for Urban Residents;我国城镇居民医疗保障制度创新研究

6.The risk and avoidance of medical insurance system in urban and town residents;城镇居民医疗保险制度的风险及规避

7.The Research and Development of Medical Insurance Management Information System for Urban Residents城镇居民医疗保险管理信息系统研发

8.Development of the Medical Security System of the Chinese Urban Residents我国城镇居民医疗保障制度发展研究

9.Problems and solutions:medical insurance system for urban residents in Jiangsu province江苏省城镇居民医疗保险问题及对策

10.The Applied Research of the Mangement Health Care in the Inhabitant Basic Medical Insurance;居民基本医疗保险中管理保健的应用研究

11.Investigate and analyse to recognize about Medical purpose of 520 residents in Baoding city保定市520名居民对医学目的认知的调查分析

12.Demand for Health Services and Health Insurance Research in the New Urbanized Townships;新城镇居民的卫生服务需求和医疗保险研究

13.Design and Realization of Towner Medical Insurance Management Information System;城镇居民医疗保险管理信息系统的设计与实现

14.Education and Medical Security for National Minorities Scattered and Living in Liaoning Province;辽宁省散居少数民族教育、医疗保障问题研究

15.The considerations on the management of essential medical insurance fixed setting for clinical visit;对居民基本医疗保险定点就诊管理的思考

16.Establishment Improvement and Supervisory Mechanism of the Basic Healthcare Insurance System for China Urban Dwellers;城镇居民基本医疗保险制度及其监督机制研究

17.The Construction and the Route Choice of Urban Residents Medical Security System in Our Country;我国城镇居民医疗保障体系的构建及路径选择

parative analysis on pilot proposal of urban essential medical insurance scheme;城镇居民基本医疗保险试行方案比较分析


city dwellers participating in medical insurance医保居民

3)Urban Residents Basic Health Insurance城镇居民医保

1.Investigation report about link between New Rural Cooperative Medical System andUrban Residents Basic Health Insurance in Huzhu County互助县新农合与城镇居民医保衔接的调查报告

4)basic medical security for urban residents城镇居民基本医疗保险

1.The country started a pilot work onbasic medical security for urban residents in .为解决这一问题,我国在启动了城镇居民基本医疗保险试点工作。

5)urban residenter medical security system城镇居民医疗保障制度

6)basic medical insurance for residents居民基本医疗保险

1.On 10~(th) of July, , the State Council issued the Opinions on Handling, Management and Service of the Basic Medical Insurance of Residents in Cities and Towns, and then launched the 79 cities pilot work ofbasic medical insurance for residents in cities and towns.7月10日,国务院发布《国务院关于开展城镇居民基本医疗保险试点的指导意见》,紧接着在7月23日,国务院《全国城镇居民基本医疗保险试点工作会议》在京召开,温家宝总理和吴仪副总理出席了会议并作了重要指示,启动了以79个城市为审批试点单位的城镇居民基本医疗保险试点,该政策计划到覆盖全国,届时它将与城镇职工基本医疗保险、新型农村合作医疗一道构成我国医疗保障制度的“三驾马车”,医保制度将覆盖全国13亿人口,真正实现“全民医保”。


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