100字范文 > 工程现状 project status quo英语短句 例句大全

工程现状 project status quo英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-25 18:01:19


工程现状 project status quo英语短句 例句大全

工程现状,project status quo

1)project status quo工程现状


1.Status of China s Engineering Construction and Suggestions;当前中国的工程现状及其成因与建言

2.Reflections on the Status Quo of the National Fitness Program;对我国全民健身路径工程现状的思考

3.Quality current situation of our group company construction engineering and treatment measures;某施工企业建筑工程质量现状与治理

4.Review of the Research on Grinding Process of Engineering Ceramics工程陶瓷材料磨削加工工艺研究现状与进展

5.Subsea Pipeline Engineering in Bohai Bay--Present Situation,Characteristics and Problems渤海海底管道工程的现状、特点和问题

6.Analysis and Study of the Maintenance-repair Status of Construction Machinery;工程机械维修现状及对策分析与研究

parison and Study of the Current Situation of Domestic and Overseas Engineering Project Management;国际国内工程项目管理现状比较研究

8.Development of Cast-in-place Bored Pile Technology in Hydraulic Project;钻孔灌注桩在水利工程中的应用现状

9.The discussion on existing condition of supervision system in road engineering construction;公路工程建设中监理制度的现状探讨

10.Study on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Systematical Engineering:"Combination of Sports and Education";“体教结合”系统工程的现状与对策研究

11.Analysis the Current Situation of the Construction and the Application of Modern Distance Education Project of Middle and Primary Schools in Western Rural Area;西部“农远工程”建设及应用现状分析

12.Research on the Current Situation in Project of Returning Farmlard to Forests in Ningxia Province;宁夏退耕还林(草)工程实施现状研究

13.Social Security System for National Natural Forest Conservation Program:Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures;天保工程中社会保障现状、问题及对策

14.The Status Quo of the Field Practice by Food Engineering Majors and Its Countermeasures;食品工程专业学生实习的现状与对策

15.On the Situation of the Development of Industrialization in Western Regions of China and Suggestions for Policy;西部地区工业化进程现状及对策研究

16.Research of Status and Mechanism Creating of Conversion Crop land to Forest and Grass;退耕还林(草)工程的现状与对策研究

parison and Discussion on the Current Situation of Engineering Project Management at Home and Abroad;国内外工程项目管理现状比较与探讨

18.A Study on the Status of the Engineers and Technical Experts in Modern China;中国现代工程技术专家群体状况研究


current situation of natural forest protection天保工程现状

3)On present situation of project supervision工程监理现状分析

4)present situation工作现状

1.Objective To comprehend thepresent situation of the prevention and control of diabetes in basic units of Shandong Province,and to probe into its work patterns in future.目的了解山东省基层糖尿病防治工作现状,探讨今后工作模式。

5)working status工作现状

1.Investigation and analysis on the currentworking status of advanced diploma nurses in 28 hospitals;28所医院护理高职毕业生岗位工作现状调查与分析

2.In this paper,the general goal of port security is put forward first,and then on the basis of introducingworking status on the port security,the measures to prevent the accident of port security are researched.文中首先提出了港口安全的总体目标,然后在介绍了港口安全工作现状的基础上,研究了预防港口安全事故发生的措施。

6)the present situation of construction施工现状


坦克维修工程车(见坦克保养工程车、坦克修理工程车)坦克维修工程车(见坦克保养工程车、坦克修理工程车)tank maintenance %26 repair vehicle一““、、’v‘丈人1以gUflgCnengChe坦克维修工程车(:artk Inaintenane。%26repair vehicle)装有坦克维修设备、仪器、工具的技术保障车辆。见坦克保养工程车、坦克修理工程车。
