100字范文 > 数学教学大纲 mathematics teaching syllabus英语短句 例句大全

数学教学大纲 mathematics teaching syllabus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-24 17:25:36


数学教学大纲 mathematics teaching syllabus英语短句 例句大全

数学教学大纲,mathematics teaching syllabus

1)mathematics teaching syllabus数学教学大纲

1.A Comparison Research of the Function Content Offered in High School Mathematics Curriculum Standards and Mathematics Teaching Syllabus;《高中数学课程标准》与《高中数学教学大纲》中函数部分内容设置的比较研究

2.A Comparison Research of the Chinese Elementary School Mathematics Teaching Syllabus in 1949~2000;1949~2000年中国小学数学教学大纲的比较研究

3.A Comparison Research of the Geometry Content Offered in Senior Middle School Mathematics Curriculum Standards and Mathematics Teaching Syllabus;《高中数学课程标准》与《高中数学教学大纲》中几何部分内容设置的比较研究


1.A Comparison and Interview Research of the Mathematics Teaching Syllabus for Junior Middle School;初中数学教学大纲的比较与访谈研究

paring on Function of Moral Education in Mathematics Teaching Outline and Mathematics Curriculum Standard;“数学课程标准”与“数学教学大纲”德育功能之比较

3.A Comparison Research of the Chinese Elementary School Mathematics Teaching Syllabus in 1949~2000;1949~2000年中国小学数学教学大纲的比较研究

4.A Comparison Research of the Chinese Middle School Mathematics Teaching Syllabus in 1949-2000;1949-2000年中国中学数学教学大纲的比较研究

parison between China and England on Mathematics Syllabus during Compulsory Education;中英义务教育段数学教学大纲的比较分析

6.Seeing the Development and Innovation of Our Country s Mathematics Pedagogic Synopsis Contrasting the Soviet Russia s;从前苏联数学教学大纲看我国中学数学教育的改革与发展

parative Research between Mathematics Curriculum Standards on Compulsory Education and Mathematics Syllabus for Junior Middle School;义务教育数学课程标准与初中数学教学大纲比较研究

8.On the Changes of the Mathematics Curriculum Standards Compared with the Mathematics Teaching Syllabus for Full-time Senior Middle School;论《高中数学课程标准》对《高中数学教学大纲》的发展

9.Carrying out steadily and actively thecurriculum reform in math teaching --A brief introduction of the math syllabusof high school (new version);积极稳妥地进行数学课程改革——介绍新编高中数学教学大纲

10.On Problems in Reforming Chinese Syllabus and Textbook;谈我国初中数学教学大纲和教材改革中的几个问题

11.Higher Vocational Mathematics and its Application Syllabus;《高职数学及其应用》课程教学大纲

parative Research between Mathematics Curriculum Criterion and Mathematics Syllabus for High School;新高中数学课程标准与原教学大纲的比较研究

13.Carrying out college English teaching program and deepening teaching reform;贯彻大学英语教学大纲深化教学改革

14.From Synthetic Syllabus to Analytic Syllabus:On the Shift of the Design Paradigms of Second Language Syllabuses;从综合大纲到分析大纲——论第二语言教学大纲设计范式的转变

15.The College English videos are designed to fit into the syllabus.大学英语录像带设计的事和教学大纲.

16.plan a programme of lectures for first-year students为大学一年级新生拟制教学大纲.

17.Introducing Cultural Elements into the Present College English Syllabus;论将文化因素引入大学英语教学大纲

18.Reflections on the Design of College English Syllabus编写大学英语教学大纲的思考(英文)


mathematics syllabus数学教学大纲

1.The new mathematics curriculum standards was developed based on summarizing and introspecting previous mathematics education, and it kept and expanded some characters ofmathematics syllabus.新数学课程标准是在总结和反思以前数学教育的基础上研制而成的,保留了数学教学大纲的一些特色,是大纲的继承与发展。

2.This text to《the mathematics course in common senior high school standard(experiment)》() with《themathematics syllabus in the fulltime system high school》(1996) the and it to should the teaching material the carry on the compare research, and get their a little bit same and different of place.本文对《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》()与《全日制中学数学教学大纲》(1996年)及其对应教材进行了比较研究,并得出了它们的相同点及不同之处。

3)teaching syllabus教学大纲

1.College English:teaching syllabus and vocabulary teaching;大学英语教学大纲与词汇教学

2.According to the undergraduate educational plan,some discussion was made about the selection of teaching material,teaching syllabus,curriculum content and the division of difficulty and emphasis in the Material Chemistry Course,based on the analysis of the existing course construction.基于《材料化学》课程建设的现状分析,按照材料化学专业人才培养计划,对《材料化学》课程的教材、教学大纲、教学内容的选择、难点与重点的区分等课程建设内容进行了探讨,并在课程实际教学中进行了一些相关实践。

3.The revision of theteaching syllabus for medical adult education is very important to research on medical theory and reformation in medical adult teaching.医学成人教育教学大纲的修订对医学理论研究与成人医学教学改革有重要的意义,修订医学成人教育教学大纲时应详细了解现有教学大纲的弊端,确定修订大纲的指导思想、修订原则、操作思路及其结构等方面问题;特别应注重在新的教学模式下教师与学生之间的平等、互动关系,力求创造出有利于教学相长的大环境。

4)teaching program教学大纲

1.It is introduced that theteaching program,teaching material,practice program,subject design and graduation design of the “Urban Refuse Disposal” subject for the environmental engineering speciality have been done in Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction.介绍了环境工程专业“城市垃圾治理”课的教学大纲、教材、实习、课程设计及毕业设计等内容 。

2.It embodiesteaching program in specific terms.教材是反映教学模式的知识载体,是教学大纲的具体体现,教材的选择是教学成功与否的关键。

3.This text aims at the problems in mechanical principle course , and puts forward that it must starts off from desalinating the specialty and strengthening the foundation, and confirms mechanical principle overall situation position and action in person of ability cultivates and breaks the fetter ofteaching program, and quickens the mechanical principle course reformation.就《机械原理》课程存在问题,提出必须从淡化专业,加强基础出发,确定《机械原理》课程在人才培养全局中的地位和作用,以打破教学大纲束缚,加快机械原理课程改革。


1.A study of the revision of thesyllabus for the course "The Elementals of Circuit Analysis;“电路分析基础”课程教学大纲修订的研究

2.Briefly on position ofsyllabus in English curriculum teaching;浅谈教学大纲在英语课程教学中的地位

3.Scientific procedures for constituting and revising Englishsyllabus of elementary education;基础教育英语教学大纲制订及修改的科学程序

6)teaching programme教学大纲

1.The reason and possibility for PEteaching programme to be “four basis ”;论体育教学大纲为何 能否成为“四个依据”

2.In order to undr-stand new course criteria accurately and grasp the contents, structures and features of new course criteria, the writer has had a comparing research for chemical course criteria of junior middle school and chemicalteaching programme.《全日制义务教育化学课程标准》(实验稿)(简称“课程标准”),是21世纪初我国化学课程改革的一个重要文件,为了准确理解新课程标准的理念,把握新课程标准的内客、结构和特征,笔者就初中化学课程标准与初中化学教学大纲进行了比较研究。


