100字范文 > 现状偏见 status quo bias英语短句 例句大全

现状偏见 status quo bias英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-17 20:14:08


现状偏见 status quo bias英语短句 例句大全

现状偏见,status quo bias

1)status quo bias现状偏见

1.Based on the behavior economics,it investigates the excrescent phenomenon of the health demand,and it reveals that people is not complete reasonable,mental account,risk aversion,framing effect,preference reversal,status quo bias etc.主要从行为经济学的角度,对健康需求市场上与传统理论相异常的现象进行分析,认为人们由于并非是完全理性的,存在着心理账户、风险规避、框架效应、非线性偏好、现状偏见等心理行为因素都会对人们的健康需求行为有显著影响,从而导致人们的实际行为选择与传统理论的理性人行为选择的差异,出现了老年健康需求大、预防性需求少等社会现象。

2)the warps in status quo现状偏差


1.The Warp of the Knowledge of Law in the Status Quo:By the Mirror of Leprosy;法学知识的现状偏差——以麻风病作为切入点

2.nuclear excursion反应堆工作状况偏差

3.The deviations are thus only apparent.这种偏差只是表面现象。


5.The Target Deviation between Government and Peasent: Phenomenon,Fact and Correcting;政府与粮农目标偏差:表现、实质与矫治

6.Analysis on Present-day Situation of Juvenile Deviate Behavior and Delict in Macao;澳门青少年偏差及违法行为现况分析

7.Realizing the Smallest Zoro Affect Approximation for Runge Function During the Course of Matlab;在Matlab中对Runge函数实现最小零偏差逼近

8.On the Phenomenon of Personal Mentality Diviation in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms;《三国演义》中的人事心理偏差现象

9.unbias(s)ed variance无偏方差, 均方差

10.Influence of AHU air volume on indoor design states空调机组风量偏差对室内状态点的影响

11.A Study on Senior Students Unbalanced Learning and Its Influencing Factors;高中生个体偏科现状及影响因素研究

12.Research Status and Development of Permanent Magnet Biased Magnetic Bearings永磁偏置磁轴承的研究现状及其发展

13.Implementation Differences of Provincial Comprehensive Land Use Planning at the Province Level Based on Departure Degree of Land Use;基于用地状态偏离度的省域土地利用总体规划实施状况差异研究

14.Provide sufficient detail to fully describe the deviation and subsequent corrective action/resolution.详细描述所出现的偏差和记录后来的矫正措施。

15.A departure from these is suggestive of an active process.其中出现的偏差暗示着有一种主动的过程。

16.Rational Analysis of the Orientation Deviation Phenomenon in Educational Technology Evaluation;教育技术评价导向偏差现象的理性分析

17.Analysis of the Deviation Phenomenon in the Implementation of College Students Loaning Policy;大学生贷款政策执行过程中的“偏差”现象探析

18.Sociological Analysis of the Socialization Deviation of Young Children;从社会学视角透析儿童社会化偏差现象


the warps in status quo现状偏差

3)a prejudice against modern art对现代艺术有偏见


1.Understanding the view of prejudice and the scientific definition of catagory;梳理诠释学的偏见观 正视范畴的科学界定

2.Language prejudice and language equal——Viewing on good and bad of language from Language:An Introduction to the Study of Speech written by Edward·Sapir;语言偏见和语言平等——从爱德华·萨皮尔《语言论—言语研究导论》看语言的优劣观

3.Review on Domestic and overseas Researches ofPrejudice;国内外民族偏见理论及研究现状


1.This paper exposes the truth ofbias existing in the communication.文章揭示了传播中存在的偏见;利用媒介素养教育的有关理论开展了对传播偏见的解读和批判,从而帮助受众认清传媒,准确判断现实环境,发展自我。

2.Based on the notions of Gadamer s philosophical hermeneutics——historical interpretation and thebiased conception,this paper analyzes that,as an interpreter,the translator s creative treason against the original is an objective phenomenon with its rational and unavoidable qualities,and points out that the translator s subjectivity should be emphasized.本文从伽达默尔哲学阐释学理解的历史性和偏见观的概念着手,分析在翻译活动中作为阐释者的译者对原作的创造性叛逆这一客观现象的合理性和不可避免性,指出译者的主体性应得到重视。

3.Bias in justice can be divided into appropriatebias and inappropriatebias,both of which will have an influence on the judicial process.偏见在司法中可以分为正当的司法偏见与不正当的司法偏见,两种偏见都会对司法过程产生一定影响。

6)Favorable prejudice or bias.偏袒或偏见


现状1.显现的情状。 2.目前的状况。
